Angel, what have you been eating?
What the hay is going on?
I'm loving this good idea!
"Oh dear. I hope none of the animals see these delicious chocolate-filled cotton candy clouds."
Fluttershy and her friends arriving to Celestia's castle.
"It seems an old foe of mine, someone I thought I had defeated long ago, has returned."
Fluttershy looking up at the stained glass window of Discord.
Fluttershy scared, as usual.
Hiding behind Twilight, Fluttershy looks at Princess Celestia.
Sorry, forgot to stop being cute.
Fluttershy still nervous or scared.
"Give us our wings and horns back!"
Separated from her friends, Fluttershy is becoming afraid.
Even when she's terrified, she is adorable.
Fluttershy screams while Rarity somehow gets her horn back..
"Wait, don't leave me here."
"Oh, no. I'm certain they're doing their best to find me."
"Well, it must be so upsetting to know how weak and helpless they think you are."
"Not at all. I am weak and helpless and I appreciate their understanding."
"I think I'm awfully lucky to have friends who want me to be the best I can be."
Fluttershy angers Discord with her kindness.
Fluttershy gets corrupted by Discord.
Fluttershy after being corrupted by Discord.
"Oh, that's right. You can't."
Fluttercruel tailwhipping Twilight Sparkle.
Flutterjerk hurts her old friends, that's not nice!
Flutterjerk says, "Challenge Accepted!"
"I'm touching your gem, Rarity. Ha, ha."
"Don't worry, you won't."
Mega Flutterjerk trampling flowers.
Crushing Twilight's flowers (animated)
"What's soaking wet and clueless?"
Fluttercruel helping Rarity up.
"This is my book! and I'm gonna READ it!!"
Let's just get this over with.
Flutterbrute took off her necklace
"Oh sorry, Rainbow Crash!"
"Yeah! I'm sick of you losers."
Fluttershy turning back to herself.
I can't find the old Rainbow Dash in here.
"Um...I'm just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"
Ponyville's your problem! Not mine!
What do you want me to do with this rope?
Discord... has been defeated!
We saved Equestria again!
Oh, there she is...with a bear?!
The new ECW (Equestria Championship Wrestling) champion of the world. Winning by tapout! Fluttershy!
Ninja Fluttershy Attacks!
A champion wrestler massager? That's something you don't see everyday!
...and what does this mean...?
I guess there was no meaning after all.
Crazy Twilight has something to say...
Hehe, what is she talking about?
"Wow. I've never seen Twilight so upset before."
Brawl all over Ponyville.
Fluttershy is not amused by your hystorionics
Writing a letter to Princess Celestia.
"We learned that you should take your friends' worries seriously."
Pinkie helping Fluttershy nod.
Rainbow has just said the magic words
Fluttershy is excited that Rainbow Dash wants a pet.
"You really want a pet? Really? 'cause I've got so many wonderful choices at my house."
"And I know you'll just love them!"
Uh, Fluttershy, I don't think you're carrying her off from the ground.
"Now, Rainbow my dear, I cannot express my delight..."
"Sure, how about a bunny?"
Fluttershy striking a pose.
"Somewhere in here is a pet..."
"Really? Because I think this widdle puddy tat has your name written all over it!"
"I have so many wonderful choices..."
"But I've seen this particular seal catch ten feet of air when he breaches the water!"
"Wait, there must be a pet here..."
"...that will fit the ticket!"
"I just got a thing in that tree, Dash!"
"Meet your new fabulous pet..."
"I'm sensing you want a pet that can fly."
"...plenty of wonderful creatures..."
"...who soar in the sky!"
"There are so many wonderful creatures..."
"...are the likes of that."
"There are both quite regal."
"I've got a hot pink flamingo,..."
"...just dying to meet you."
"One that is awesome and cool."
"So a contest we will see..."
"Now, you just pay attention, and try your best, and-"
"Technically he's a tortoise, ..."
"...and he's always dreamed of being somepony's pet."
"He just wants a chance to compete, he won't get in the way. You won't even know he's here. "
"It won't hurt to let him try."
Fluttershy using "The Stare!" Well... the cute version.
"Maybe we'd better go meet him half way."
Allergic Rarity is allergic.
"Your new pet is over here waiting for you."
"It can fly and it's not a squirrel! Should we sing about it again?"
But you didn't want a pet that couldn't fly because it would keep you grounded and hold you back.
Time for another Pony Pet Playdate!
I'll protect you from whoever did this.
Perhaps Fluttershy should give Opal the stare...
I feel something is not...yay!
Got a piece of cake for you Rainbow Dash. yay!
Fluttershy looks surprised for no reason.
Again Fluttershy looks surprised for no reason.
It's not everyday we see Fluttershy using her wings.
Fluttershy looking cute as she flies.
Party in the house tonight.
Fluttershy thinks and she has two birds to prove it.
I get the feeling that Fluttershy is looking at us.
Funny how Fluttershy's mane looks like a nest.
I sure hope the birds are not making a mess in Fluttershy's mane.
yay! Fluttershy is happy.
Now Fluttershy is sad now.
Fluttershy with Spike's gift.
Fluttershy wishing Spike a Happy Birthday.
Fluttershy looking up at Rainbow Dash.
Fluttershy being cute as always.
yay! Spike was the inspiration.
Fluttershy is wondering why Rarity wet her hair and then rode a motorcycle.
Fluttershy trying to keep up.
You don't believe it but we do.
Who's the heroine? This adorable yellow pony is!
Fluttershy checking out Pinkie's cape.