Days Gone By (Auld Lang Syne) — jedna z piosenek świątecznych z albumu „It's a Pony Kind of Christmas”. Jest to cover słynnego szkockiego poematu świątecznego Auld Lang Syne, napisanego przez Roberta Burnsa w 1788 roku. Piosenka została wykonana przez Ashleigh Ball, Michelle Creber i Tabithę St. Germain, głosami Applejack, Apple Bloom i babci Smith.
- [Applejack]
- When family cannot be here
- Having journeyed far and wide
- We sing a song to honor them
- To remember days gone by
- [Applejack i Apple Bloom]
- So take your cup and raise it high
- Just as surely I'll do mine
- And laugh we will at stories told
- As we smile at days gone by
- As we smile at days gone by
- [Applejack, Apple Bloom i Granny Smith]
- For family not here, my dears
- Having journeyed far and wide
- For loyalty and kindness both
- We smile at days gone by
- [Chór]
- [wokalizowanie]
- [Applejack]
- Our paths will cross again one day
- In time to reunite
- For family is always near
- Even when the seas are wide
- [Applejack i Apple Bloom]
- So take your cup and raise it high
- Just as surely I'll do mine
- And make a toast for family
- And the tales of days gone by
- [Wszyscy]
- For family not here, my dears
- Having journeyed far and wide
- For loyalty and kindness both
- Take joy at days gone by
- For loyalty and kindness both
- We smile at days gone by