You have no idea how loud the entire fandom is groaning today.
This isn't your ordinary everyday sadness, this is advanced sadness.
"That may be so, for all I know,"
"But I still smell a rat!"
This could easily pass as a mirror if it weren't for the mustache.
Nice shot of these two winking at the Fourth Wall.
Hold it right there, Neighsay
Star Swirl, what are you doing here?
You don't think I know a diversion when I see one?
Rarity, what in Equestria has gotten into you?!
Rarity, let go of Star Swirl's beard
Sorry about that, Star Swirl
You two won't get away with this
Why would you come here and not her school, Star Swirl?
Film and Flam can't be trusted, Star Swirl
They run a resort in Las Pegasus. (All those points resembles them perfectly)
It is strange that the difference of those occasions, Applejack is not in this story.