マイリトルポニー Wiki
Celestial Advice
Starlight Glimmer surrounded by friends S7E1
シーズン №: 7
シーズンエピソード №: 1
合計エピソード №: 144
放送日: 2017/4/15
脚本: Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco
ストーリーボード: Kaylea Chard and Mike Myhre
注目キャラクター: スターライトグリマー

To Where and Back Again - Part 2

All Bottled Up

Celestial Adviceはマイリトルポニー〜トモダチは魔法〜のシーズン7の最初のエピソードで、全体では144番目のエピソード。



DVDMy Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Twilight And Starlightに収録されているエピソードである。[1]



Twilight "the first thing she'll see when she wakes up" S7E1




Twilight "she taught me about this one!" S7E1


しばらくして、城のダイニングホールはクイーンクリサリスからエクエストリアを救ったスターライトグリマー、トリクシーディスコードトーラックスの4人を表彰するため多くのポニーが集まった。クリサリスの侵略の阻止、およびチェンジリングたちの解放という功績を讃え、4人には"Pink Heart of Courage"(ハート型の宝石がはめこまれたメダル)が授与された。後のレセプションパーティーへと場面が切り替わり、ディスコードがトワイライトにどのような計画をしているか質問をする。トワイライトはこの先3年分の友情のレッスンを用意していると回答するが、ディスコードは一笑に付し、グリマーは既に友情レッスンを受ける以上の成長を見せていると話した。



Starlight and Sunburst fight the black hole's pull S7E1


ディスコードが残りのメーン6にトワイライトの計画を伝えたのち、トワイライトはグリマーが友情を学ぶ舞台となる場所をシミュレーションで探った。最初のシミュレーションではグリマーをChangeling Kingdomに派遣し、チェンジリングたちの新しい生活様式に慣れるように助力をさせた。セレスティアはこのアイディアを認めるものの、トワイライトはチェンジリングの悪意で彼女に対する反乱が起きることを危惧する。

次のシミュレーションでは、グリマーをDragon Landsに派遣し、エンバーや他のドラゴンと過ごさせた。しかし、ドラゴンたちの活動があまりに暴力的でグリマーが処理しきれないとトワイライトは危惧をする。更に次のシミュレーションではグリマーをクリスタルエンパイアに送り、サンバーストと共に魔法の研究を続けさせようと試みた。だが、彼女が野心的で複雑な呪文を試し、ブラックホールに巻き込まれてしまう可能性があるとトワイライトは心配した。

Celestia "taught me just as much as I taught you" S7E1



"Letting someone spread their wings doesn't mean you no longer have a place in their lives."


Starlight's reflection in her wall mirror S7E1





Spike: Uh, so... what are you wearin'?
Starlight Glimmer: Not sure. Why? Am I supposed to dress up?
Spike: No! I-I mean, you could. It's like Rarity always says... [imitating Rarity] "There's no such thing as overdressed, darling. You're just the best-looking pony in the room." [chuckles]
Trixie: It was the Great and Powerful Trrrrixie's pleasure to save you from your imminent doom.
Discord: Yes, because you did it all by yourself.
Princess Celestia: It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? Watching your student shine the way you always knew they could.
Twilight Sparkle: [laughs] My cheeks are sore. I don't think I've ever smiled this much in my life.
Princess Celestia: I can only imagine what that feels like.
Changeling 1: So, uh, you can't have friendship without makeovers?
Applejack: Eh, no-not exactly.
Spike: Hmm, this doesn't seem like something Starlight and Thorax would do.
Princess Celestia: Uh, this is Twilight's fantasy, Spike. There is no wrong way to fantasize.
Twilight Sparkle: Thank you.
Goofy Changeling: Starlight Glimmer is a most apt and perspicacious pony.
Spike: Yep. Definitely a Twilight fantasy.
Spike: Uh, that probably won't happen.
Twilight Sparkle: But it could! I can't just send her off to Celestia-knows-where without thinking it through!
Princess Celestia: Hmm. I was not aware that I was an expression. An appropriate one, of course, for even I don't know the answers.
Starlight Glimmer: Ember!
Princess Ember: Starlight!
Starlight Glimmer and Princess Ember: [grunt]
Princess Ember: You ready to do some death-defying dragon stuff?
Starlight Glimmer: Ah, totally!
Spike: Okay, that doesn't sound anything like Ember or Starlight.
Twilight Sparkle: Who knows what their dynamic would be, Spike?
Princess Celestia: Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a very bright young filly. [voiceover] She was truly one of my best students.
Spike: [voiceover] Are you talking about Twilight? I can't see what you're thinking about.
Princess Celestia: [voiceover] Yes, Spike.
Princess Celestia: What if she runs into a manticore? Or what if she gets pulled into Tartarus? Or, worst of all, what if she doesn't get along with anypony?
Guard 1: Are we supposed to say something?
Guard 2: I don't think so.
Discord: I may have let it slip that you'd be unveiling your big plan for Starlight tonight. Silly me. But we're all very excited to hear what you've cooked up. [beat] You weren't coming up with a plan just now, were you? Oh, dear. This could be pretty embarrassing for you.
Twilight Sparkle: [sarcastically] Gee, thanks, Discord.
Discord: Any time. I really love being helpful.
Discord: [referring to Starlight] Darn it. I was hoping you'd send her to my realm. We could've been roomies. Way to not pick up what I was putting down.
Trixie: How do you wanna celebrate? Girls' trip to Las Pegasus?
Thorax: We could throw you a changeling gourd fest! Uh, it's more fun than it sounds.
Discord: Or we could go cause a little mischief. I know a trick that'll turn Celestia's castle into cheese. Do you think it's a "gouda" idea? [laughs] That's just the first of many cheese jokes if we go down this path.
Twilight Sparkle: Starlight, trust me, you're ready.
Starlight Glimmer: Yeah. No, I'm not.
Twilight Sparkle: What are you talking about?
Starlight Glimmer: I'm not ready to leave!
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, good! 'Cause I'm not ready for that either! Here! I got you this present. It was going to be a "congrats on getting a medal of honor" present, but then I was afraid it would have to be a going-away present, but now, it's a "I couldn't be happier you're staying" present! It fits perfectly over your dresser! I know. I measured.
Starlight Glimmer: Thank you.
Twilight Sparkle: I may not know what comes next for you, but, whatever it is, I promise I'll always be there for you.


Celestia comforting Twilight and Spike S7E1

Celestial Advice image gallery(英語)

