The Castle of Friendship.
"I'm good! I was hoping my favowite aunt could watch me for a few houwrs."
"Hope you're not too busy."
"Actually, we kind of are–"
How does that hoof taste, Spike?
I can totally handle this.
"Mashed Peas. Her favorite."
"Oh, and backup extra diapers. Heh."
Geez, Flurry must poop a lot in order to have that many diapers!
And Whammy (not the one from Press Your Luck).
"I take it Flurry named it?"
"You getting all this, Twily?"
"Is this art or... a mistake?"
Well, anything can be art to anyone who views it that way.
"When they said mashed peas were her favorite..."
At least she's not crying.
"...did they mean her favorite thing to decorate a room with?!"
That's actually pretty impressive.
Racers, on your mark, get set, go! The Grocery Shop 500 has begun!
Flurry doesn't want to stop playing.
She passes Golden Harvest from the left.
She passes Cherry Berry from the right.
Sorry folks. Team Flurry Heart, sponsored by Crystal Heart Love Auras, is out of this race. Stay tuned for more on the Grocery Shop 500!
"Thanks, but they were organized by color."
They're like Phil and Lil.
Auntie Twiley won't help.
A balloon with no basket? A basket with no balloon?
Cupcake War comes to Ponyville!
This is the result of the cupcake battle in Sugarcube Corner!
"Flurry Heart! Put us all down this instant!"
...but Nurse Redheart doesn't look so good.
"Flurry, that was very, very bad! You could have hurt somepony!"
Twilight, have you lost your mind? You can't shout at a foal!
Why did you do that to me? I'm going to distance myself!
So much for "Best Aunt Ever".
You're really starting to scare me now!
Flurry can't stay mad at her B.A.E.