Applejack slightly snoring.
A shot of Sweet Apple Acres, at night.
What are they looking at?
I'm so ready Granny I can't wait!
I'm ready Granny, aren't you?
Lookin' for some supplies there,Granny?
Is this one of your secret ingredients?
Big Mac must be smelling the storm
There's an ill wind blowing
Applejack's mane blowing in the wind.
Applejack and Big McIntosh.
Making their way to Sweet Apple Acres.
Granny Smith forgot her pills again...
She is not amused, how surprising.
Daddy, I want another Pony.
Hold on, let me laugh some more.
I heard that Zap Apple Harvest has begun.
Filthy Rich, leaves Diamond Tiara with Apple Bloom.
Time for Diamond Tiara to do her job.
You poor thing, I mean look at that outfit.
Granny's head in a pot...
"Pothead" now has a whole new meaning...
Bunny Bloom is confronted by Diamond Tiara.
You can totally trust me.
Filthy Rich "using" a spoon...
Thank ya kindly, Mr. Rich.
Dem old fashioned values!
Apple Bloom looks so cute in a bonnet.
Apple Bloom looking a little glum.
Apple Bloom, looks awfully embarrassed.
Which of these pots will be good enough for Zap Apples?
Which one of these, will be good?
And Granny Smith is checking out the wares all right... With false teeth to boot!
Poor Apple Bloom. That is so gross!
There's a bee on her nose!
Granny Smith grows a bee-rd
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, looking at Apple Bloom.
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon noticing.
Apple Bloom hiding in embarrassment.
Come on Granny, we better get back to the farm.
Using her bonnet to cover her face.
Scootaloo died of boredom. R.I.P.
I'm asleep and drooling. Deal with it.
Does this guy EVER stop talking?
Despite being a meanie, she looks quite adorable here.
Classroom wakes up afterwards.
Addressing Filthy Rich as "Mr. Filthy" = annoyed Mr. Rich.
Cheerilee gazes at her list to see who is next to bring in a family member.
Diamond Tiara looks mean even in a picture!
That's a splendid idea, Diamond Tiara!
Diamond Tiara without her cutie mark
Alfred Hitchcolt was right!
Little Filly's show my hoof
The conclusion of the third sign.
"All right, you lazy daisies!"
The Cutie Mark Crusaders' treehouse.
"What are you, a dictionary?"
The Cutie Mark Crusaders are on the case! When have we ever failed you?
A lightbulb, accompanied by a lump on the head.
Apple Bloom reacting to a hot thermometer.
Apple Bloom faking sickness.
Group shot of faking sickness.
Sweetie Belle's smug face.
Zap apple trees after the fourth sign.
"Any other bright ideas?"
Scootaloo controls the movement of one arm...
...while Sweetie Belle controls the other arm.
Apple Bloom pretends to be Granny Smith.
Granny Smith talking to Cheerilee.
Hmmm...the rumors were right! Her cheek IS soft!
Cheerilee after her encounter with Granny Smith.
Sweetie Belle looks downright diabolical.
These trees just got 20% cooler
Telegram for you, Granny!
Take it away, Granny Smith!
Apple Bloom's face after Granny's unpredictability to coming here. Diamond Tiara's smile which shows that she can't wait to humiliate the poor filly yet again.
That wicked grin on that brat's face shows that she is ready for some more gloating!
Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, and Uncle Apple Strudel
"I can't wait to hear Granny Smith's presentation. (whispering) If she can remember any of it."
"There was no Ponyville!"
Young Granny Smith pickin' her seeds.
Canterlot in flashback sepia tones.
Young Granny in Canterlot
A young Granny Smith visiting Canterlot.
The Princess has arrived.
Hmm, all those years, and she looks the same, present and past, hmm... I have a hunch, but I'm not telling...
Glum looks from the Wilder family.
After effects of kissing Celestia's hoof.
The Little House on the Prairie.
Frightened by clanging pots
A Timberwolf howling at the Moon.
Something missing. Aha! I have it now.
A little honey should help this go down.
The bees gather around the flowers.
Zap apples like pink polka dots? What?
Diamond Tiara's great-grandfather Stinking Rich
Ponyville appears on the map.
Wow! She's a great story teller!
And that's the whole story.
Granny after she tells the class how Ponyville was founded.
"Without Granny Smith, your Daddy wouldn't have barnyard bargins."
Why are they looking at me like that?
Diamond Tiara attempts to get her point across, although who could concur with her now?
Ponies line up at Sweet Apple Acres to buy Zap Apple Jam.
Scootaloo having Zap Apple Jam on toast.
20% cooler than regular jam.
One humdinger of a Zap Apple Jammer.
Scootaloo doing the bunny hop.
Diamond Tiara doesn't have a choice.
Looks like Apple Bloom got the last laugh.