Welcome to the Ponyville Schoolhouse...again!
Hello, Cheerilee! Haven't seen you in a while!
We have a special guest today!
Ms. Harshwhinny, the pony of many faces...
There's gonna be an event where you must compete for glory.
Listening with wide eyes.
Youth is so wasted on the young, she thought.
"Cut to the chase already!"
Rainbow Dash, looking cute and cheerful.
Who's gonna be the lucky ponies?
"It's gotta be me." Yeah, right!
She was the one who saved me from a well.
These two should compete in a dance residual.
"You're gonna love this!"
You will form teams and be rated on...
"Get to the nitty-gritty later!"
"Tell 'em the important stuff!"
Rainbow Dash is super hyper today...
Scootaloo, staring wide-eyed at her idol.
Waving a flag, Rainbow Dash style.
You gotta maintain professionalism!
Professionalism is my middle name!
Rainbow Danger Professionalism Dash.
What happened to "Rainbow 'Danger' Dash"?
Twist! Haven't seen you in a while!
Rainbow Dash is evilly introducing one of her new episodes.
Been taking physics-breaking skills from Pinkie.
Like I said, my middle name is Professionalism!
Why do I have to deal with this?
Remember kids, do your best and show up bright and early tomorrow.
The class, listening attentively.
Thank you, and I'll be on my way.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders, leaving the school smiling.
Discussing their chance to carry the Equestria flag.
That's the spirit, Apple Bloom!
I bet everypony in our class is going to compete.
I, for one know we can do it.
So...what should our act be about?
Hardworking Earth ponies, like me!
Graceful unicorns like me!
We're going to need a lot of practice...
But, we can do it, because we've got hearts as strong as horses!
They may be little, but they can make big hoofsteps.
This scene is awe-inspiring.
What, Bulk Biceps? *sigh*
The following gag was ruined by three grass blades in the shot.
"We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and you should believe!"
Ah, ha, ha! He's scared of butterflies!
How long can they hang there?
Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, sitting and clapping their hooves.
Does Silver Spoon enjoy taunting us?
Ugh! She sang fine a few seconds ago!
Yeah, yeah, we get it, we got blank flanks. Seriously, girls, it's getting old.
Like, we've never heard that one before.
Let me be the one to say...
The rich girls' cutie marks.
Superiority is Diamond Tiara's talent.
You'll see, Diamond Tiara!
Cutie Mark Crusaders, team forever!
The stage, and Miss Cheerilee with the other foals.
Silver and Diamond, giggling.
Earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi all reign in this town of friendship!
Sweetie Belle must have made this.
Scootaloo riding the scooter with a flag.
Their act must have been awesome, to impress the rich fillies.
Uh Scootaloo, I thought you said she'd like it?
..Work harder and let's try this again!
I can't believe I'm saying this, but they could actually win! I mean, do you remember their last act?
But how do we upset them? We already called them blank flanks! It's almost like they don't care anymore!
We'll just have to find a new way to get under their skin.
Looking for a weak spot to humiliate the Crusaders with.
Scootaloo's wings, perfect target.
In fact, we think you're very brave.
We're good Silver, that's why we're besties.
Because you're trying to show all three types of ponies, and you've got a Pegasus who can't even fly.
I mean, a Pegasus pony at your age? You should have been flying long ago.
So what if my wings can't get me off the ground?
"Your career as a flag carrier isn't getting off the ground either."
Miss Harshwhinny will never pick a Pegasus pony who can't fly to represent Ponyville in front of all of Equestria.
Miss Harshwhinny never said anything about that!
I would have thought it was obvious.
This is Ponyville, not Crippleville. That's way on the other side of Equestria.
Is this what its come to?
"I liked the routine the way it was!"
"But all she cares about now is flying."
Scootaloo, trying her best to fly.
Okay Cutie Mark Crusaders, this is your final run before you perform at the stadium tomorrow.
I know you're going to absolutely, positively...
Oh, almost lost my professionalism.
...have a lot of fun. Heh heh...
Uh... Did they over-prepare themselves or something?
...go coach these other ponies!"
Sweetie Belle feeling tired.
"Without you two, who's gonna hold up the hoop?"
"Ugh! You don't listen to yourself!"
How long has she been awake now?
"She'd better get here soon!"
If she's going to quit on us, we don't need her!
"Fine." Sweetie's actually not fine with this.
The eyes of both cuteness and sadness.
I don't think you're supposed to pick favorites, Dashie.
"...that we didn't want a quitter."
Rainbow giving a short lecture about loyalty.
Apple Bloom and Sweetie are irritated.
Scootaloo throwing away her scooter.
Scootaloo's happy to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle...
...but she's trying not to show it.
Nothing like a rub on the head from your pseudo-sister to cheer you up!
The CMC are all back together!
That's a nice look for those two meanies.
Ooh! They look even prettier when they're upset!
Ms. Harshwhinny seems to have lost her professionalism.
"Contain your excitement, Ms. Harshwhinny. Remember, professionalism."
"Uh... yes... well I... um... ahem."
The writers were definitely trolling here.
I know! I bet we'll get cutie marks in flag carrying!
Rainbow's sad about this.