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Kerfuffle ID MLPRR

Kerfuffle in My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip

Kerfuffle colorless ID MLPRR

Kerfuffle colorless in My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip

Kind Pegasus
Sex Female
Residence Hope Hollow
Occupation Fashion designer
Other links
More info
Eyes Moderate mulberry
Mane ¤ Pale, light grayish cerise and Light ceriseish gray
Coat Very pale opal
Cutie mark
Three balls of yarn - purple, pink, and yellow - and two sewing needles
Voice Racquel Belmonte (English)
Anna Szymańczyk (Polish)
Luciana Baroli (Brazilian Portuguese)
Merlinda Endah Setyowati Arifiani (Indonesian)

Kerfuffle is a female Pegasus pony and supporting character in the hour-long special My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip. She is a fashion designer and resident of Hope Hollow.


Kerfuffle, like other Hope Hollow residents, speaks with an Upper Midwestern accent. Similar to Hoofbeard, she has a prosthetic left hind leg.

The word "kerfuffle" means a disorderly disturbance, commotion, outburst, or fuss.

Depiction in the series[]

Kerfuffle shaking Rarity's hoof MLPRR

Kerfuffle: Rarity's biggest fan in Hope Hollow.

In My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip, Kerfuffle appears as a fashion designer and clothing shop owner in Hope Hollow. She is visited by Rarity, and the two express admiration for each other's fashion work, with Kerfuffle mentioning that she uses Rarity's works as inspirations for her own designs. Impressed by Kerfuffle's fashions and keen eye for color, Rarity offers her to be her assistant designer for the Rainbow Festival, and Kerfuffle eagerly accepts.

Later, Kerfuffle and Rarity come to the town square with a cart of clothes and color-matched accessories Kerfuffle designed herself, including an orange scarf for Applejack, red leggings for Fluttershy, a pink flower lei for Pinkie Pie, blue goggles for Rainbow Dash, a pair of rainbow wing covers for Twilight Sparkle, and red goggles for Pickle and Barley Barrel.

Kerfuffle regaining her color MLPRR

Kerfuffle rediscovers her inner rainbow.

When color starts to return to Hope Hollow, Kerfuffle's cart also regains color and attracts customers, who regain their color as well. She regains her own color when the Rainbow Festival begins. Kerfuffle then celebrates the return of the town's color with the Mane Six and the rest of Hope Hollow during the song Living in Color, and she watches as the Mane Six leave in their repaired hot air balloon.

Other depictions[]

My Little Pony (mobile game)[]

Kerfuffle is a character in Gameloft's mobile game, added in the "Rainbow Roadtrip" event.

Mobile game description[]

Spelled like it sounds, with a double "f" for the "fuff." A brilliant accessory designer who could use an infusion of self-confidence.


In My Little Pony: Essential Handbook: A Magical Guide for Everypony, Kerfuffle is featured in the four-page recap of Rainbow Roadtrip's story on pages 56-59.


Kerfuffle introducing herself MLPRR

When first introduced, Kerfuffle appears to be as dour as most other Hope Hollow residents following the town's loss of color. This quickly proves not to be the case, however, upon meeting Rarity, at which point she shows her true nature as excitable, welcoming, and somewhat socially awkward. As a fashion designer, Kerfuffle holds Rarity in high regard, using Rarity's fashions as bases for her own designs because she feels her original works are not good enough to put on display by themselves, and she jumps at the opportunity to work with Rarity as an assistant. Despite her and everything around her being gray, Kerfuffle shows a keen perception for color; she claims to be able to "feel in her heart" what colors her wares are.


"Whoa, no way! Stack my pancakes! Are you really the Rarity?!"
My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip
"I love ya! I love ya so much! Your work, I mean! Your designs, your taste, your eye for beauty!"
My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip
"I'm Kerfuffle! Spelled like it sounds, with a double "ffff" for the "fuff"! [gasps] I should really stop talking now."
My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip
"That's how I design things. I feel in my heart what the colors are."
My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip
"I designed color-matched assessories for each of ya! Oh, but don't worry. I know where the colors are supposed to be."
My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip
"Somethin' very special for Princess Twilight. Wing bling! In every shade of the rainbow, don'tcha know?"
My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip
"It's exactly as I imagined it!"
My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip


Kerfuffle with crowd of colorful ponies MLPRR

Kerfuffle image gallery

See also[]
