Lemon Hearts | |
Kind | Unicorn Alicorn (due to an animation error) |
Sex | Female |
Residence | Canterlot |
Occupation | Canterlot event planner Member of a band with Pepperdance |
Other links |
More info | |
Eyes | Moderate raspberry (usually) Moderate azure (rarely) |
Mane | ¤ Moderate cerulean usually with a light cerulean tail streak |
Coat | Light brilliant yellow |
Eyeshadow | Light cornflower bluish gray (rarely) |
Magic aura | Light pistachio (S2E11) Light cerulean (S2E19) Moderate fuchsia (S4E22, S4E25 and S5E20) [specify] (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #10 page 22) |
Cutie mark![]() | |
Voice | Cathy Weseluck (English, S1E20)[citation needed] Tabitha St. Germain (English, S4E19) Ashleigh Ball (English, S5E12 and S9E24) Josephine Schmidt (German) Agnieszka Matynia (Polish, S1E20) Monika Wierzbicka (Polish, S4E19) Daria Morawiec (Polish, S5E12)[1] Fernanda Bullara (Brazilian Portuguese, S4E19) Leticia Celini (Brazilian Portuguese, S5E12)[2] Olga Golovanova (Russian, S4E19) Olga Shorokhova (Russian, S5E12) |
Lemon Hearts is a female unicorn pony with a yellow coat, a cerulean mane and tail with a lighter tail streak, raspberry eyes, and a cutie mark of three hearts; two light blue and one light green. She has speaking roles in several episodes, beginning with Green Isn't Your Color, and in the IDW comics and chapter books.
Lemon Hearts shares her design with Twinkleshine and her tail style with Daisy, Golden Harvest, and Strawberry Sunrise.
Depiction in the series[]
Season one[]

Lemon Hearts gasping in Green Isn't Your Color.
Lemon Hearts is commonly featured as a background pony. During running sequences, her eye color turns blue and her eye style often changes to one resembling Rarity's; her tail also loses its lighter streak.
She makes her first appearance in Friendship is Magic, part 1 in Canterlot. She appears before Twilight Sparkle, alongside Twinkleshine and Minuette, while carrying a present on her back. She has no spoken lines in the scene, but she receives Twinkleshine's remark about Twilight when the studious unicorn turns down the offer to join them at Moon Dancer's get-together. Later in the episode, she appears at Pinkie Pie's party in Ponyville's library and is among the ponies who visually yell "Surprise!" to Twilight. Since then, Lemon Hearts has been a common sight in Ponyville.
Lemon Hearts attends the Grand Galloping Gala in The Best Night Ever and makes it into the V.I.P. section. She takes photos of Wonderbolts Spitfire and Soarin with fellow Gala attendees "Charm" and "Masquerade".
Season two[]

Dressed as a mouse in Luna Eclipsed.
Lemon Hearts appears in Luna Eclipsed dressed as a mouse. In Putting Your Hoof Down, she offers two bits for the cherry Fluttershy wanted to buy for Angel's salad.
Season three[]
In The Crystal Empire - Part 1, she is among the ponies at the Crystal Faire when Rainbow Dash flies back to the Crystal Empire castle with the flag. In Spike at Your Service, she looks from the window as Spike slides down the roof. In Games Ponies Play, she sells baked goods for Cotton Cloudy.
Season four[]

Lemon Hearts in Trade Ya!
Lemon Hearts appears in Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1, Flight to the Finish, Power Ponies, Rainbow Falls, Pinkie Pride, Simple Ways, Filli Vanilli, and It Ain't Easy Being Breezies. She appears in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' play, having extended lines of dialogue. She also appears in Leap of Faith, Trade Ya!, Inspiration Manifestation, Equestria Games, Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1, and Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2.
Season five[]
Lemon Hearts appears at the beginning of The Cutie Map - Part 1 walking towards the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom castle alongside Neon Lights. She is also seen twice in Apple Bloom's first nightmare running from the twittermite infestation in Bloom & Gloom. She participates in the Running of the Leaves in Tanks for the Memories, attends Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda's wedding in Slice of Life, appears at the Grand Equestria Pony Summit in Princess Spike, and appears in Party Pooped.

Lemon Hearts in Crusaders of the Lost Mark.
Lemon Hearts appears in Amending Fences, in which she is referred to by name for the first time in the series and reconnects with old friends Twilight Sparkle and Moon Dancer. In Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, she appears in Ponyville's shared dream. In Canterlot Boutique, she briefly appears during Rules of Rarity. In Brotherhooves Social, she appears as a spectator at the Sisterhooves Social. She appears in the final group shot during Friends Are Always There For You in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2.
Season six[]
In The Gift of the Maud Pie, Lemon Hearts rides the Friendship Express to Manehattan and later walks over a Manehattan bridge. In No Second Prances, she appears walking in the Ponyville Park with Caramel and subsequently appears sitting at the park talking to White Lightning. In A Hearth's Warming Tail, she kisses "Autumn Leaf" on the cheek underneath mistletoe, and later appears at the hearth's Warming Eve party inside the Castle of Friendship during Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again (Reprise). In Spice Up Your Life, she appears in Canterlot's Restaurant Row talking to Neon Lights and later appears being shown a flyer for the Tasty Treat during It's Gonna Work. In The Cart Before the Ponies, she appears spectating the Ponyville Applewood Derby during Derby Racers.
Season seven[]
In Celestial Advice, Lemon Hearts appears listening to Sunburst in the Castle of Friendship after the Starlight Glimmer's Equestrian Pink Hearts of Courage award ceremony, and later appears as a filly in Princess Celestia's flashback in the School for Gifted Unicorns, using a potion to grow a flower with Moon Dancer. In Forever Filly, she makes a cameo appearance walking by Canterlot Carousel with Minuette. In Parental Glideance, she appears in Canterlot sitting with Twinkleshine and Minuette spectating the Wonderbolts' showcase , standing in the line for the Wonderbolts' autograph signing and watching the Wonderbolts' as they participate in a ribbon-cutting ceremony. In A Royal Problem, she watches a ribbon-cutting ceremony by Princess Luna in Canterlot. In Discordant Harmony, she makes a background appearance walking by the Ponyville Day Spa. In Fame and Misfortune, she makes background appearances in Ponyville walking across a street and later over a bridge, walking through Canterlot, as an anti-Rarity picketer in front of the Carousel Boutique and in the crowd of ponies arguing outside the Castle of Friendship. In Triple Threat, she makes background appearances attending the Dragon Flame of Friendship ceremony in Ponyville. In It Isn't the Mane Thing About You, she makes a background appearance walking through the Ponyville marketplace with Cherry Berry. In Shadow Play - Part 2, a pony resembling her appears falling victim to the sirens' spell and fighting with another village in the Pillars of Equestria's flashback.
Season eight[]
In The Maud Couple, Lemon Hearts appears in the Ponyville Comedy Club listening to Maud Pie's standup act. In Grannies Gone Wild, she appears at the Las Pegasus Hot Air Balloon port in a line to ride a balloon with Twinkleshine and Minuette. In Marks for Effort, she appears eating a cupcake while operating a stand selling pastries at the Ponyville marketplace and looks about in surprise upon hearing Scootaloo's scooter braking. In The End in Friend, she appears spectating a buckball game at the School of Friendship between Rainbow Dash and Rarity's teams. In Yakity-Sax, she makes background appearances watching the Wonderbolts' derby in Canterlot, walking through the Ponyville marketplace and attending a party at Sweet Apple Acres. In The Washouts, she makes a background appearance walking in Ponyville with Shoeshine and later in the audience for the titular group's two shows in Ponyville. In A Rockhoof and a Hard Place, she appears as part of Professor Fossil's archeology team excavating Rockhoof's old village carrying buckets of water, and subsequently appears walking with Raspberry Vinaigrette in Ponyville as Rockhoof shouts about Cranky Doodle Donkey's rash. In Sounds of Silence, she makes a cameo appearance walking in front of the Castle of Friendship.
Best Gift Ever[]
In My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, Lemon Hearts appears as a background character walking through the Rainbow Falls Hearth's Warming Craft Fair and later appears in front of Flim and Flam's stand.
Season nine[]
In The Beginning of the End - Part 2, Lemon Hearts appears in Canterlot as one of the hypnotized ponies by King Sombra. In The Point of No Return, she appears as a patron of the Canterlot Library and later appears walking outside Dusty Pages' old home. In She's All Yak, she appears in the reused shot from "The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2" during Fit Right In. In 2, 4, 6, Greaaat, she spectates the buckball game between the School of Friendship and the School of Magic, cheers during the halftime cheerleading routine and leaves after the stadium ends. In The Summer Sun Setback, she appears as one of the angry unicorns accompanying the Flaming Sky Firework Unicorn Troupe after they are guiled by Crackle Cosette into not performing a fireworks show for the final Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot. She later appears in the audience for the Celebration after its setbacks are resolved. In Growing Up is Hard to Do, she makes a background appearance reading a newspaper while riding on the Friendship Express. In The Ending of the End - Part 1, she appears as a shopkeeper at a thread shop, refusing to let Rarity in for a thread as the result of Queen Chrysalis tricking Earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi into despising each other. In Part 2, she seeks refuge from the Windigos with the other unicorns in the School for Gifted Unicorns and later assists the rest of Equestria in helping the Mane Six defeat Chrysalis, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow. In The Last Problem, she appears in Twilight's flashback riding on the Friendship Express with Twinkleshine, talking to Rare Find during preparations for Twilight's coronation as ruler of Equestria and attending the coronation.
Rainbow Roadtrip[]
Lemon Hearts makes a brief appearance in the beginning of My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip, talking to Minuette in Ponyville market.
Re-use of color[]
A few background ponies who share Lemon Hearts' color scheme appear in the series. In many crowd scenes, a pony with the same design as "Lavenderhoof" but with Lemon Hearts' color scheme appears off to the side, looking ahead diagonally. In Winter Wrap Up, a pony with the same design as Golden Harvest and Daisy, but with the aforementioned color scheme, plows the snow with the plant team.
A pony with a similar color scheme and name is Lemony Gem, a unicorn pony with the same design as Amethyst Star, Diamond Mint, and Lyra Heartstrings who appears in The Ticket Master, Call of the Cutie, Green Isn't Your Color, The Best Night Ever, Sweet and Elite, Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1, and Canterlot Boutique, usually wearing a pink saddle with a light pink skirt underneath. However, she is much more differentiated from Lemon Hearts due to her cyan eye color and different cutie mark, which is seen in The Best Night Ever.
Times stated below are approximate and taken from videos available online.
Season one | |
1 | 2:17 – appears in front of Twilight Sparkle ~ 2:38, 16:34 – shouts "Surprise!" at the party, 16:58 ~ 17:42 – mingling at the party, 18:46 ~ 19:14 – on a balcony in the town hall, 19:36 – grinning in anticipation of Princess Celestia's appearance, 20:16 – left side of the crowd surveyed by Nightmare Moon, 20:58 – gasps at the mention of Nightmare Moon's name.
Duplicates: 19:11 – on the lower right balcony next to Shoeshine. |
2 | 1:27 – flees from Nightmare Moon (eyes are green), 20:14 – running to the party (eyes are blue), 20:16 – eyes are jazzberry again, 20:50 – standing in the crowd. |
3 | 3:35 ~ 4:10 – in the audience for the Wonderbolts in Rainbow Dash's fantasy, 7:38 – in the audience chamber of Canterlot Castle in Rarity's fantasy, 8:01 – on the dance floor, 8:13 ~ 8:20 – standing at the wedding, 11:19 – looks from her table to Twilight's outburst in reality, 12:05 – runs by soaking wet, 17:11 – hears "Twilight has an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala", 17:25 ~ 18:01 – part of the mob surrounding and chasing Twilight (eyes are blue), 18:06 – cornering Twilight (eyes are jazzberry), 18:12 – surprised at Twilight's disappearing.
Duplicates: 3:35 – two duplicates in the audience, 8:13 – one duplicate at the wedding, 17:45 ~ 18:01 – entire pony posse intermittently duplicated for effect. |
4 | 2:13 – running from the cow stampede in panic (eyes are blue), 2:17, 2:25, 5:55 ~ 7:34 – in the audience at the party for Applejack (eyes are jazzberry), 14:50 – staring at the muffin samples while on Minuette, 15:08 – sick on the floor, 18:13 – running from the bunny stampede in panic (eyes are blue again).
Duplicates: 5:55 – one duplicate in the audience, 6:41. |
5 | 12:18 – standing close to an apple stand near Sugarcube Corner, 13:16 – watching Fluttershy lead the ducks, 13:40 – watching Fluttershy run away, 15:34 – at Pinkie Pie's party for Gilda, 16:26 – laughing at the spitting snakes prank, 17:03 – laughing at the relighting birthday candles prank, 17:49 – standing near the pin-the-tail-on-the-pony game, 18:10 – smiling as Gilda plays the game. |
6 | 2:22 ~ 3:36 – in the crowd for Trixie's show (hornless), 4:50 ~ 7:22 – with her horn back, 8:51 – staring at Rarity (hornless again), 9:12 – watching Rarity run away (with her horn back), 9:35 – (hornless again), 15:41 – gasps at the Ursa, 15:46 – running, 16:23 – gasping again, 18:15 ~ 18:32 – in the crowd congratulating Twilight. |
7 | 1:46 – walking in the park alongside Sea Swirl and Sassaflash, 2:49 – in the crowd listening to Twilight. |
8 | None. |
9 | None. |
10 | 17:48 – running from the parasprites. |
11 | 1:45 – in the crowd to hear Mayor Mare's speech (with an animal team vest), 1:54 – with Amethyst Star, 2:10 ~ 2:40 – back in the crowd, 4:08 – singing while attached to a cart of supplies, 4:37 – singing with a hedgehog on her back and a rabbit hopping onto her head, 6:00 – holding the last note with Twilight, 20:12 ~ 20:54 – in the crowd facing the mayor and Twilight.
Duplicates: 2:10 – two duplicates in the crowd, 2:19 – six duplicates, 2:39 – three duplicates, 6:02 – a duplicate in the team, 20:15 – three duplicates in the crowd, 20:26 – one duplicate. |
12 | None. |
13 | 4:57 – cheering at the Iron Pony competition, 6:09 – standing in a pyramid on top of Golden Harvest and Berryshine, 6:14, 6:25 – watching Applejack leap, 6:31 – watching Rainbow Dash leap, 7:11 ~ 7:25 – watching the final event (hornless), 9:13 – watching the start of the Running of the Leaves (horn included), 13:20 – running in the Running of the Leaves (eyes are blue), 14:31 – passing Rainbow Dash, 16:41, 17:15, 17:42, 17:56 – being passed by Rainbow, 18:20, 18:51 – standing near the finish line (hornless, eyes are jazzberry), 19:30 ~ 20:04 – in the crowd watching Applejack and Rainbow fight (horn included).
Duplicates: 9:13 – an earth pony duplicate in the audience, 9:17, 13:20 – two Lemon Hearts running. |
14 | 13:13 – looking at Hoity Toity as he walks up to Rarity's fashion show, 14:13 – in the crowd watching the models go onstage, 14:17, 14:29 – studying the dresses quizzically, 14:49 – listening to Hoity Toity.
Duplicates: 14:13 – one duplicate in the crowd, 14:29. |
15 | None. |
16 | None. |
17 | None. |
18 | 2:06 – walking on a street, 2:07, 2:11 – frowning at Scootaloo's trick, 15:13 – in the crowd for the talent show, 16:36 – staring at the Cutie Mark Crusaders (without a horn), 18:40 – starts laughing, 18:46, 19:14, 20:02 – applauding.
Duplicates: 16:38 – one earth pony duplicate in the crowd, 18:40, 18:46, 20:02 – at least five duplicates. |
19 | None. |
20 | 9:47 ~ 10:01 – in the crowd at Fluttershy's first fashion show, 10:30 – in the sidelines at Fluttershy's red carpet, 11:15 – looking through the windows of Carousel Boutique for Fluttershy (with a camera), 15:52 – joining the crowd around Fluttershy, 16:43 – at the top of the bleachers in the audience for Fluttershy's latest fashion show, 16:47 – next to Photo Finish, 17:04 – at the top of the bleachers again, 17:20 – gasps in horror beside Photo Finish, 17:29 – more gasping, 17:40, 17:53, 17:56 – "She's an embarrassment to all things fashion!", 18:10 – looking for the source of the word "Bravo!", 18:13, 18:37. Duplicates: 9:48 – three duplicates in the crowd, 9:56 – one duplicate. |
21 | None. |
22 | 4:10 – carrying a teacup at the party for Princess Celestia and gets admonished by Rarity, 6:53 – bows as Celestia leaves. |
23 | 11:18 ~ 11:29 – standing in the audience for the performance in Rarity's flashback, 11:56 – walking in Canterlot in Twilight Sparkle's flashback, 12:19 – watching the sun rise. |
24 | None. |
25 | None. |
26 | 6:44 – singing after Twilight Sparkle's part, 9:20 – standing outside the VIP section of the Grand Galloping Gala, 9:22 – inside the VIP section, 9:28, 11:47 ~ 12:05 – mingling in the crowd, 13:11, 16:00 – taking pictures of the Wonderbolts with "Masquerade" and "Charm", 18:23 – watching Applejack push in her apple cake. |
Season two | |
1 | None |
2 | 14:28 - in Applejack's flashback of Winter Wrap Up; 20:43 ~ 21:16 - in Canterlot Castle
Duplicates: 20:43 - two in the crowd |
3 | 1:21, 7:39 - walking through Ponyville; 16:39 ~ 17:59 - fighting other ponies over Smarty Pants; 18:05 - staring at Smarty Pants before walking away |
4 | 2:31 - talking with Minuette; 3:44 - bobbing for apples; 6:57 ~ 8:22 - crouching in fear of Princess Luna; 11:58 - seeing Luna approach; 13:33 - admiring Luna; 15:03 - scared of Luna; 15:32 - in the crowd after Luna cancels Nightmare Night; 20:54 - cheering for Luna; 20:59 - bobbing for apples; 21:05 - laughing with Luna (all appearances are in a mouse costume) |
5 | 17:00 - in the background crowd, with a duplicate; 17:15 - listening to Granny Smith; 17:26 - in the stands; 17:59 ~ 18:54 - watching the race; 19:21 - cheering for Berryshine and "Piña Colada"; 19:24 - walking off-screen
Duplicates: 17:26 - one in the crowd; 18:54 - one in the crowd |
6 | 16:43 - saying "Cutie pox?!" along with the others. |
7 | None |
8 | 2:52 - hears Cream Puff crying; 3:13, 3:27, 3:33 - in the crowd praising Rainbow Dash; 4:33 - in the crowd praising Rainbow Dash; 5:48, 5:55 - in the crowd; 16:18 - disapproving of Rainbow Dash; 17:43, 17:56 - in the crowd at Mare Do Well's thank-you parade
Duplicates: 17:43 - one in the crowd |
9 | 5:46 - in the crowd at the Wonderbolts Derby (several duplicates present); 10:18 - watching an airship's maiden voyage during Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know) |
10 | 7:22 - walking through Ponyville with Sea Swirl and Sassaflash |
11 | 0:54 - walking through Canterlot; 1:51, 3:32, 12:19, 14:33, 20:05, 20:39 - in the pageant audience; 1:55 - sweeping backstage; 5:16, 5:40, 5:43, 6:01, 6:45 - acting in the pageant; 20:27 - singing The Heart Carol
Duplicates: 1:51, 3:32, 14:33, 20:05, 20:39 - multiple |
12 | None |
13 | None |
14 | 2:43, 2:58, 3:02 - at Applejack's sendoff party |
15 | 2:07, 2:27, 2:33, 2:48 - in line for apple cider; 3:47, 3:51, 4:09 - in the crowd complaing; 4:13 - walking away from the cider stand; 4:58 ~ 8:35 - in the crowd during The Flim Flam Brothers; 11:32, 11:46 - in the crowd of ponies; 13:54, 15:41 - in the crowd at the cider-making competition; 19:43, 19:54 - watching the Apples leave |
16 | None |
17 | 0:02, 3:30, 4:11 - in Ponyville Town Square; 3:00, 3:10 - walking through Ponyville |
18 | 5:00 ~ 6:12 - appears during Smile Song; 8:42 - walking through Ponyville; 8:54 - waving at Pinkie Pie |
19 | 4:41 - in the Ponyville marketplace; 6:17 - "I'll give you two bits for that cherry."; 7:06 ~ 8:20 - at Iron Will's seminar (with multiple duplicates) |
20 | None |
21 | None |
22 | None |
23 | 0:02 - in wide-angle shot of Ponyville |
24 | None |
25 | None |
26 | 6:58, 8:05 - at the first wedding ceremony; 16:30 - saved from changelings by Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's magic; 17:28 - at the second wedding; 20:36 - watching Cadance and Shining Armor leave |
Season three | |
1 | 20:51 - among the ponies at the Crystal Faire |
2 | None |
3 | 13:23 ~ 14:42 - in the crowd complaining about Pinkie Pie
Duplicates: 13:27, 14:17, 14:22 - one in the crowd |
4 | 12:54, 15:47 ~ 16:40 - at the Summer Harvest Parade (with several duplicates); 18:00 - looking at the muddy Cutie Mark Crusaders |
5 | 3:05 - in the crowd of ponies; 20:32, 20:48 - watching Twilight perform for the Saddle Arabians
Duplicates: 20:32 - two in the stands |
6 | None |
7 | None |
8 | None |
9 | 1:54 - in a house window as Spike jumps by |
10 | None |
11 | 16:01 - on the train to the Crystal Empire |
12 | 18:08, 18:19 - at the Crystal Empire train station |
13 | 12:52 - walking through Ponyville, looking mad; 13:06, 13:20 - in the crowd during A True, True Friend; 19:03 ~ 19:35 - at Twilight's princess coronation; 20:53 ~ 21:14 - in the crowd during Life in Equestria
Duplicates: 20:53 - two in the crowd |
Season four | |
1 | 13:08 – in front of Ponyville Town Hall |
2 | None |
3 | None |
4 | None |
5 | 20:27 - in the sweeping crowd shot
Duplicates: 20:31 - one in the crowd |
6 | 5:55 - running away from Mane-iac |
7 | None |
8 | None |
9 | None |
10 | 4:49 - on the Equestria Games tryout fields; 7:48 - watching Soarin fall out of the sky; 13:56, 14:22 - seeing Rainbow Dash in a wheelchair
Alicorn version: 5:31 - watching the Cloudsdale cheerleaders; 7:08 - near the Cloudsdale team camp |
11 | None |
12 | 2:02 - with other ponies during Pinkie the Party Planner; 5:52 ~ 6:44 - seen during The Super Duper Party Pony; 7:05, 7:09, 7:22 - in the crowd carrying Cheese Sandwich; 7:51, 11:15 - assisting with the party efforts; 14:26 - watching Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's goof off; 18:24 - in Cheese Sandwich's flashback during Cheese Confesses; 19:48 - swimming in a giant punch bowl |
13 | 0:08, 0:43 - at the Ponyville Days Festival announcement; 4:51 - walking with Sassaflash |
14 | 12:24 - galloping past a pen of animals; 13:37 - walking with Sassaflash; 13:38, 13:56 - at Zipporwhill's cute-ceañera |
15 | None |
16 | 2:13 - walking with Sassaflash; 3:28 - in the crowd of ponies |
17 | None |
18 | None |
19 | 5:14, 5:31 - in the auditorium lobby (speaking role) |
20 | 2:58 ~ 3:27 - walking toward Flim and Flam's tent; 5:26, 6:32 ~ 6:53 - seen during Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic; 9:41 - inside the tent; 14:38 ~ 16:48 - in a Ponyville Swim Meet crowd; 16:41, 16:42 - trotting up to Apple Bloom and Granny Smith; 19:13, 19:27 - in the crowd of ponies |
21 | None |
22 | 5:28 - talking with Gizmo; 8:03, 11:56 - at the Traders Exchange with Sea Swirl and Twinkleshine; 13:29, 14:05 - in line for oat burgers; 14:12 - buying an oat burger; 15:13 - in an ever-condensing crowd of ponies; 15:19, 15:32 - walking with Sea Swirl and Sassaflash; 19:19 ~ 19:42 - at the Traders Exchange trial |
23 | 0:05 - walking through Ponyville with Sassaflash |
24 | 4:40, 5:44, 7:20 - in the Equestria Games crowd; 11:39 - in the stadium lobby; 12:49 - watching the aerial lobby; 14:37 - listening to Spike sing; 16:39, 16:58, 18:14 - watching the ice archery event; 18:30 - watching the ice cloud fall; 20:46 - watching the closing ceremonies |
25 | 20:00 - in an auditorium crowd; 20:07 - having her magic stolen by Lord Tirek |
26 | 20:19 - walking up to Twilight's castle; 20:30, 20:57 - seen during Let the Rainbow Remind You |
Season five | |
1 | 0:04 - walking toward Twilight's castle with Neon Lights |
2 | None |
3 | None |
4 | 8:14, 8:18 - fleeing from the twittermite swarm |
5 | 0:03 - standing next to Daisy; 0:22 - participating in the Running of the Leaves; 19:32 - standing next to Lucky Clover; 21:30 - standing near Rare Find |
6 | None |
7 | None |
8 | None |
9 | 15:45, 15:46, 15:51 - looking at DJ Pon-3's mobile DJ station carrying the Twilicane; 17:48, 18:57, 20:14, 20:54 - at Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda's wedding |
10 | 0:59 ~ 1:33 - at the Grand Equestria Pony Summit; 10:49 - in a line of summit delegates; 19:55 - listening to Spike's apology; 20:54 - looking at the finished statue |
11 | 20:01 - at the friendship party in Ponyville |
12 | 4:55 ~ 6:24 - having lunch with Twilight, Minuette, and Twinkleshine; 6:34 ~ 7:42 - visiting the School for Gifted Unicorns; 6:56, 7:21 - as a filly in Twilight Sparkle's flashback; 7:49 ~ 8:26 - visiting Moon Dancer at her home; 9:24 ~ 9:37 - in flashback to episode 1; 13:32 ~ 14:19 - having dinner with Twilight, Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Moon Dancer; 15:04 ~ 15:31 - at Moon Dancer's party in a flashback; 17:43, 18:28 ~ 20:45 - at Moon Dancer's new party; 21:15 - depicted in a photograph; 21:20 - playing with Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Moon Dancer |
13 | 8:34 - in Pinkie Pie's dream; 14:05, 14:24, 14:29 - in Ponyville's shared dream |
14 | 11:59, 12:01 - in Rarity's fantasy during Rules of Rarity |
15 | None |
16 | None |
17 | 10:16 ~ 11:30 - watching a musical performance; 11:57 - surprised by "Orchard Blossom"'s voice; 12:45 - walking across the Social grounds; 15:50 - sitting in the stands; 16:55, 16:57 - sitting in the stands at the finish line |
18 | 13:22 - gets passed by Diamond Tiara |
19 | None |
20 | 0:04 - walking with Rare Find; 2:15 - reading a newspaper on the Friendship Express |
21 | 14:34, 14:57 - dressed as a mouse for Nightmare Night |
22 | None |
23 | None |
24 | 18:35 - watching Coloratura perform "The Magic Inside" |
25 | 2:59 - attending Twilight's lecture |
26 | 21:24 - appears in final group shot |
Season six | |
1 | None |
2 | None |
3 | 0:06 - riding on the Friendship Express; 18:12 - walking on an overpass |
4 | None |
5 | None |
6 | 5:56 - walking with Caramel; 6:13 - talking to White Lightning |
7 | None |
8 | 0:12 - sharing a mistletoe kiss with "Autumn Leaf"; 21:02 - taking part in the finale |
9 | None |
10 | None |
11 | None |
12 | 2:51 - talking to Neon Lights; 10:08 - standing with Minuette watching Pinkie and Saffron Masala's ad campaign; 10:55 - watching the ad campaign; 11:31 - standing in a crowd of ponies |
13 | None |
14 | 16:13 - watching the Applewood Derby with an Earth stallion and Minuette |
15 | None |
16 | None |
17 | None |
18 | None |
19 | None |
20 | None |
21 | None |
22 | None |
23 | None |
24 | None |
25 | None |
26 | None |
Season seven | |
1 | 3:54 - talking to Sunburst; 15:50 - as a filly in Celestia's flashback as Moon Dancer's lab partner |
2 | None |
3 | None |
4 | None |
5 | None |
6 | 0:01 - walking with Minuette outside Canterlot Carousel |
7 | 10:50 - in the stands of the Wonderbolts arena; 13:42 - waiting in line for the Wonderbolts' autographs |
8 | None |
9 | None |
10 | 10:14 - watching Princess Luna ride in Princess Celestia's carriage with Minuette; 10:20 - watching Princess Luna at a ribbon-cutting ceremony |
11 | None |
12 | 6:58 - walking past Discord |
13 | None |
14 | 0:35 - walking with Sea Swirl and Sassaflash; 5:03 - walking in the Canterlot town square; 10:16 - walking over a bridge; 11:57 - boycotting Carousel Boutique; 15:48 - arguing with Rose |
15 | 2:25 - walking with Sassaflash and Sea Swirl; 4:47 - talking to Cherry Fizzy before being startled by Ember's sneeze; 11:48 - walking with Sassaflash; 21:01 - at the ceremony |
16 | None |
17 | None |
18 | None |
19 | 0:49 - walking with Cherry Berry |
20 | None |
21 | None |
22 | None |
23 | None |
24 | None |
25 | None |
26 | None |
Season eight | |
1 | None |
2 | None |
3 | 0:08, 1:22 - at the comedy club |
4 | 16:19 - in the audience for the fashion show (shot reused from Green Isn't Your Color) |
5 | 6:22 - waiting in line for the next hot air balloon |
6 | 3:41 - getting off the Friendship Express |
7 | None |
8 | None |
9 | None |
10 | None |
11 | None |
12 | 11:07 - selling tarts |
13 | None |
14 | None |
15 | None |
16 | None |
17 | None |
18 | Yes |
19 | None |
20 | Yes |
21 | Yes |
22 | None |
23 | 0:01 - walking past the Castle of Friendship |
24 | None |
25 | None |
26 | None |
Season nine | |
1 | None |
2 | Yes |
3 | None |
4 | None |
5 | Yes |
6 | None |
7 | Yes |
8 | None |
9 | None |
10 | None |
11 | None |
12 | None |
13 | None |
14 | None |
15 | Yes |
16 | None |
17 | Yes |
18 | None |
19 | None |
20 | None |
21 | None |
22 | Yes |
23 | None |
24 | Yes |
25 | Yes |
26 | Yes |
Depiction in Equestria Girls[]
Lemon Hearts is one of many ponies seen in the establishing shot of Ponyville in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks.
Depiction in My Little Pony The Movie[]
In My Little Pony The Movie, Lemon Hearts appears with Red Delicious in the audience for Songbird Serenade's performance at the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot.
Other depictions[]
Friendship is Magic shorts[]
In Triple Pony Dare Ya, Lemon Hearts appears with Twinkleshine waiting in line for Granny Smith's Hearth's Warming fruitcake at the Ponyville marketplace.
IDW comics[]

Lemon Hearts in "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer".
Lemon Hearts appears on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #1 page 17, on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #8 page 16, on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #9 page 17, in The Fall of Sunset Shimmer, on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #10 page 22, on My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #7 Jetpack Comics covers RE, on My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #9 page 3, on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #30 pages 3 (with a green foreleg) and 12, on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #40 page 9, on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #44 page 10, on My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries Issue #4 pages 11, 16, and 17, and My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries Issue #5 page 1. In My Little Pony/Transformers Issue #2, Lemon Hearts appears in the audience of Pinkie Pie's baking show.
Chapter books[]
Lemon Hearts makes a speaking appearance in chapter 4 of My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party!, "The Spring-Sproing-Spring Party!"
My Little Pony (mobile game)[]
Lemon Hearts is a character in Gameloft's mobile game, and serves as an enemy minion during "The Crowning Achievement" event. The game's description of her states, "She's a yellow unicorn with a bright cerulean mane, who wears her heart on her sleeve... and in her name!"

A mini-figure toy named Lemon Hearts was released as part of the first wave of mystery packs in November 2010 and as part of the Toys "R" Us exclusive Friendship Celebration Collection. The toy uses the Rarity mold but features the show character's color scheme and cutie mark. Her name comes from the packaging of the toy releases. According to the back of the European mystery pack collector card, Lemon Hearts "is loving and kind".[3] The description on the back of the Australia/U.S. mystery pack collector card adds, "She always takes time to show her friends how much she cares."[4] The illustration on the front of both versions of the card depicts Lemon Hearts standing outside Carousel Boutique. The Friendship Celebration Collection toy package has a different description and reads, "LEMON HEARTS and PEPPERDANCE play together in a band!"[5]
Lemon Hearts appears as one of the guests attending the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance in the My Little Pony First Look and Find book, with the same design as on the first collector card.
A second Lemon Hearts mini-figure toy and collector card pair is part of the eighth wave of mystery packs.[6][7] Unlike the toys, the first collector card, and the First Look and Find book, this collector card features the show character's mane style. According to this collector card, "LEMON HEARTS always takes time to show she cares!"
A third Lemon Hearts mini-figure toy and collector card pair is part of the tenth wave of mystery packs, which has been displayed at the 2014 American International Toy Fair.[8] This collector card uses the same mane style and description as the previous collector card.[9]
A Lemon Hearts mini-figure toy and collector card pair is part of the twelfth wave of mystery packs.
Lemon Hearts is also named with a trademark symbol on her Enterplay collectible card game Canterlot Nights expansion set card #91 C, which attributes to Mint Jewelup the quote "Now if only every pony with 'Lemon' in their name was half as nice as Lemon Hearts..." In the Crystal Games expansion set, card #89 C of Peachy Pitt attributes to Lemon Hearts the quote "Peachy isn't greedy, pushy, or trustworthy. She's just a darn good salesmare!" In the Absolute Discord expansion set, card #72 R of Lemon Hearts gives her the description "Lemon Hearts liked most of her schoolwork in Canterlot, but animal science was definitely her favorite subject."
- "She's an embarrassment to all things fashion!"
- — Green Isn't Your Color
- "I'll give you two bits for that cherry."
- — Putting Your Hoof Down
- "I liked that one almost as much as the one with the lacy trim and all the embroidered cuffs! [chuckles]"
- — For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
- "So what brings you by anyway? All those times you've come back to Canterlot, you never had donuts with us before."
- — Amending Fences
- "Uh, yeah. It's true. I do the big events mostly. State dinners, that sort of thing."
- — Amending Fences
- "She's right full of herself, that's what!"
- — The Fall of Sunset Shimmer
- "Do it again!"
- — Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party!
- "Peachy isn't greedy, pushy, or trustworthy. She's just a darn good salesmare!"
- — Enterplay collectible card game The Crystal Games expansion set card #89 C of Peachy Pitt
See also[]
- Lemon Hearts, Sweetheart on the Collectible Card Game Wiki
- Lemon Hearts, Animancer on the Collectible Card Game Wiki
- Lemon Hearts, Banquet Planner on the Collectible Card Game Wiki
- Lemon Hearts, Contents Under Pressure on the Collectible Card Game Wiki
- Lemon Hearts on the My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
- Characters with a similar name: Lilac Hearts, Lemon Zest, Lemon Squeezy, Lemon Drop, Lemon Square, and Paper Hearts.
- ↑ Dubbingpedia's publication of credits from SDI's e-mail (Polish). Retrieved on 2015 August 3.
- ↑ Leticia Celini (2015-07-08). Lemon Hearts em "My Little Pony" (Portuguese). Retrieved on 2015 July 8.
- ↑ A selection of mystery pack cards including Lemon Hearts' card
- ↑ Dabid (Jan 26, 2012). Pepperdance and Lemon Hearts My Little Pony Blind Bag Series 1. Retrieved on 2012 March 4.
- ↑ Another Toys R' Us Blindbag Set On The Way - Friendship Celebration Collection. Equestria Daily (2012-05-01). Retrieved on 2012 May 2.
- ↑ Look what I found.. :P. Aquatic Neon (2013-03-03). Retrieved on 2013 March 4.
- ↑ My Little Pony Crystal Blindbags. Tesco direct. Retrieved on 2013 March 4.
- ↑ Stitch Kingdom - Timeline Photos. Facebook (2014-02-15). Retrieved on 2014 February 24.
- ↑ List Of All Wave 10 Blind Bag Figures!. All About MLP Merch (2014-03-15). Retrieved on 2014 March 17.