Enhörningsponnyer, eller ibland bara enhörningar, är en av de tre ponnytyper som finns i serien, de andra är jordponnyer och pegasusponnyer. Enhörningsponnyer är kända för att kunna utöva magi med sitt horn.
Fysiska egenskaper[]
Alla enhörningar har ett långt horn som sticker ut på pannan, vilket glöder när de använder trollformler. Generellt sätt är enhörningar inte lika starka som jordponnyer. Även om de förknippas med magi så är ett enhörningshorn starkt och skarpt nog för att ha vardagliga användningsområden. En enhörning i Cutie kallar använde spetsen på hornet för att smälla ballonger, och Twilight Sparkle använder den när hon rusar upp mot fiender vid flera tillfällen. Twilight och Rarity ses ofta använda sitt intellekt för att kompensera för sin brist på fysisk styrka, som när Twilight kommer på femte plats i Lövspringarloppe i Höstvädersvänner och Rarity övervinner sina kidnappare i En hund och ponny cirkus.
Canterlot förefaller att vara en stad för enhörningar i dess korta framträdande, befolkat mestadels av enhörningar, med undantag från Hoity Toity och Prinsessan Celestias pegasusponnyvakter. Ponyville har sin andel av enhörningar, men enhörningar kan endast ses som servitörer i Applejacks besök till Manehattan. Och eftersom de saknar naturlig förmåga at gå på moln, är de inte närvarande i Cloudsdale.
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Rarity possesses a gem-finding spell in addition to the standard telekinesis, which occurs for the first time out of her control in a flashback in Cutie Mark krönikorna. She's adept enough with telekinesis to manipulate many objects at once when making dresses, and uses a spell to turn regular canopy into topiary in Titta innan du sover. She creates a colorful light show and intricate backdrops for her second fashion show in Lämpad för framgång.
Twilight Sparkle[]
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Twilight is exceptional in regard to magic, having dedicated herself to studying the art. Spike mentions in Skrytjägare that Twilight's magical ability is exemplary, and Princess Celestia comments about Twilight's enormous raw magical power in Cutie Mark krönikorna. Unicorn magic requires concentration and effort, as Twilight explains to Spike at the beginning of Känna Pinkie-skarpt and to the Cutie Mark Crusaders in Cutie kallar, and her lines in Lesson Zero suggest for at least some spells a direct line of sight to the magic target is required. When Twilight levitates the Ursa Minor in Skrytjägare, she is visibly exerting herself, gritting her teeth and tensing her muscles, however she effortlessly harvests an entire apple orchard at once in Äppelpengssäsong. Twilight is shown developing her skills in a flashback in Cutie Mark krönikorna, where she has some difficulty using magic to turn a page in her book; the scene shows her progressing in her studies, a theme which continues throughout the series. Snails, similarly, shows some difficulty performing a horn-light magic in Skrytjägare, and doesn't demonstrate Twilight's developed magic ability.
As talented as she is, her spells occasionally misfire or fail. When she casts a spell on the parasprites in Århundradets svärm so they won't eat food, they begin to consume items which aren't food, and subsequently destroy Ponyville. When she tries to assist with Vädra ut vintern by making a plow run itself with a "come-to-life" spell, she ends up losing control of the plow and sending Applejack hurtling in a ball of snow into the side of a hill, and the impact covers the recently-plowed field with snow once again. She tries to reverse Discord's strange effects with a "failsafe spell" which Twilight says will "fix everything"... but it fails. A "want it, need it" spell on the doll Smarty Pants in Lesson Zero works a little too well, as it affects more than her intended targets and she's unable to undo her mistake.Twilight possesses the ability to teleport, which was also common among previous-generation My Little Pony unicorn characters. The ability is first shown in Vänskap är magisk, del 2 when she charges Night Mare Moon, and disappears only to reappear behind Night Mare and next to the Elements of Harmony. She teleports short distances in Äppelpengssäsong to get ahead of Applejack trying to confront her about her over-exertion, and she unintentionally teleports with Spike from the thoroughfare into her library in Biljettballaden, which leaves Spike slightly singed. She teleports multiple times in Lesson Zero, and the visual effect is slightly different from previous episodes, having a red glow instead of purple.
Twilight uses various other spells, among them:
- Turning rocks into formal attire in Känna Pinkie-skarpt.
- Sensing gems in En hund och ponny cirkus by "copying" Rarity's spell.
- Allowing non-pegasus ponies to walk on clouds and possess temporary wings in Rainbows ljudbang.
- Hatch a dragon from its egg in Cutie Mark krönikorna.
- Fleetingly making cutie marks appear on Apple Bloom's flank in Cutie kallar.
- "Number 16", which Twilight uses in Skrytjägare to make the wind blow through river reeds.
- Growing facial hair on Spike, Snips, and Snails in Skrytjägare.
- Making ponies desire her doll Smarty Pants with a "want it, need it" spell in Lesson Zero.
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Trixie performs various parlor tricks in Skrytjägare: manipulating rope, creating fireworks and light displays, turning Rarity's hair green, and making a cloud strike Rainbow Dash with lightning.
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna[]
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The princesses are called "unicorns" in the show's first episode's prologue. Unlike regular unicorns, they possess wings and the ability to raise the sun and the moon; in Cutie Mark krönikorna, Twilight witnesses Sommarsolsfirandet with Princess Celestia raising the sun. When the ponies are summoned by Princess Celestia in The Return of Harmony Part 1, she tells them that she and her sister once used the Elements of Harmony to turn Discord into stone, and since the princesses are "no longer connected to the Elements", Discord has managed to escape. She continues, saying the Elements of Harmony are stored in a magically sealed room that only she can open–however, they turn up missing, and Discord appears, telling the ponies a riddle which discloses the Elements' location
Se även[]
- ↑ Lauren Faust (2011-04-16). The magical traits of each pony kind. “Unicorns are the only ones that can control [magic] willingly. Pegasi have involuntary magic that allows them to do things like walk on clouds, and Earth Ponies have a magically ingrained connection to the earth that makes them better at working with plants and animals.”