Season one, episodes 1-13
Fluttershy's first appearance.
"Oh my. Um, stop please, everyone, umm."
A sweet smile, on a shy pegasus.
Hey, I got some advice for you.
"Excuse me, sir? I mean, no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny-tiny bit off."
Twilight Sparkle asking a certain cute, shy pony about her name.
Fluttershy landing in front of Twilight, their first encounter.
So, what was your name again..
Awkward moment with Twilight and Fluttershy.
..I really don't feel comfortable.
Oh, we must get this poor dear to bed.
How dare you slam the door in this cute pony's face.
Nightmare Moon, going over to Fluttershy.
Fluttershy scared by Nightmare Moon.
"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!"
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash holding Twilight.
She cries, "Wait!" when Rarity runs away.
Just as her friends are charging the manticore, she steps in their path and screams, "WAAIT!"
Fluttershy nuzzles the manticore's paw.
The manticore finally reveals his injured paw. She says, "Oh, you poor, poor little baby."
"How did you know about the thorn?"
"Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness."
Fluttershy is just there.
Fluttershy looks so cute when she floats. :D
"It looks just like your cutie mark."
Spike got a tad too excited (animation error).
...I could go to the gala...
Wow, so many new friends.
I'm coming, my furry friends.
I love this bittern because I love everything!
Why, yes, the flamingo is on my back. Deal with it.
Isn't it a lovely fantasy Twilight?
Humming a tune, while cleaning.
Who said, you can't do summer cleaning?
I feel great doing these deeds.
Fluttershy, what happened to your wing?
But, is Spike coming too?
Fluttershy smiling despite a not so subtle Applejack.
"Okay, little bunnies, I need you to all gather here in the middle."
"Applejack! Winona! Stop!"
A true, true friend/Helps a friend in need...
Fluttershy notices the pond creatures.
Fluttershy investigates the odd turtle.
"Mama duck, you're free and clear."
Fluttershy cowers beneath Gilda.
Fluttershy glaring at Pinkie.
Fluttershy annoyed at Pinkie Pie's antics.
"I'm a year older than you."
Fluttershy sees Gilda again.
She only appears a few times in this episode.
Bringing her ferret friends food.
Bringing her bird friends some worms.
Fluttershy saw a black smoke from the mountain.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Fluttershy preparing to confront the dragon - with extra protection.
Fluttershy is scared by a dragon's roar mid-flight. Her wings snap to her sides from fear and she falls.
Fluttershy finally stands her ground.
First appearance of The Stare
"But,that rainbow one kicked me."
Ooh? Is Rainbow Dash scared?
Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy laughing.
"It's okay Rainbow Dash. Not everypony can be as brave as me."
Now, who's the scared pony?
"There doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with
"Good gravy, girl! What's the matter with you?"
"I don't wanna talk about it."
Flutterguy is assuredly less than thrilled at that nickname.
Nice. we totally needed to see that, Flutters.
Flutterguy and the others watching