Fundamentals of Magic, also titled The FUNdamentals of Magic, is a series of animated shorts released weekly on Hasbro's YouTube channel. In this series of shorts, Princess Celestia teaches the basics of magic at the School for Gifted Unicorns. The pilot was first released on September 1, 2017, before a long hiatus, and it started weekly episodes on February 22, 2018.
Types of Magic[]
Types of Magic | |
Staff | Gillian M. Berrow (writer)[1] Nicole Chudy (senior motion designer) Emily Cotellessa (motion designer) |
Length | 1:51 |
Types of Magic is the first episode of Fundamentals of Magic, initially uploaded to the official Hasbro YouTube channel on September 1, 2017, before being reuploaded on February 22, 2018,[2] broadcast during Discovery Family's Pony Palooza marathon on March 19, 2018, and added to the Discovery Family GO! mobile app on March 25, 2018. In this short, Princess Celestia explains to her students the different types of magic found in Equestria.
Transcript |
Magical Creatures[]
Magical Creatures | |
Staff | Gillian M. Berrow (writer) Nicole Chudy (senior motion designer) Emily Cotellessa (motion designer) |
Length | 1:19 |
Magical Creatures is the second episode of Fundamentals of Magic, uploaded to the official Hasbro YouTube channel on March 1, 2018,[3] broadcast during Discovery Family's Pony Palooza marathon on March 20, 2018, and added to the Discovery Family GO! mobile app on March 25, 2018. In this short, Princess Celestia explains to her students what magical creatures inhabit Equestria.
Transcript |
Spells | |
Staff | Gillian M. Berrow (writer) Nicole Chudy (senior motion designer) Emily Cotellessa (motion designer) |
Length | 1:33 |
Spells is the third episode of Fundamentals of Magic, uploaded to the official Hasbro YouTube channel on March 8, 2018,[4] broadcast during Discovery Family's Pony Palooza marathon on March 21, 2018, and added to the Discovery Family GO! mobile app on March 25, 2018. In this short, Princess Celestia teaches her students about various types of magic spells and their pros and cons.
Transcript |
Magical Objects[]
Magical Objects | |
Staff | Gillian M. Berrow (writer) Nicole Chudy (senior motion designer) Emily Cotellessa (motion designer) |
Length | 1:20 |
Magical Objects is the fourth episode of Fundamentals of Magic, uploaded to the official Hasbro YouTube channel on March 15, 2018,[5] broadcast during Discovery Family's Pony Palooza marathon on March 22, 2018, and added to the Discovery Family GO! mobile app on March 25, 2018. In this short, Princess Celestia teaches her students about various magical objects around Equestria.
Transcript |
When Magic Goes Wrong[]
When Magic Goes Wrong | |
Staff | Gillian M. Berrow (writer) Nicole Chudy (senior motion designer) Emily Cotellessa (motion designer) |
Length | 1:30 |
When Magic Goes Wrong is the fifth episode of Fundamentals of Magic, uploaded to the official Hasbro YouTube channel on March 22, 2018,[6] broadcast during Discovery Family's Pony Palooza marathon on March 23, 2018, and added to the Discovery Family GO! mobile app on March 25, 2018. In this short, Princess Celestia teaches her students about both the positive uses and negative repercussions of magic.
Transcript |
- ↑ Gillian M. Berrow (2017-10-15). Oh, and I wrote this one, too! #princesscelestia @mouthnoize. Twitter. Retrieved on 2017 October 18.
- ↑ Hasbro (2018-02-22). The FUNdamentals of Magic w/ Princess Celestia: Types of Magic (Ep.1) - MLP: Friendship is Magic. YouTube. Retrieved on 2018 February 22.
- ↑ Hasbro (2018-03-01). The FUNdamentals of Magic w/ Princess Celestia: Magical Creatures 🐾 (Ep.2) - My Little Pony. YouTube. Retrieved on 2018 March 1.
- ↑ Hasbro (2018-03-08). The FUNdamentals of Magic w/ Princess Celestia: Spells 📜 (Ep.3) - My Little Pony. YouTube. Retrieved on 2018 March 8.
- ↑ Hasbro (2018-03-15). The FUNdamentals of Magic w/ Princess Celestia: Magical Objects 💎 (Ep.4) - My Little Pony. YouTube. Retrieved on 2018 March 15.
- ↑ Hasbro (2018-03-22). The FUNdamentals of Magic w/ Princess Celestia: When Magic Goes Wrong 🌪️ (Ep.5) - My Little Pony. YouTube. Retrieved on 2018 March 22.
Episodes, films, and animated shorts |
Pony Life | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Make Your Mark | |||
Episode 1 Izzy Does It |
Episode 2 Growing Pains |
Episode 3 Portrait of a Princess |
Episode 4 Ali-Conned |
Episode 5 The Cutie Mark Mix-Up |
Episode 6 The Traditional Unicorn Sleep-Over |
Episode 7 Hoof Done It? |
Episode 8 Have You Seen This Dragon? |
Episode 9 Top Remodel |
Episode 10 The Jinxie Games |
Episode 11 Sunny Side Up |
Episode 12 The Manesquerade Ball |
Episode 13 A Little Horse |
Episode 14 Missing the Mark |
Episode 15 Cutie Blossom Bash |
Episode 16 Family Trees Pt. 1 |
Episode 17 Family Trees Pt. 2 |
Episode 18 Father of the Bridlewood |
Episode 19 Mane Smelody |
Episode 20 Nightmare on Mane Street |
Episode 21 The Isle of Scaly |
Episode 22 Roots of All Evil Pt. 1 |
Episode 23 Roots of All Evil Pt. 2 |
Feature films | |||
Equestria Girls | Rainbow Rocks | Friendship Games | Legend of Everfree |
My Little Pony The Movie | A New Generation |
Specials | |||
Dance Magic | Movie Magic | Mirror Magic | Forgotten Friendship |
Rollercoaster of Friendship | Best Gift Ever | Spring Breakdown | Rainbow Roadtrip |
Sunset's Backstage Pass | Holidays Unwrapped | Make Your Mark | Winter Wishday |
Bridlewoodstock | Secrets of Starlight |
Animated shorts | |||
Rainbow Rocks shorts | Friendship Games shorts | Summertime Shorts | Equestria Girls: Better Together (season 1) |
Equestria Girls: Better Together (season 2) | Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending (season 1) | Equestria Girls: Choose Your Own Ending (season 2) | Equestria Girls Minis |
Baby Flurry Heart's Heartfelt Scrapbook | Rarity's Peek Behind the Boutique | Fundamentals of Magic | My Little Pony Established 1983 |
Friendship is Magic shorts | Hello Pinkie Pie | Stop Motion Shorts | Tell Your Tale (season 1) |
Tell Your Tale (season 2) |