Keep your eyes closed, Fluttershy.
Fluttershy, does not seem impressed by what she sees.
Can I come in? If that's okay.
Looking at her reflection in the mirror.
Since you really want to know
Fluttershy is a Fashion Critique
Rarity seems to be losing it.
So gentle she can balance eggs on her head.
I know about the technical side of sewing, not designing
The cutest pony in Equestria. <3
So now that you know the element of a good cheer, let's hear one!
Fluttershy is proud, Rainbow Dash is not
"Did my cheering do that?"
"Actually, it wasn't all bad. I particularly liked it when you made the clouds spin."
"Ugh. I'm not talking about my performance, I'm talking about yours. That feeble cheering!"
"You, on the other hand..."
"... better keep practicing!"
"She's practiced that move a hundred times, and she's never even come close to doing it. I don't know if I can cheer loud enough to help her."
"I'm sorry, I'm trying to be more assertive."
Fluttershy defending Rainbow Dash from Dumb-Bell.
♪ This is where rainbows are ma-ade by us/Try a-asking a-any pegasus.
Dumb-bell, Hoops, and Score make Rainbow Dash's day even worse.
Rarity's wings shining down on her friends.
You got that from Lyra Heartstrings I take it?
"Look, Phase 2 is working!"
Fluttershy cheering out loud for Rainbow Dash.
Rarity apologizes everypony.
Fluttershy the cat whisperer
Fluttershy doesn't even notice the fillies at first
Fluttershy offers to look after the Crusaders
"What could possibly go wrong?"
Twilight is going to the Everfree Forest, even if it's just to get some tea from Zecora?
"Ah, you'll be careful, won't you?"
Slightly confused Fluttershy.
Fluttershy bites off more than she can chew.
Another Fluttershy cute face.
Close up of Fluttershy's eyes.
"Is filled with strange creatures!"
Fluttershy thinking, "Exactly why am I watching this?"
Things are really getting out of hand.
Things now beyond out of hand.
"Don't break... anything."
Screw Kindness! She should be the element of 'Adorableness'!
Sadly, being cute is not sufficient in terms of child care.
Fluttershy puts the crusaders to bed
I don't know what's going on, so have a Scootaloo in a tree.
Fluttershy's stare prelude.
Fluttershy sleepily murmurs, "Nothing's gonna get past Fluttershy! Good with animals, good with kids."
Looking for the CMC in the chicken coop.
I am freaking out and looking cute at it!
"If you've been turned to stone, then that means...
Fluttershy staring down at a cockatrice.
Giving you girls THE STARE causes my right eye to bulge out.
Clearly Fluttershy's cutest moment.
Fluttershy waiting for Rarity, while reading a magazine.
Fluttershy, happy to see Rarity.
Fluttershy you got something on your cheek.
"Oh, Rarity, I'm so happy for you."
Don't be so bashful Fluttershy.
The tinnng is working on Fluttershy.
Fluttershy with that oh you face.
Cute even without going to the spa.
Fluttershy has the cuteness while Rarity has the beauty.
Fluttershy just being herself.
With this cuteness...the whole relativity of time just became liner.
More? Is that a good idea?
Fluttershy acting like a child who got her first immunization.
She loud. Is what Fluttershy is thinking.
Just getting a quick reminder.
Oh not that move Fluttershy.
Fluttershy the supermodel.
Fluttershy listening to Rarity's instructions on posing.
Oh the cuteness between both of them.
Rarity taking off the head dress.
I'm sorry, but I can't hear you over how fabulous I look!
Fluttershy hears something dreadful.
Fluttershy is happy to see Photo Finish.
Things don't look so good now.
Fluttershy doesn't like this.
Fluttershy doesn't want to do this.
Fluttershy knows that Rarity really means it.
Catching ear of Photo Finish.
Fluttershy is not so sure about that cosmetic
The derp is strong in you.
Fluttershy is too cute to lie.
Can those eyes get any wider.
There's a lovable angel on this magazine cover. Oh wait! That's Fluttershy!
Fluttershy (with dyed hair) on a magazine cover.
Fluttershy advertising carrot juice.
Flying away from the paparazzi...
Evading the paparazzi again, at top speed.
Talk about getting rushed.
That's some massive air intake Fluttershy.
Let it all out Fluttershy.
Unhappy about being a fashion model.
A disguise for Fluttershy...
Having a chat with Twilight.
Never worry, Fluttershy is not lying.
It could be worse Twilight.
That, unfortunately doesn't work.
Fluttershy is swarmed by adoring fans.
Man they really have bright lights
And some are graceful... woah!
Fluttershy is upside down.
Silly Fluttershy, you're not a dog.
"Oooh I'm so frustrated."
"I could just kick something!"
"If only Rarity didn't want me to be a model so badly."
Is something wrong Twilight?
Fluttershy noticing Twilight's outburst.
Rarity making a promise to Fluttershy.
"I'm sorry, Photo Finish."
Happy because everything is over.