Throw it at the frail old mare!
Dust is never good for an old mare.
Too much dust fer dose ol' lungs.
Granny Smith needs to watch her mane.
Applejack looking at a peculiar box.
Now, let's see what ah still got in here.
Granny Smith reminiscing.
Granny Smith remembers the memories.
Those were the good times.
Ah remember it, like it was yesterday.
I can tell this reunion will be the most memorable.
Apple Bloom, how are them RSVP's comin' along?
Apple Bloom looking at the RSVPs.
Is it okay if I let the invitations fly everywhere?
Say what again, youngin'?
...Okay, so we're getting ponies from here..
Listening to the ponies who are attending.
Whoa, big reunion this year.
Apple Bloom going through letters.
Granny Smith seems worried.
Duuuuurrhuuuuuuurrrrr I'm Erpplebroom.
Go home, Apple Bloom. You're drunk.
A wide-eyed, happy Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom, excited to see Babs Seed again.
I think we're gonna need a bigger cider trough.
Granny Smith's literal face lift.
Ok Granny's face lift...that's new.
"But you're as feisty and full of spark."
"Take over puttin' the reunion together this time round?"
Wonderful! I'm in charge.
The family all sitting at the table.
Granny Smith telling about the history of the Apple Family Reunion.
Wow, Fillies were tall back then
Auntie Applesauce was doing well with her cooking...
...until she dropped her teeth.
Granny's cousin Apple Rose, Auntie Applesauce, and Granny Smith at a younger age, with Granny's mom
Granny Smith, hoof-stitching.
Hmm, Apple Bloom certainly didn't get her sewing abilities from her grandmother
This looks like a vain attempt to hold back laughter.
Applejack mentally preparing for the reunion.
"You've really been working on the same quilt since the first reunion?"
"Surely have, Ah' don't think we're ever gonna finish that dog gone thing."
Half Baked Apple with an apple fritter
Always let your food cool down before eating.
Where did all the apple fritters go?
Heart.exe. has stopped working. Attempting to restart...
"I'm Applejack! More apple fwitter?"
Aww! Look at her cute little face!
Such an adorable little sweetheart!
That's how we figured out your sister had the appetite of a full-grown stallion.
Apple Rose and Granny Smith try to move ahead.
Apple Rose and Granny Smith overtaking Auntie Applesauce and her partner
Perhaps they would have won if they got back up
"Not much to a seven-legged race."
"Not everypony can make it to the reunion."
Granny and Apple Bloom laughing.
Too much noise makes little sister all worried.
So cute, even when worried.
"Apple Bloom, what are you doing up?"
"I was gonna ask you the same thing."
Oh Applejack, this must be causing lots of stress.
Boy, the Apple sisters need sleep, or they're both gonna be pooped.
Apple Bloom showing great interest in seeing her cousin, Babs.
Not in the mood to sleep right now.
There's some snoring going on.
Apple Bloom falls asleep.
Looks like AJ had an anime error, her back is torn off!
There, that should do it.
Good night, Apple Bloom, sweet dreams.
We're going to have so much fun tomorrow.
Anyone seem to notice a monster came and ate Applejack's back, cause half of it is missing!
A sudden sound of snoring.
Letting Apple Bloom, sleep peacefully in her bed.
Ah, whatwhatwhatwhat, I'm up! I'm up!
Looks like Apple Bloom's finally strong enough to apple-buck!
Another typical day of good ol' apple-bucking.
Hmmm, something's missing.
This ribbon will do nicely.
Pinkie Pie and a beehive.
Pinkie Pie enjoying a healthy diet of honey and bees.
"Don't forget the glitter!"
Applejack covered in glitter.
Ok Rainbow Dash, the buckets are in place.
When you can't be bothered to get a towel, do what dogs do.
Getting struck by lightning.
I just don't know what went wrong!
I don't like where this is going.
Didn't know Spike is a Zippo.
Babs getting ready to spin Apple Bloom.
Doth my eyes deceive me, can it be?
Reunited and it feels so good.
It hasn't been that long.
But it felt like forever!
"I can't wait to hear all about it!"
"What am I, gonna miss out on spendin' time with my favorite cousin?"
Who's going to make it to the flag first?
Okay. Here's how it works.
Applejack bobbing for apples.
Hotdiggetydemon Applejack is canon!
You dash around these trees...
until you get derpin' dizzy!
That face is just the slightest bit creepy.
"pappy pony picked a pluck of pickly pluffnuggets"
"pappy pony picked a pluck of pickly pluffnuggets"
Two cousins running out of breath
We have to run all the way over there, ugh
Apple Bloom and Babs are not impressed.
Let's see them pearly whites.
"Won't that be excitin'?"
Turn off, you danged machine.
Team Quiltbag making their quilt
Uh-oh! She's starting to look sick!
Cross eyed Apple Bloom is a cute Apple Bloom.
Big McIntosh enjoying his little treat.
Uh oh, little sis is here!
Nothing to see here, Applejack.
"Better pick up the pace."
"Alright, Apples! Break!"
Apple Cobbler is not enjoying this.
Now that's a lot of fritters!.
That was just ridiculous.
What in the hay? (literally)
Hey it's the Iron Horses again.
"We always had a nice and relaxin' hayride."
"Which is why I decided to change things up a bit."
A perfect cute shot of Applejack.
Giggling in adorable eagerness.
I'm sorry, are these yours?
Ah! Who am I kidding! Of course this will work.
Show time, you flying rodents.
"Uh oh." Progress seems to be taking a turn for the worse.
"Stop the bats/Stop the bats/Make them go and not come back..."
Bats! Bats on my everything!
Oh mah' Celestia, what have ah' done?!
Tears in those emerald eyes.
Ah'm mighty ashamed of myself.
Applejack sitting before a disaster.
"How can that possibly be a good thing?"
Applejack presenting air to Apple Bloom.
Tears in those emerald eyes again.
Granny Smith providing comfort to Applejack.
Oh never mind about that.
What are
Cherry Berry,
Emerald Green,
Golden Harvest,
Mr. Greenhooves,
Lucky Clover,
Orange Swirl,
Shoeshine, and
Sweetie Drops doing here?
♪ Raise this barn, raise this barn ♪
♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ Together we can raise this barn ♪
♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ Up, up, up go the beams ♪
♪ Hammer those joints, work in teams ♪
♪ Turn 'em 'round quick by the right elbow ♪
♪ Grab a new partner, here we go ♪
Come on, Apple family! Let's get to it!
♪ Raise this barn, raise this barn ♪
♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ Together we can raise this barn ♪
♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ Finish the frame, recycling wood ♪
♪ Workin' hard, you're doin' good ♪
♪ Turn 'em 'round quick by the right elbow ♪
♪ Grab a new partner, here we go ♪
♪ Raise this barn, raise this barn ♪
♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ Together we can raise this barn ♪
♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ Slats of wood come off the ground ♪
♪ Hold 'em up and nail 'em down ♪
♪ Turn 'em 'round quick by the left elbow ♪
♪ Grab a new partner, here we go ♪
♪ Look at us, we're family ♪
♪ Workin' together thankfully ♪
♪ We Apples, we are proud to say
Stick together the pony way ♪
♪ Bow to your partner, circle right ♪
♪ Get down if you're scared of heights ♪
♪ Forward back and twirl around ♪
♪ That barn's gonna be the best in town ♪
Alright, let's get to it!
♪ Raise this barn, raise this barn ♪
♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ Together we can raise this barn ♪
♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ Take your brushes, young and old ♪
♪ Together, paint it bright and bold ♪
♪ Turn 'em 'round quick by the left elbow
Grab a new partner, here we go ♪
Now that is some good Oklahoma fiddle!
♪ We raised this barn, we raised this barn
Yes, we did ♪
♪ Together we sure raised this barn
Yes, we did ♪
♪ Being together counts the most ♪
♪ We all came here from coast to coast ♪
♪ All we need to strive to be ♪
♪ Is part of the Apple family ♪
At her age, that could've been lethal.
It's "leviosa", not "leviosa".
Babs cheering up Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom and Babs, having a moment before Babs leaves.
Applejack and Granny, looking at Apple Bloom & Babs.
AJ does the dishes in a clawfoot bathtub.
Granny Smith looking at the audience
They look like real Crusaders now!
That quilt is lookin' mighty good.
The shooting stars are meant to represent Applejack's parents.