My Little Pony A Amizade é Mágica Wiki
My Little Pony A Amizade é Mágica Wiki
Consertando o celeiro T3E08

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Pônei de fundo

Galeria de Imagens
Imagem feminino
Formato de cor
Formato de cor
Formato de cor
Três guarda-chuvas
60px-PonyMaker Umbrella

Parasol é o nome dado por fãs a uma pégaso fêmea que tem a pelagem da cor baunilha, a crina da cor de uma orquídea e olhos laranjas. Sua Marca são três guarda-chuvas. Ela compartilha seu design com Sassaflash

Descrição na série[]


Parasol com os olhos em Ciano

Parasol aparece frequentemente como um pônei de fundo em Ponyville e Cloudsdale. Em cenas de festas como em O Convite Extra, Um Pássaro no Casco e A Melhor Noite de Todas ela aparece com uma saia azul e seus olhos são azul turquesa.

Ela teve sua primeira aparição no episódio A Amizade é Mágica, Parte 1 no meio da multidão de pôneis para a celebração do Solstício de Verão. Em Sentido Pinkie, ela aparece com Derpye Sunshower Raindrops depois que elas acidentalmente deixam cair vários objetos em Twilight Sparkle, ela mantém um olhar assustado para as duas e depois continua a voar com uma expressão séria.

Snowflake inspection S1E16

Inspecionando flocos de neve

Parasol aparece no episódio Arco-Íris Supersônico como uma das funcionárias na fábrica do tempo. Ela também participa da competição O Melhor Jovem Voador, seu número na competição era "6" e depois foi mudado para "5" por Rainbow Dash.

Em Dia do Coração ela fica na companhia de um garanhão debaixo de um parasol durante a canção O Melhor Pônei. No episódio A Fluttershy Furacão, ela ajuda a a equipe de pégasos a criar o tornado para levar a água para Cloudsdale.

Na quarta temporada, ela aparece em A Queda de Rainbow, Orgulhosa Pinkie, Modos Simples, Filli Vanilli, Não é Fácil Ser Breezies, Salto de Fé, Trocas!, Jogos de Equestria, O Reino da Twilight – Parte 1, e O Reino da Twilight – Parte 2.


Há duas versões de Parasol, ambas com marcas diferentes e com a crina de cor diferente, cada uma aparece em Caçadores de Exibicionistas e Duelo Mágico. Uma versão com o pelagem cinza aparece em Passagem do Inverno e O Espremedor de Cidra Superveloz 6.000. Um pônei com o design de Parasol, mas sem asas e marca aparece em Caçadores de Exibicionistas assistindo Twilight Sparkle.


Primeira temporada
1 18:43 ~ 19:24 – voando na praça, 19:59 – na cerimônia da Princesa Celestia.
2 1:27 – fugindo da Nightmare Moon  (olhos turquesa)..

3:34 ~ 4:10 – na audiência dos Wonderbolts na imaginação de Rainbow Dash, 16:45 – carregando Twilight, 16:49 – (olhos turquesa), 16:55, 16:59 – usando uma saia, 17:09, 17:16 – na multidão. Duplicado: 3:34 – um pônei duplicado na multidão.

4 4:52 ~ 7:41 – na audiência da festa de Applejack.
5 Nenhuma.
6 2:18 – flying above the crowd for Trixie's show, 6:13 – on the ground cheering for Applejack's performance, 6:38, 7:19 – cheering for Rainbow Dash's performance, 17:44 – looking out in awe at the Ursa and Twilight Sparkle's magic (without wings or a cutie mark).

Duplicates: Not quite duplicates, but two pegasi with similar color schemes but different cutie marks appear at 2:18 hovering above Trixie's audience. One has an hourglass cutie mark, the other has a turquoise mane and a cutie mark that resembles three raindrops.

7 1:48 – voando no parque procurando Derpy, 20:11 – limpando a fumaça.
8 0:09 – empurrando uma nuvem com "Cloud Kicker", 1:06 – empurrando uma nuvem novamente com "Cloud Kicker".
9 Nenhuma.
10 Nenhuma.
11 2:30 – na multidão ouvindo a prefeita, 2:47 – na equipe de clima, 3:47 – chutando nuvens com Derpy, 3:51 – explodindo nuvens com Derpy e Sprinkle Medley, 5:12 – cantando em cima do telhado com uma pá, 5:45 – cantando com a equipe de clima, 20:25 – na multidão olhando a prefeita e Twilight (olhos turquesa).

Duplicado: 15:59 – duas versões com pelo cinza atrás de Rainbow Dash, 16:06.

12 Nenhuma.
13 5:24 – torcendo para Rainbow Dash em uma nuvem, 5:29, 7:35 – segurando o banner de Rainbow Dash, 18:51 – standing near the finish line of the Running of the Leaves, 19:30 ~ 19:36 – in the crowd watching Rainbow Dash and Applejack fight, 20:35 – bowing before Princess Celestia.
14 13:05 – walking up to Rarity's fashion show, 14:27 – cringing at the dresses.

Duplicates: 14:28 – one duplicate in the crowd.

15 11:09 – looking at Derpy and Sunshower Raindrops after they drop delivery items and then flying off with a box on her back.
16 6:28 – flying in Cloudsdale, 9:22 – flying alongside "Cloud Kicker", 10:11 – examining snowflakes in the weather factory (wearing a white cap and coat with a furry collar and earmuffs), 10:23 – watches as the snowflakes are blown away, 10:24 ~ 10:28 – running frantically trying to catch the snowflakes with a bucket, 10:37 – mixing the rainbows with a large ladle (without the furry collar and earmuffs), 11:47 – pressing down on a fan in the cloud-making section, 11:54 – fawning over Rarity and her wings, 12:05, 12:15 – staring in awe at Rarity's light display, 12:23, 12:35, 12:49, 12:52 – following after Rarity, 13:08 – in the audience for the Best Young Flyer competition (without her white cap and coat), 13:14 – standing backstage among the participants (contestant #6, eyes are green), 13:24 ~ 13:30 – back in the audience (no tag, eyes are orange), 14:11 – backstage talking to Derpy (with her tag, eyes are green), 14:33 – watching winged Caramel show off his biceps (tag switched to #5), 16:05 – back in the audience without her tag (eyes are orange), 16:57 – kind of looking away from Rarity's spinning, 17:20 – looking up at Rainbow Dash, 17:53 – watching Rarity fall, 18:08 – watching Rainbow dive, 20:03 – standing in the audience, 20:36, 20:56, 21:21.

Duplicates: 13:08 – two duplicates in the audience, 13:24 – one duplicate, 13:30 – two duplicates, 16:06, 18:08 – four duplicates, 20:04 – one duplicate, 20:56, 21:21 – two duplicates.

17 None.
18 18:46 – laughing at the talent show, 20:02 – applauding.

Duplicates: 20:02 – many duplicates in the audience.

19 None.
20 16:43 ~ 18:42 – in the audience at Fluttershy's latest fashion show, 17:47 – sticks her tongue out.
21 None.
22 3:22 – at the party for Princess Celestia (eyes are turquoise, wearing a light blue skirt), 4:01 – carrying a teacup, 4:10 – carrying the teacup away from Rarity (skirt is gone but eyes are still turquoise), 4:39 – smiling without the teacup in her mouth (skirt is back), 4:46 – chewing something while the teacup is perched on her back.
23 7:11 – standing on a cloud before the race starts in Fluttershy's flashback, 11:18 ~ 11:29 – standing in the audience for the performance in Rarity's flashback, 11:58 – flying in Canterlot in Twilight Sparkle's flashback, 18:27 – standing on a cloud before the race starts in Rainbow Dash's flashback.
24 None.
25 None.
26 4:43 – standing in line for Applejack's stand in her fantasy, 5:24 – singing after Rarity's part (eyes are turquoise), 6:14 – smiles at Pinkie Pie in her fantasy, 6:44 – singing after Twilight Sparkle's part, 6:47 – marching and singing, 6:56, 7:11 – singing the finale, 8:06 – talking with Fine Line in Canterlot Castle (wearing her light blue skirt), 9:31 – sees Rainbow Dash catch Soarin's pie (without her skirt), 10:39 – looking crossly at Pinkie Pie, 10:44 – glaring at Pinkie from a different spot in the room (skirt is back), 12:07 – climbing up the stairs (without her skirt), 12:41 – walking in front of Applejack's stand (with her skirt), 12:55 – sitting on a cushion outside and facing "Sir Pony Moore", 13:02 – walking up to Princess Celestia and bowing to her, 15:16 – staring at Pinkie when she makes her announcement, 19:19 – looking at Rainbow Dash.

Duplicates: 6:47 – at least one duplicate, 6:56, 7:11.

Season two
1 20:13 - in a vision of Cloudsdale crumbling
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 17:15 - listening to Granny Smith
6 None
7 None
8 2:20 - watching Rainbow Dash save Aura; 4:28, 4:32 - cheering for Rainbow Dash
9 10:06 - in a checkboard shot of ponies during Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know)
10 None
11 None
12 5:44 - in the Ponyville marketplace next to Merry May (no wings)
13 None
14 2:43, 2:58, 3:02 - at Applejack's sendoff party
15 2:43 - in line for apple cider; 5:09 ~ 6:55 - in the crowd during The Flim Flam Brothers; 21:13 - in line for apple cider
16 None
17 0:02 - in Ponyville Town Square; 4:13 - at a cafe table with "Silver Script"
18 5:04 ~ 5:46 - appears during Smile Song
19 7:27 ~ 8:48 - at Iron Will's seminar (with multiple duplicates)
20 None
21 None.
22 0:30 - outside Golden Oak Library; 2:41, 3:25, 3:34 - inside the library; 3:39 ~ 3:58, 6:59, 8:35 ~ 8:42, 13:31 - on the training field; 14:39 ~ 15:47 - at the reservoir (with several duplicates)
23 0:02 - in wide-angle shot of Ponyville; 0:31 - on front cover of Foal Free Press (blue eyes, no wings); 9:12 - in the Ponyville marketplace
24 None
25 None
26 5:58 - at the wedding during This Day Aria, Part 1 (with several duplicates); 17:34 - at the second wedding; 18:59 - in the large crowd
Season three
1 None
2 None
3 13:26 - in the crowd complaining about Pinkie Pie
4 None.
5 3:03 - near Town Hall when Trixie appears; 20:32 - watching Twilight perform for the Saddle Arabians

Duplicates: 3:03 - one in the crowd; 20:32 - three in the stands

6 0:19 - flying through Ponyville
7 2:28 - in the background when Rainbow Dash arrives at the academy; 2:32 - taking off from the track; 2:35 - flying through a cloud ring; 18:04, 18:09 - watches Rainbow Dash's friends get carried to safety

Duplicates: 2:31 - one in the background

8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 1:05, 1:15 - in Rainbow Dash's flashback
13 0:51 - flying through the air during Morning in Ponyville; 13:06 ~ 13:26 - in the crowd during A True, True Friend; 20:01 - at Twilight's princess coronation; 20:53, 21:03 - in the crowd during Life in Equestria

Duplicates: 20:01 - three in the crowd

Season four
1 0:47 - flying through Canterlot
2 21:00 - in the crowd at the Summer Sun Celebration
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 4:26 - flying over the tryout fields; 7:50 - watching Soarin fall out of the sky; 19:49, 19:59 - watching the qualification tryouts; 21:06 - seen in the audience
11 None
12 3:09 - with other ponies during Pinkie the Party Planner; 5:20 ~ 6:33 - seen during The Super Duper Party Pony; 13:10 ~ 16:32 - watching Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's goof off; 18:21 - in Cheese Sandwich's flashback during Cheese Confesses; 19:29 - assisting with the party efforts; 20:09 - seen during Make a Wish
13 0:08, 0:10 - at the Ponyville Days Festival announcement

Duplicates: several at 0:10

14 4:07 - helping set up the Ponyville Pet Center fundraiser
15 None
16 6:17 - cheering for Fluttershy
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|17]] None
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|18]] None
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|19]] None
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|20]] 3:35, 3:40 - inside the tent; 19:09 - in the crowd of ponies
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|21]] None
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|22]] 5:42 - walking with a cooking pot; 19:17 - at the Traders Exchange trial
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|23]] None
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|24]] 0:11 ~ 0:41, 1:12 ~ 1:34 - on the train to the Crystal Empire; 2:26 - getting off the train; 6:09, 6:10 - awaiting the lighting of the Jogos de Equestria torch; 6:49, 7:20 - in the Jogos de Equestria crowd; 8:20 - listening to Shining Armor; 14:36 - listening to Spike sing; 18:30, 18:32 - watching the ice cloud fall; 18:38 - flying up to catch the ice cloud; 20:46 - watching the closing ceremonies
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|25]] 16:28 - in a Salto de Fé flashback; 20:29, 20:32 - flying toward Lord Tirek
[[Predefinição:Nameconvert|26]] 20:19 - walking up to Twilight's castle; 20:30 ~ 20:57 - seen during Let the Rainbow Remind You


Ponyville Crowd Cheer2 S2E14
Galeria de imagens de "Parasol"