Rarity erzählt vom Dauerduell Form gegen Funktion und wie man die unter einen Hut kriegt.
Rarity: Welcome to Rarity's Peek Behind the Boutique, where I share the inspiration behind my creations. Ponies often ask me, "Rarity, do you really have something to wear for every occasion? And I answer, "Of coooourrrrse!" Fashion can be inspired by function. A cravat to warm the neck. Heels to stand tall. And, my personal favorite, hats! Whether mysterious, glamorous, or... Applejack-ilicious! You can wear them anytime, anywhere, any season. When choosing couture, think about the function you're attending. Does it call for bows? Buckles? Brooches? Hmmm. Needs more drama! [clears throat] Actually, those are a bit much. I personally believe that a true artiste can combine fashion and function. I give you my Hotel Chic collection! Simple yet chic! Refined yet daring! Now strike a pose! There's no need to choose sensible over fabulous. Simply pack more!