My Little Pony A Amizade é Mágica Wiki
Para a lista de todos os pôneis que aparecem ou são mencionados na série, veja Lista de Pôneis.
MLP Facebook 'One Million Friends' poster

As listas desta página referem-se aos personagens chave da série e serve como um índice para todos os artigos baseados nos personagens.


Personagens principais
Cutie Mark Crusaders

Família Apple
Família Pie
Família Shy
Família Cake
Young Six

Família Rich
Pôneis em idade escolar
Os Wonderbolts
Pilares da Antiga Equestria
Outros personagens pôneis
Personagens Terciários

Personagens não pôneis
Personagens de Equestria Girls
Animais de estimação

Criaturas e animais
Pôneis de fundo

Personagens principais

A maioria dos episódios foca em pelo menos um dos personagens a seguir.

Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash


Personagens de apoio

Cutie Mark Crusaders
Apple Bloom ID S5E18
Apple Bloom
Scootaloo ID S5E18
Sweetie Belle ID S5E18
Sweetie Belle
Babs Seed ID S3E4
Babs Seed
Gabby ID S6E19

Celestia talking ID S1E13
Princesa Celestia
Princess Luna smiling S2E04
Princesa Luna
Prince Blueblood ID S1E03

Príncipe Blueblood

Shining Armor ID S4E26
Shining Armor
Princess Cadance ID S4E11
Princesa Cadance
King Leo ID UtSS
Rei Leo
Prince Rutherford ID S5E11

Principe Rutherford

Flurry Heart ID S6E1
Flurry Heart
Princess Ember ID S6E5
Princesa Ember
Thorax new form ID S6E26
Princess Skystar ID MLPTM
Princesa Skystar
Queen Novo ID MLPTM
Rainha Ivona
FIENDship is Magic issue 1 Princess Amore
Princesa Amore
Família Apple
Granny Smith ID S2E06
Vovó Smith
Big McIntosh onstage ID S2E05
Big McIntosh
Braeburn ID S1E21
Aunt and Uncle Orange thumb
Tia e Tio Orange
Hayseed Turnip Truck ID S2E9
Hayseed Turnip Truck
Apple Strudel ID S2E12
Apple Strudel
Applesauce ID S3E08
Tia Applesauce
Apple Rose ID S3E08
Apple Rose
Goldie Delicious ID S4E09
Goldie Delicious
Bright Mac and Pear Butter thumb S7E13
Bright Mac e Pear Butter
The Apple Family together S3E08
A Família Apple
Família Pie
Limestone and Marble Pie thumb ID S5E20
Limestone Pie e Marble Pie
Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz thumb ID S5E20
Igneous Rock
e Cloudy Quartz
Maud Pie ID S4E18
Maud Pie
Família Shy
Mr. and Mrs. Shy thumb S6E11
Sr. e Sra. Shy
Zephyr Breeze ID S6E11
Zephyr Breeze
Família Cake
Sr. e Sra. Cake
Pound Cake Pumpkin Cake sitting smiling S2E13
Pound Cake e Pumpkin Cake
Young Six[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
Gallus thumb S8E1Silverstream thumb S8E1Smolder thumb S8E1Yona thumb S8E1Sandbar thumb S8E1Ocellus thumb S8E1

Outros personagens importantes

Família Rich
Diamond Tiara ID S5E18
Diamond Tiara
Filthy Rich ID S2E12
Filthy Rich
Spoiled Rich ID S5E18
Spoiled Rich
Pôneis em idade escolar
Silver Spoon ID S4E15
Silver Spoon
Twist smiles ID S1E12
Snips talks to Spike ID S1E06
Snails ID S1E06
Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie thumb
Sunny Daze e Peachy Pie
Pipsqueak ID S4E15
Featherweight thumb S2E23
Rumble id S2E22
Tag-A-Long ID S3E11
Filly Guides
Zipporwhill ID S4E14
Tender Taps ID S6E4
Tender Taps
Toola Roola and Coconut Cream thumb S7E14
Toola Roola e Coconut Cream
Principais Antagonistas
Night Mare Moon S1E01 thumb
Nightmare Moon
(estreia da T1)
Queen Chrysalis ID
Rainha Chrysalis
(conclusão da T2 & conclusão da T6)
Lord Tirek ID
Lorde Tirek
(conclusão da T4)
Adagio Dazzle Siren ID EG2
Adagio Dazzle
Aria Blaze Siren ID EG2
Aria Blaze
Sonata Dusk Siren ID EG2
Sonata Dusk
The Storm King ID MLPTM
Rei Storm
Cozy Glow ID S8E12
Cozy Glow
(conclusão da T8)
Antagonistas Reformados
Gilda ID S5E08
Trixie ID S6E6
Discord "the very fabric of reality" S6E25
(estreia da T2)
Comic issue 37 Normal Sombra
Rei Sombra
(estreia da T3)
Sunset Shimmer ID EGS3
Sunset Shimmer
Starlight Glimmer ID S6E2
Starlight Glimmer
(estreia & conclusão da T5)
Juniper Montage ID EG
Juniper Montage
(EGS2 & EGS3)
Stygian ID S7E26
(conclusão da T7)
Tempest Shadow ID MLPTM
Tempest Shadow
Grubber ID MLPTM
Wallflower Blush thumb ID EGFF
Wallflower Blush
Chancellor Neighsay ID S8E2
Reitor Neighsay
estreia da T8)
Vignette Valencia thumb ID EGROF
Vignette Valencia
Outros pôneis antagonistas
The Shadowbolts annoyed S1E02
Os Shadowbolts
Boy Bullies ID S1E16
Flim Flam Brothers back to back thumb S2E15
Flim e Flam
Daring Do warns Caballeron S4E04
Dr. Caballeron
Mane-iac and henchponies thumb S4E6
Suri Polomare thumb S4E08
Suri Polomare
Wind Rider ID S5E15
Wind Rider
Svengallop ID S5E24
Gladmane ID S6E20
Antagonistas não-pôneis
Diamond dogs trio S1E19
Ahuizotl id S4E04
Garble Profile S2E21
Principal Cinch thumb ID EG3
Diretora Cinch
Sludge ID S8E24

Hoity Toity thumb 2 S1E14
Hoity Toity
Photo Finish S1E20 thumb
Photo Finish
Sapphire Shores ID S1E19
Sapphire Shores
Fancy Pants ID S2E09
Fancy Pants
Daring Do 'have I mentioned that I work alone' S4E04
Daring Do
Prim Hemline ID S4E08
Prim Hemline
Fashion Plate ID S5E14
Fashion Plate
Trenderhoof ID S4E13
Coloratura ID S5E24
Countess Coloratura
Zesty Gourmand ID S6E12
Zesty Gourmand
Songbird Serenade ID MLPTM
Songbird Serenade
Os Wonderbolts
Spitfire ID S1E26
Spitfire (líder)
Soarin' id S1E26
Blaze ID S5E15
Surprise ID S6E7
Fire Streak ID S5E15
Fire Streak
Misty Fly ID S6E7
Misty Fly
Silver Zoom ID S6E7
Silver Zoom
Fleetfoot ID S4E10
High Winds ID S6E7
High Winds
Thunderlane Wonderbolt uniform ID S7E21
Hospital de Ponyville
Nurse Redheart being serious S2E13
Enfermeira Redheart
Doc Top ID S2E10
Doc Top
Mane Goodall smiling at Spike S2E10
Dr. Fauna
Doctor Horse ID S2E16
Doutor Horse
Nurse Snowheart ID S2E16
Pôneis enfermeiros
Pilares da Antiga Equestria
Mage Meadowbrook thumb S7E25Flash Magnus thumb S7E25Mistmane thumb S7E25Rockhoof thumb S7E25Somnambula thumb S7E25Star Swirl the Bearded thumb S7E25
Mage MeadowbrookFlash MagnusMistmaneRockhoofSomnambulaStar Swirl, o Barbudo

Outros personagens pôneis

Outros personagens pôneis
Mayor thumb S1E11
Prefeita Mare
Cheerilee Talking
Aloe and Lotus ready S2E18
Pôneis do Spa
Sheriff Silverstar ID S5E6
Xerife Silverstar
Davenport ID S3E13
Twilight Sparkle parents S1E23
Twilight Velvet e Night Light
Joe worried ID S1E26
Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents S2E5
Hondo Flanks e Cookie Crumbles
Upper Crust Jet Set S2E9
Jet Set e Upper Crust
Fancy Pants' entourage thumb
Companheiros de Fancy Pants
Fleur Dis Lee startled S2E09
Fleur Dis Lee
Junebug ID S2E10
Steamer and All Aboard thumb
Condutores do Trem
Cherry Jubilee id S02E14
Cherry Jubilee
Roma ID S2E19
Gizmo ID S2E19
Thunderlane S02E22 thumb
Cloudchaser and Flitter S2E22Flitter
Cloud Chaser e Flitter
Blossomforth S02E22
Bulk Biceps ID S4E05
Bulk Biceps
Lightning Dust ID S3E7
Lightning Dust
Ms. Peachbottom id S3E12
Sra. Peachbottom
Ms. Harshwhinny ID S4E05
Sra. Harshwhinny
Flash Sentry ID S4E11
Flash Sentry
Coco Pommel ID S4E8
Coco Pommel
Cheese Sandwich ID S4E12
Cheese Sandwich
Torch Song and Toe-Tapper thumb
Os Pônei Tons
Randolph ID S4E15
Silver Shill ID S4E20
Silver Shill
Stellar Eclipse ID S4E22
Stellar Eclipse
Teddie Safari ID S4E22
Teddie Safari*
Claude ID S4E23
Night Glider ID S5E2
Night Glider
Party Favor true form ID S5E2
Party Favor
Double Diamond ID S5E2
Double Diamond
Sugar Belle ID S5E2
Sugar Belle
Sunshower, Clear Skies, and Open Skies ID S5E5
Pégasos Controladores do Tempo
Trouble Shoes ID S5E6
Trouble Shoes
Tree Hugger ID S5E7
Tree Hugger
Moon Dancer ID S5E12
Moon Dancer
Sassy Saddles ID S5E14
Sassy Saddles
Spearhead ID S7E3
Method Mares ID S5E16
Éguas Metódicas
Ma Hooffield and Big Daddy McColt thumb S5E23
Família Hooffield e Família McColt
Sunburst ID S6E2
Mr. Stripes and Plaid Stripes thumb S6E9
Sr. Stripes e Plaid Stripes
Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala thumb S6E12
Coriander Cumin e Saffron Masala
Quibble Pants ID S6E13
Quibble Pants
Sky Stinger ID S6E24
Sky Stinger
Vapor Trail ID S6E24
Vapor Trail
Angel Wings ID S6E24
Angel Wings
Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles thumb S7E7
Bow Hothoof e Windy Whistles
Feather Bangs ID S7E8
Feather Bangs
Grand Pear ID S7E13
Grand Pear
Mudbriar ID S8E3
Jack Pot ID S8E5
Jack Pot
Firelight ID S8E8
Autumn Blaze ID S8E23
Autumn Blaze

Personagens Terciários

Outros personagens exclusivos pelos materiais
Lily Blossom ID
Lily Blossom
Sugar Grape ID
Sugar Grape
G4 Minty ID
Bumblesweet ID
Sweetcream Scoops id
Sweetcream Scoops
Firecracker Burst
Firecracker Burst
Tealove id
Diamond Rose id
Diamond Rose
Observer ID comic M10
Comic issue M1 Jade Singer
Jade Singer
Comic issue 7 MandoPony
Flax Seed and Wheat Grass thumb
Flax Seed e Wheat Grass
Comic issue 8 Sailor Mercury
Aqua Mist*
Comic issue M5 Ponyacci
Comic issue M8 Inkwell
Comic issue M8 Sailor Pluto
Comic issue M8 Sailor Uranus
Comic issue M8 Sailor Neptune
Micro-Series issue 8 Bronco Benson
Bronco Benson*
Micro-Series issue 8 Pete Canterbell
Pete Canterbell*
Comic issue 11 Gaffer and 8-bit thumb
8-bit e Gaffer
Hoofbeard ID Issue 14
My Little Pony G4 logo
Charity Sweetmint[note 1]
Comic issue M10 Kibitz
Power Ponies ID Annual 2014
Power Pôneis[note 2]
Gallant True ID DDAC
Gallant True
Fawn Doo and Marcie Pan thumb
Senhoritas do carrinho de PheNOMNOMenons
Comic issue 34 Radiant Hope
Radiant Hope
Friends Forever issue 16 Pony Pickers
Pony Pickers
Comic issue 40 Trixie's mother


|Outros antagonistas exclusivos pelos materiais

Big Boy and Runt ID
Big Boy e Runt
Shadowfright ID Issue 6
Nightmare Rarity ID
Nightmare Rarity
Comic issue 11 Buck Withers
Buck Withers
Sunflower ID Annual 2013
Sunflower[note 2]
My Little Pony G4 logo
North Star[note 1]
Friends Forever issue 8 King Longhorn
Rei Longhorn

Personagens animados e vice-versas ficcionais
Bloomberg ID S1E21
Pinkie Pie's new friends S1E25
Amigos imaginários de Pinkie Pie
Tom id S2E2
Smarty Pants id S2E3
Smarty Pants
Mare Do Well ID S2E8
Misteriosa Égua do Bem
The Headless Horse ID S03E06
Égua sem cabeça
Boneless with rainbow shimmer S4E12
Frango Desossado
Boulder ID S4E18
Brutus Force ID S5E19
Brutus Force
Pinkie Pie introduces Holder's Boulder S5E20
Pedregulho de Holder
MLP The Movie Hasbro website - Skystar and oyster friends
Shelly e Sheldon
Mudbriar "this is my pet" S8E3
Outras figuras históricas de Equestria
Rarity - Princess Platinum S2E11
Princesa Platinum
Rainbow Dash - Commander Hurricane S2E11
Comandante Hurricane
Pinkie Pie - Chancellor Puddinghead S2E11
Chanceler Puddinghead
Twilight - Clover the Clever S2E11
Clover, o Sábio
Fluttershy - Private Pansy S2E11
Private Pansy
Applejack as Smart Cookie S2E11
Smart Cookie

Personagens não pôneis

Personagens equinos não-pôneis
Zecora thumb S1E09
Cranky Doodle Donkey in Ponyville S2E18
Asno Azedo Simplório
Matilda ID S2E18
Mulia Mild S2E24 thumb
Múlia Mansa
Seabreeze thumb S4E16
Metamorphosed Pharynx ID S7E17
Terramar Hippogriff form ID S8E6
Sky Beak and Ocean Flow thumb ID S8E6
Sky Beak e Ocean Flow
Personagens bovinos e outros não-pôneis
Sea serpent S1E02 thumb 2
Steven Magnet
Little Strongheart Whistle S1E21
Little Strongheart
Chief Thunderhooves Face S1E21
Chefe Thunderhooves
Iron Will S2E19
Iron Will
Gustave S2E24
Gustave le Grand
Scorpan ID
Scorpan[note 2]
Smooze ID S5E7
O Smooze
Grampa Gruff ID S5E8
Vovô Gruff
Greta ID S5E8
Captain Celaeno ID MLPTM
Capitã Selena

Personagens de Equestria Girls

As Rainbooms
Fluttershy thumb ID EG
Pinkie Pie thumb ID EG2
Pinkie Pie
Applejack thumb ID EG2
Rarity thumb ID EG
Rainbow Dash thumb ID EG
Rainbow Dash
Os Shadowbolts
Sci-Twi thumb ID EG3
Sunny Flare thumb ID EG3
Sunny Flare
Sour Sweet thumb ID EG3
Sour Sweet
Indigo Zap thumb ID EG3
Indigo Zap
Sugarcoat thumb ID EG3
Lemon Zest thumb ID EG3
Lemon Zest
Outros personagens de Equestria Girls
DJ Pon-3 thumb ID EG
DJ Pon-3
Cutie Mark Crusaders ID EG3
Cutie Mark Crusaders
Flash Sentry thumb ID EG2
Flash Sentry
Principal Celestia thumb ID EG2
Diretora Celestia
Vice Principal Luna thumb ID EG
Vice Principal Luna
Photo Finish thumb ID EG2
Photo Finish
Trixie and the Illusions ID EG2
Trixie e as Ilusões
Miss Cheerilee thumb ID EG
Srta. Cheerilee
Snips and Snails ID EG
Snips e Snails
Octavia Melody thumb ID EG3
Octavia Melody
Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops ID EG2
Lyra Heartstrings
e Sweetie Drops
Bulk Biceps thumb ID EGDS
Bulk Biceps
Maud Pie thumb ID EG2
Maud Pie
Violet Blurr and Pixel Pizzaz thumb ID EG2
Violet Blurr e Pixel Pizzaz
Sandalwood ID EG
Micro Chips ID EG
Micro Chips
Derpy thumb ID EG2
Gloriosa Daisy ID EG4
Gloriosa Daisy
Timber Spruce ID EG4
Timber Spruce
Canter Zoom ID EGS2
Canter Zoom
Chestnut Magnifico thumb EGS2
Chestnut Magnifico
Animais de estimação
Constance ID S6E11
Constance (da Fluttershy)
Angel thumb S1E07
Angel (da Fluttershy)
Winona mug 2
Winona (da Applejack)
Opalescence id S1E14
Opalência (da Rarity)
Gummy bathroom floor S1E15
Gummy (da Pinkie Pie)
Philomena renewed S01E22
Philomena (da Celestia)
Owlowiscious id S3E11
(da Twilight Sparkle)
Harry ID S3E03
Harry (da Fluttershy)
Tank flying around S2E7
Tank (da Rainbow Dash)
Peewee just hatched S2E21
Peewee (do Spike)
Spike the Dog ID EG3
Spike (da Sci-Twi)
Comic issue M10 Tiberius
Tiberius (da Luna)
Ripley ID S7E6
Ripley (do Zipporwhill)
My Little Pony G4 logo
Albus (do Braeburn)[note 1]
My Little Pony G4 logo
Quincy (do Discórdia)[note 1]
Bunny ID MLP Deviations
Bunny (do Blueblood)
Ray looking at Sunset Shimmer SS7
Ray (da Sunset Shimmer)

Criaturas em grupos
Breezies worried S4E16
The adult dragons S2E21
Dragões (adulto)
Quarray eels S2E07 thumb
Enguias Quarray
Seaponies listen to Princess Skystar sing MLPTM
Pôneis marinhos e mermares
Phoenixes looking at each other 2 S2E21
Timberwolves S3E09 thumb
Lobos de madeira
Strawberry bats S03E08
Morcegos das frutas
Changelings appear to help Pharynx S7E17
Griffons stretching S4E10
Twilight and the CMC visit Mount Aris S8E6
Parasprite S1E10 thumb
Ursa S1E06 thumb
Bats taking the apples S4E07
Vampiros das frutas
Windigoes 2 S02E11
Criaturas solitárias
Cockatrice thumb S1E17
Cerberus S2E20 thumb
Chimera thumb S4E17
Hydra S1E15 thumb
Manticore thumb S1E02
Cragadile thumb S4E02
Ortros ID
Tatzlwurm ID S4E11
Tantabus ID S5E13
Wildlife thumbCriaturas
Outros animais Outras criaturas

Pôneis de fundo

Artigo principal: Pôneis terrestres
Veja também: Lista de pôneis/Pôneis terrestres
esta galleria serve como um índice.

Artigo principal: Pégasos
Veja também: Lista de pôneis/Pegasus
Esta galleria serve como um índice.

Artigo principal: Unicórnios
Veja também: Lista de pôneis/Unicórnios
Esta galleria serve como um índice.

Artigo principal: Pôneis de Cristal
Veja também: Lista de pôneis/Pôneis de Cristal
Esta galleria serve como um índice.

Artigo principal: Potros
Veja também: Lista de pôneis/Potros
Esta galleria serve como um índice.

Artigo principal: Animais
Artigo principal: Criaturas
Veja também: Lista de Personagens não pôneis
Esta galleria serve como um índice..


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Nunca foi oficialmente retratado fora do texto dos livros.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Erro de citação: Marca <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs chamadas comic

Nomes escolhidos por fãs

Os nomes marcados com * são nomes escolhidos por fãs que não foram usados na série, pela Hasbro ou pela equipe oficial da série.


  1. Nicole Dubuc (2018-03-25). Nicole Dubuc on Twitter: "Yeah, I legit love the Young Six.… ". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 março 25.
  2. Jim Miller (2018-03-26). Big Jim on Twitter: "We refer to them as the “Young Six” internally.… ". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 março 26.
  3. Michael Vogel (2018-03-26). mktoon on Twitter: "Side note, you all should have heard the LONNNNG conversations @NicoleDubuc , @joshhaber and I had about the Young Six. We REALLLLLY know a LOT about them and their lives haha.…". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 abril 14.
  4. Nicole Dubuc (2018-03-27). Nicole Dubuc on Twitter: "My toughest challenge at @BABSCon will be not to buy ALL the Young Six memorabilia I see. #WereGonnaNeedABiggerSuitcase". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 junho 3.
  5. Michael Vogel (2018-07-09). mktoon on Twitter: "Idk. I feel like @joshhaber and @NicoleDubuc have been doing a great job balancing this season amongst all the characters, including the Young 6. So..... i find your argument questionable.…". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 novembro 1.
  6. Michael Vogel (2018-08-04). mktoon on Twitter: "Wow. BIG day for the Young 6 on My Little Pony today. Lots of new student goodness!". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 novembro 1.
  7. Nicole Dubuc (2018-09-27). Nicole Dubuc on Twitter: "Aaaaahhhh! I love your Young Six art!… ". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 novembro 1.
  8. Nicole Dubuc (2018-10-14). Nicole Dubuc on Twitter: "I love them all, it's like picking between kids! I'm really proud of Cozy Glow, the Young Six, and Autumn Blaze. Episode-wise, again, there are so many!!!…". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 novembro 1.
  9. Nicole Dubuc (2018-10-14). Nicole Dubuc on Twitter: "And I love ALL the Young Six, but Yona and Silverstream are my current faves.… ". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 novembro 1.
  10. Nicole Dubuc (2018-10-14). Nicole Dubuc on Twitter: "The Young Six were fun to create, and @joshhaber, @mktoon , and I had a blast playing with their different personalities and interactions with each other. Writing Cozy was delicious because we knew she was a villain all along and kept her subtext always in our heads.…". Twitter. Página visitada em 2018 novembro 1.

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