Fluttershy can't help but grin and giggle at the situation happening.
Fluttershy with Rainbow Dash and the others.
Fluttershy walking with Rarity.
Ooh my, they look awfully sad.
On second thought I'll just let you ponies be.
Really busy Ponies, bye bye.
Umm, Fluttershy, I don't think that's where your wings are supposed to go
The admission for the petting zoo was downright sheep.
Fluttershy singing along with the others.
Fluttershy singing along with Applejack.
The Flugelhorn is a bit too loud for Fluttershy
Fluttershy standing beside Pinkie Pie.
The ponies at the opening of the Crystal fair.
One of the crystal ponies eating corn
Fluttershy being pushed by Rainbow Dash.
Always the push-over pony.
Fluttershy bailing out at the last minute.
Trivia: Carousels were invented because of a jousting accident
"Isn't there somepony else?"
Somepony more comfortable in front of crowds? Somepony more into violet contact sports
Um.. Where are your ears Fluttershy?
Fluttershy walking back feeling ashamed.
Leaving the Crystal Empire... for now.
I'm proud of you Twilight.
Fluttershy and Angel enjoying a peaceful tea party.
Nice work, little butterflies.
Come here I want to show you something.
"Was it something I said?"
Fluttershy looks mad for a change.
"And they trashed our critter picnic!"
Inside the animal hideout.
Fluttershy worried they might lose the real Pinkie Pie.
"Don't be scared little friends, Twilight is wonderful at magic"
Anything happens to them, Twilight-
"Don't worry Fluttershy-"
Fluttershy is a little worried.
Fluttershy is too horrified to see that.
Don't worry, Fluttershy is simply laughing with her friends.
You stay away from Twilight!
Fluttershy being disguised as Rainbow Dash.
Fluttershy walking with Winona.
Ooh my, are you alright Spike?
Fluttershy covers her ears while Rainbow Dash inhales.
"That was very convincing!"
Uh, please stay character.
Good that you remembered.
Fluttershy is always in her default cuteness.
Say you're sorry, Applejack.
Hey now let's not start another fight.
Fluttershy looks ready enough.
Fluttershy with her game face on
My, what cute cheeks you have.
Don't make me use the stare on you smart alec.
You don't mind, right Angel?
Princess Celestia tasked me with this...
And I'm not planning on letting her down.
I'm sure I can handle it, Twilight.
She's blushing, how cute.
Fluttershy with Twilight's cutie mark. Whoopsies, another animation error.
She is still on the wall that she crashed on.
Oh dear, Rainbow Dash is making things worse.
Fluttershy notices some harshness going on.
Picked up by Twilight's magic.
Fluttershy with her cute closed eyes.
Oh, here let me take your bag ma'am.
Fluttershy carrying the suitcase.
Wait what happened to the suitcase she was just carrying not long ago?