My Little Pony signatursang | |
Episode | Alle episodene |
Karakt(er) | Twilight Sparkle Applejack Fluttershy Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Rarity |
Artist(er) | Cecilie Jørstad (Årstid 1), Tiril Heide-Steen (Årstid 2 - Nåværende) Anniken Marie Nielsen (Årstid 1 - Nåværende) Benedikte Kruse Lena Meieran Siri Nilsen Hanne Dancke Arnesen |
Lengde | 0:35 |
Sesong | Sesong 1 |
- [Twilight Sparkle]
- My Little Pony, My Little Pony
- Ahh ahh ahh ahhh…
- [Bakgrunn]
- My Little Pony
- [Twilight Sparkle]
- Jeg savnet vennskap her på livets vei
- [Bakgrunn]
- My Little Pony
- [Twilight Sparkle]
- Helt til dere ga noe magisk til meg:
- [Rainbow Dash]
- Masse morro,
- [Pinkie Pie]
- Eventyr,
- [Rarity]
- Et hjerte så fint,
- [Applejack]
- Man tror man flyr,
- [Fluttershy]
- Dele gleder,
- [Twilight Sparkle]
- Det er lett å gi,
- Så trengs det bare litt magi!
- Du har My Little Pony
- Vet du at ditt vennskap er magi for meg?
Oversettelse på engelsk[]
- [Twilight Sparkle]
- My Little Pony, My Little Pony
- Ahh ahh ahh ahhh…
- [Bakgrunn]
- My Little Pony
- [Twilight Sparkle]
- I lacked friendship here on the road of life
- [Bakgrunn]
- My Little Pony
- [Twilight Sparkle]
- Until you gave something magical to me:
- [Rainbow Dash]
- Lots of fun,
- [Pinkie Pie]
- Adventure,
- [Rarity]
- A heart so nice,
- [Applejack]
- You think you are flying,
- [Fluttershy]
- Share happiness,
- [Twilight Sparkle]
- It is easy to give,
- So all it takes is a little magic!
- You are My Little Pony
- Do you know that your friendship is magic for me?
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