My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Episode gallery
Previous Parental Glideance
Episode Hard to Say Anything
Next Honest Apple
Episode transcript

Prologue: Big McIntosh has a secret[]

A Cutie Mark Crusaders spy mission[]

Big McIntosh and Sugar Belle[]

Big Mac's crush / Enter Feather Bangs[]

The Crusaders play matchmaker (again)[]

Operation SugarMac, part 1: Damsel-in-distress[]

Operation SugarMac, part 2: True love's kiss[]

Operation SugarMac, part 3: Battle for Sugar Belle[]

Sugar Belle's not a fairy tale princess[]

Operation SugarMac, part 4: Thoughtfulness[]

The Crusaders learn their lesson[]

Epilogue: The Crusaders help Feather Bangs[]