Big McIntosh and
his sister overlooking the apple orchards.
"Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises that my legs can't keep?"
Do I look amused or interested?
"That's still only one pony, and one pony plus hundreds of apple trees just doesn't add up."
"Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddle the issue! I said I could handle this harvest, and I'm gonna prove it to you!"
"I'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this applebuck season..."
Big McIntosh falls under the spell.
Big McIntosh is chased by the CMC.
Maybe next time, Big McIntosh.
You ponies will never get this doll!
Take Off! Time to run away!
Big Mac, beside Applejack watching Apple Bloom.
Don't you agree, Big Mac?
Big McIntosh after helping Granny Smith with her Charley horse.
So, we're a traffic signal?
Well in that case, that's an "Eeyup".
Big McIntosh collecting some more cider.
Big McIntosh happy and proud to be serving the Apple Family Cider.
Big McIntosh taking part in a group discussion.
Who the hay invited you into our huddle?
Big McIntosh and his family shocked by the Flim Flam brothers running them out of business.
Big McIntosh determined to take on Flim and Flam.
Big McIntosh and Rainbow Dash working as hard as they can!
"Are you talkin' about my brother?"
Uh, is somepony watching me?
Cheerilee notes the weather.
Ha ha ha! Twilight wouldn't just impulsively give them a book she was reading!
He's your special somepony!
Big McIntosh's eyes changing color.
Big Mac loves you, Cheerilee!
Big McIntosh with his special somepony.
Big McIntosh hopping around while Apple Bloom just hits the ground.
They're getting married now!?
Cheerilee: "Girls, can you explain why it looks like I'm getting married at the bottom of a pit?"