My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki

This is a sortable list of memorable Pegasus ponies which appear in the IDW comics or other comics. Official names are in bold. These names are mentioned in the comics, on Hasbro's toy line, or stated to be official by the comic's crew. Names that are not in bold are placeholder names which are unofficial and will soon be up for vote. Names in gray are up for vote right now. Colors are approximate.

The table can be sorted by clicking the icon in one of the top row cells.

K kind: Earth, Pegasus, unicorn, Alicorn
G group: colt, filly, mare, stallion
C coat color
M mane color
E eye color
F first appearance or mention: issue, page, panel
x Friendship is Magic issue x
Mx Micro-series issue x
FFx Friends Forever issue x
Fx FIENDship is Magic issue x
LOMx Legends of Magic issue x
Ax Annual year x
SS The Fall of Sunset Shimmer
AG Art Gallery
HS Holiday Special
D Deviations
Cover variant x (used with the above tags)
Name K G C M E F Description and appearances Image
Daring Do pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(044, 82%, 66%)¤ hsl(033, 11%, 20%)¤ hsl(349, 62%, 59%)¤ 15
Appears in Ponyville as a result of the bookworm's magic. Comic issue 15 Daring Do
Derpy Hooves pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(222, 19%, 79%)¤ hsl(059, 67%, 83%)¤ hsl(044, 81%, 65%)¤ 19
An alternate universe counterpart of Derpy Hooves, depicted in stained glass. She is a character named "Wise Muffins" in Gameloft's mobile game, and serves as a boss battle helper in the "Reflections: Battle for the Sun" event. Her bio states, "An example of true Wisdom, mirror-universe Muffins' passion for philosophy is matched only by her ability to fly EXACTLY the direction she means to go, all the time." Comic issue 18 Alternate Derpy
Fluttershy pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(057, 90%, 77%)¤ hsl(333, 86%, 89%)¤ hsl(178, 72%, 45%)¤ 18
An alternate universe counterpart of Fluttershy. Comic issue 19 Alternate Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(189, 56%, 86%)¤ hsl(005, 85%, 55%)¤ hsl(333, 85%, 55%)¤ 17
An alternate universe counterpart of Rainbow Dash. Comic issue 19 Alternate Rainbow Dash
Agnes Garbowska pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(351, 39%, 79%)¤ hsl(56, 94%, 81%)¤ hsl(78, 46%, 75%)¤ FF18
Represents Agnes Garbowska. Agnes Garbowska usually appears differently. Friends Forever issue 18 Agnes Garbowska
Amy Mebberson pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(059, 74%, 72%)¤ hsl(053, 71%, 56%)¤ black¤ 05
Represents comic artist Amy Mebberson. Comic issue 5 Amy Mebberson
Andy Price pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(81, 52%, 76%)¤ hsl(26, 10%, 48%)¤ hsl(94, 15%, 67%)¤ FF18
Represents Andy Price. Andy Price usually appears differently. Friends Forever issue 18 Andy Price
Chuck Goodman pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(201, 100%, 96%)¤ hsl(044, 92%, 57%)¤ hsl(047, 61%, 53%)¤ 08
Represents Chuck Goodman. A participant in the battle against the Nightmare forces. His cutie mark appears to be a set of scales inside a square. Comic issue 8 UPS1
Gemini Star pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(007, 88%, 71%)¤ hsl(048, 93%, 74%)¤ hsl(032, 100%, 61%)¤ 20
An original character of Jessie Tracer. Appears on Phoenix Comics & Games (and Everfree Northwest) exclusive cover RE of Friendship is Magic Issue #20. Comic issue 20 OC Gemini Star
Heather Nuhfer pegasuspegasus maremare white¤ hsl(051, 98%, 67%)¤ hsl(026, 35%, 73%)¤ 08
A representation of comic writer Heather Nuhfer. Also appears in a picture on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #100 convention exclusive cover RE. Resembles Surprise and Breezie. Comic issue 8 Heather Nuhfer
Katie Cook pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(200, 90%, 84%)¤ hsl(46, 58%, 77%)¤ hsl(79, 54%, 63%)¤ FF18
Represents Katie Cook. Katie Cook usually appears differently. Friends Forever issue 18 Katie Cook
Sky Shatter pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(225, 25%, 84%)¤ hsl(206, 76%, 68%)¤ hsl(098, 54%, 48%)¤ 69
An original character of Del Cox. Recolors (see also Princess Glitter Punch, 'Mascara Maroon', and Magazine Unnamed Mare - Starveil) appear in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #69 and Issue #73. Appears in Issue #94 disembarking from the same train as Cheese Sandwich and later as a construction worker. Also appears in Issue #95 and Issue #101. Comic issue 94 Sky Shatter
Sleepy Skies pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(276, 31%, 80%)¤ hsl(208, 61%, 74%)¤ hsl(235, 36%, 65%)¤ M03
An original character of Cat Whitney. Appears in My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #3 at the Wellness Center and as a filly on cover RI of Issue #4. Before the comics were created, Cat Whitney referred to Sleepy Skies and Flitterheart as cousins. Comic issue M3 Sleepy Skies
Sora Swirl pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(34, 97%, 62%)¤ hsl(287, 47%, 40%)¤ hsl(70, 67%, 53%)¤ 30
A representation of Sara Richard. Also appears on the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #46 subscription cover and on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #79 cover B. Named in My Little Pony: Art is Magic Volume 2. Her cutie mark is a paintbrush making a swirl. Comic issue 30 Sara Richard
8-bit pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(029, 14%, 53%)¤ hsl(187, 52%, 69%)¤ hsl(270, 29%, 51%)¤ 11
See 8-bit and Gaffer. Comic issue 11 8-Bit
Alder Brown pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(48, 80%, 94%)¤ white¤ hsl(288, 30%, 54%)¤ 83
Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #83 as a resident of Trotland and Scarlet Study's owner. Her cutie mark is two turnips. Comic issue 83 Alder Brown
Bella Breeze pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(190, 58%, 77%)¤ hsl(189, 32%, 56%)¤ hsl(189, 32%, 56%)¤ LOM4
Appears in My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Issue #4 and Legends of Magic Annual 2018 as a member of the Cloudsdale Royal Legion. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Legends of Magic issue 4 Bella Breeze
Cirrus Cloud pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(250, 34%, 75%)¤ hsl(144, 72%, 37%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of Fluttershy's old bullies at flight camp. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "Head of the Cloudsdale Flight Camp Reunion Committee. Reformed bully; current perky goth." Friends Forever issue 18 Cirrus Cloud
Queen Cleopatrot pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(40, 57%, 67%)¤ hsl(220, 23%, 3%)¤ hsl(96, 48%, 47%)¤ 53
Dressed up as by Sassaflash/Emerald Gem respectively in Luna Eclipsed and in Gameloft's mobile game. Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #53 as the ruler of an ancient Egypt-like civilization and the subject of an exhibit at the Canterlot Museum. Mentioned by Flash Magnus in reference to Somnambula on My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Issue #11 page 13. Also appears on My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights Issue #1 page 12. Her cutie mark is a shining sun. "Queen Cleopatrot" and "Cleopatrot's Mummy" are characters in the mobile game, and serve as a boss and enemy minions-the latter with a story role-during the "Nightmare Night at the Museum" and "Reflections of Harmony" events, respectively. Queen Cleopatrot's bio states, "The chic-est pony monarch in Southern Equestrian history also had one of the fiercest tempers." Cleopatrot's Mummy's bio states, "Not only was she a powerful Southern Equestrian Pharaoh, she ALSO pioneered the practice of using oil-treated wraps to keep her coat young and soft." Comic issue 53 Queen Cleopatrot
Custard pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(348, 30%, 53%)¤ hsl(240, 33%, 69%)¤ ¤ M05
One of the trainee clowns at Ponyacci's school. Her cutie mark is a custard splatter. Comic issue M5 Custard
General Dauntless pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(38, 99%, 66%)¤ hsl(332, 67%, 91%)¤ hsl(355, 65%, 43%)¤ 81
A general Wonderbolt whose life was once saved by Wind Sock in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #81. "General Dauntless" and "Young Dauntless" are characters in Gameloft's mobile game, and act as helpers during the "Dash to the Future" event. General Dauntless' bio states "In the Wonderbolts' present-day senior leadership. He's come a long way since that fateful day in Breezewood Canyon..." Comic issue 81 General Dauntless
Diamond Rose pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(050, 17%, 93%)¤ hsl(328, 61%, 46%)¤ hsl(207, 75%, 73%)¤ 11
See Diamond Rose. Comic issue 12 Diamond Rose
Firefly pegasuspegasus maremare Manga
Vol. 3
Firefly appears in My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 3, on My Little Pony: Generations Issue #1 covers A andB, Issue #2 cover RI, and Issue #4 page 4. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "Once kicked a dragon RIGHT IN THE FACE. (Don't worry--it wasn't Spike!)" See also Rainbow Dash/Gallery#Concept art. MLP Generations issue 2 cover RI textless
Grimhoof pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(211, 36%, 71%)¤ hsl(211, 68%, 87%)¤ hsl(206, 54%, 52%)¤ LOM4
Appears in My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Issue #4 and Legends of Magic Annual 2018 as a member of the Cloudsdale Royal Legion. Also appears in My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Issue #9. He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Legends of Magic issue 4 Grimhoof
Jett Glider pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(185, 50%, 72%)¤ hsl(220, 23%, 3%)¤ hsl(26, 91%, 61%)¤ FF36
Appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #36 as a bartender at a plant-harvesting mountain outpost on Mt. Everhoof. His cutie mark is two red and white flags. Friends Forever issue 36 Jett Glider
Kibitz pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(220, 3%, 79%)¤ black¤ black¤ 19
An alternate universe version of Kibitz who appears in Friendship is Magic Issue #19. His design resembles a vampire. Comic issue 19 Alternate Kibitz
Lejandar Gygax pegasuspegasus ¤ ¤ ¤ 11
Poindexter's character in the game Oubliettes & Ogres 2nd edition, a Lawful Evil elf Pegasus bard. Referred to as a "he" on page 5, but appears as a mare in a drawing and fantasy sequence in the Oubliettes & Ogres short story. Named after Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, the game that Oubliettes & Ogres references. Comic issue 11 Poindexter as Lejandar Gygax
Lofty pegasuspegasus maremare Lofty ​[​specify​]​. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "A high-flying Pegasus if there ever was one!"
Long-Face pegasuspegasus stallionstallion white¤ black¤ hsl(007, 83%, 53%)¤ A14
A despair-themed super-villain and enemy of the Power Ponies in My Little Pony Annual 2014. He temporarily gains Radiance's superpowers. Annual 2014 Long-Face
Medley pegasuspegasus maremare Manga
Vol. 3
Medley ​[​specify​]​. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "No pony plays music with the clouds the way Medley does!"
Miss Direction pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(017, 74%, 79%)¤ hsl(139, 42%, 68%)¤ hsl(292, 31%, 56%)¤ 21
One of Trixie's stage assistants, along with Peppers Ghost, in Manehattan Mysteries but not in No Second Prances. Modern relative of FIENDship is Magic 03 Unnamed Mare - Miss Direction. Her cutie mark is a signpost. Comic issue 21 Miss Direction
Nimbus Dash pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(229, 38%, 67%)¤ hsl(0, 0%, 16%)¤ hsl(207, 51%, 50%)¤ LOM4
Appears in My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Issue #4 and Legends of Magic Annual 2018 as a member of the Cloudsdale Royal Legion. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Legends of Magic issue 4 Nimbus Dash
North Star pegasuspegasus maremare North Star ​[​specify​]​. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "Loves archery, exploring new places, and getting out of scrapes."
King Orion pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(34, 86%, 60%)¤ hsl(220, 23%, 3%)¤ hsl(212, 40%, 63%)¤ F5
The sparkly-eyed Pegasus king of Timbucktu. According to a historical recounting by Rainbow Dash, he became a constellation after his downfall by Queen Chrysalis. He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. His bio states "Former ruler of the ancient Pegasus cloud city of Timbucktu; current constellation." FIENDship is Magic issue 5 King Orion
Peppers Ghost pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(110, 39%, 75%)¤ hsl(015, 74%, 79%)¤ hsl(301, 29%, 64%)¤ 21
One of Trixie's stage assistants, along with Miss Direction, in Manehattan Mysteries but not in No Second Prances. Modern relative of FIENDship is Magic 03 Unnamed Mare - Peppers Ghost. Her cutie mark is an orange pepper. Named after Pepper's ghost. Comic issue 21 Peppers Ghost
Ralph pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(211, 17%, 37%)¤ hsl(232, 92%, 9%)¤ hsl(32, 49%, 46%)¤ M10
See Royal guards#IDW comics. Micro-Series issue 10 royal guard Ralph
Red Bank pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(160, 44%, 67%)¤ hsl(343, 85%, 79%)¤ hsl(198, 100%, 86%)¤ 81
A hotshot Wonderbolt who accidentally causes Rumble to get injured during a flight exercise in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #81. Comic issue 81 Red Bank
Saddle Rager pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(042, 7%, 73%)¤ hsl(034, 36%, 43%)¤ hsl(050, 95%, 76%)¤ A14
See Saddle Rager. MLP Annual 2014 Saddle Rager
Scoop pegasuspegasus stallionstallion 52
Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #52 as a sports writer for the Canterlot Daily News. He is a playable character in Gameloft's mobile game, and serves as a boss battle helper during the "Freedom of the Press" event. His bio states "The Canterlot Daily News' crack sportswriter, covering everything from buckball to the Wonderbolts."
Split Flap pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(25, 32%, 62%)¤ hsl(201, 19%, 46%)¤ hsl(195, 15%, 46%)¤ FF36
Appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #36 as a Pegasus worker at a plant-harvesting mountain outpost on Mt. Everhoof. Friends Forever issue 36 Split Flap
Sugar Grape pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(312, 36%, 95%)¤ hsl(277, 52%, 34%)¤ black¤ 01
See Sugar Grape. Comic issue 9 Sugar Grape
Surprise pegasuspegasus maremare Gen1
Surprise on My Little Pony: Generations Issue #1 covers A and B and Issue #5 cover RI. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "Her catchphrase is 'SURPRISE'...Which, if you think about it, is surprisingly unsurprising." See also Pinkie Pie/Gallery#Concept art. MLP Generations issue 5 cover RI textless
Queen Trottingham pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(065, 66%, 77%)¤ hsl(353, 69%, 47%)¤ hsl(002, 65%, 53%)¤ 15
A character in Pinkie Pie's favorite fantasy story. She acts as the leader of the evil book characters when they appear in Ponyville as a result of the bookworm's magic. Name listed in panel 5 on page 7 of Issue #15. Also appears on My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights Issue #1 page 12. She is a pair of characters named "Queen Trottingham" and "Empress Trottingham" in Gameloft's mobile game. Queen Trottingham's bio states, "Literary archnemesis of Pinkie Hoof and her Marey Men...Wait. Is that really how the story goes...?" Empress Trottingham's bio states "She doesn't actually rule any additional territory--she just changed her title and hoped nobody would notice." Comic issue 15 Queen Trottingham
Zapp pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(180, 40%, 92%)¤ hsl(259, 33%, 56%)¤ hsl(208, 67%, 70%)¤ A14
See Zapp. MLP Annual 2014 Zapp
Charon pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(024, 46%, 29%)¤ black¤ hsl(005, 73%, 30%)¤ M08
See Sailor Moon ponies. Comic issue M8 Sailor Pluto
Love Melody pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(031, 100%, 82%)¤ hsl(060, 71%, 84%)¤ hsl(215, 34%, 53%)¤ 08
See Sailor Moon ponies. Comic issue 8 Sailor Venus
Umbriel pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(200, 28%, 62%)¤ hsl(067, 65%, 75%)¤ hsl(197, 100%, 29%)¤ M08
See Sailor Moon ponies. Comic issue M8 Sailor Uranus
Al Roker pegasuspegasus stallionstallion
See Al Roker.
Celena pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(349, 76%, 65%)¤ hsl(052, 88%, 59%)¤ hsl(226, 38%, 35%)¤ 05
See Celena. Comic issue 5 Sailor Moon
Princess Celestia pegasuspegasus maremare 50
See Princess Celestia. Comic issue 50 Celestia's Pegasus disguise
Dauntless pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(38, 99%, 66%)¤ hsl(350, 87%, 53%)¤ hsl(355, 65%, 43%)¤ 81
See Dauntless. Comic issue 81 Young Dauntless
Discord pegasuspegasus stallionstallion 50
See Discord. Comic issue 50 Discord's Pegasus disguise
Auntie Lofty pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(39, 98%, 83%)¤ hsl(274, 37%, 45%)¤ hsl(263, 41%, 83%)¤ PM3
See Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty. Ponyville Mysteries issue 3 Auntie Lofty
Purple Haze pegasuspegasus maremare 45
See Purple Haze.
Issue 01 Unnamed Mare - Firefly pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(322, 46%, 67%)¤ hsl(203, 69%, 63%)¤ ¤ 01
Resembles G1 Firefly, bearing the same color scheme and cutie mark. Andy Price has referred to this pony as "a shout-out to original MLP Firefly from the ponies 'established 1982'". Comic issue 1 Firefly
Issue 09 Unnamed Mare - Pink Heart pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(019, 88%, 83%)¤ hsl(337, 83%, 59%)¤ hsl(333, 88%, 59%)¤ 09
Seen at the Summer Wrap-Up Festival. Her cutie mark is a pink heart. Comic issue 9 UPM1
Issue 09 Unnamed Stallion - Paramedic 1 pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(039, 63%, 65%)¤ hsl(034, 52%, 37%)¤ ¤ 09
One of the paramedics who flies Fleetfoot to the medical tent. His cutie mark is a red cross in an upside down shield. Comic issue 9 UPS1
Issue 09 Unnamed Stallion - Paramedic 2 pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(039, 63%, 65%)¤ hsl(034, 52%, 37%)¤ ¤ 09
One of the paramedics who flies Fleetfoot to the medical tent. His cutie mark is a medical caduceus. Comic issue 9 UPS2
Issue 09 Unnamed Mare - Umbrella pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(047, 100%, 77%)¤ hsl(026, 73%, 52%)¤ black¤ 09
Seen at the Summer Wrap-Up Festival. Her cutie mark is an umbrella. Comic issue 9 UPM2
Issue 10 Unnamed Mare - Yellow Star pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(200, 78%, 89%)¤ hsl(052, 80%, 57%)¤ ¤ 10
Seen watching the Summer Wrap-Up parade. Her cutie mark is a yellow star. She resembles Lightning Dust. Comic issue 10 UPM1
Issue 10 Unnamed Mare - Lamp pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(061, 77%, 59%)¤ hsl(057, 88%, 71%)¤ hsl(057, 85%, 72%)¤ 10
Seen at the Summer Wrap-Up Festival, carrying a Flax & Wheat product bag. Her cutie mark is a lamp. Comic issue 10 UPM2
Issue 13 Unnamed Mare - Cloud and Z pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(224, 45%, 79%)¤ hsl(225, 41%, 37%)¤ ¤ 13
Her cutie mark is a cloud with a Z. Comic issue 13 UPM1
Issue 13 Unnamed Stallion - Treasure Chest pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(043, 81%, 60%)¤ black¤ ¤ 13
Dances while Pinkie Pie plays accordion music. His cutie mark is a treasure chest. Comic issue 13 UPS2
Issue 13 Unnamed Stallion - Cardinal Points pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(195, 53%, 75%)¤ hsl(038, 82%, 55%)¤ black¤ 13
A former member of Hoofbeard's pirate crew. His cutie mark is of the four cardinal points. Comic issue 13 UPS1
Issue 15 Unnamed Mare - ​[​specify​]​ pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(22, 67%, 55%)¤ hsl(45, 59%, 54%)¤ black¤ 15
Appears on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #15 page 1. Issue 15 Unnamed Mare
Ice Witch
Issue 16 Unnamed Mare - White Witch
pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(190, 43%, 95%)¤ hsl(000, 0%, 1%)¤ hsl(150, 2%, 25%)¤ 16
Appears in Ponyville as a result of the bookworm's magic. She resembles the White Witch from The Chronicles of Narnia. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states, "The sinister villain of C.S. Horseshoeis's signature fantasy series. If she offers you a plate of Somnambulan Delight, don't eat any!" Comic issue 16 White Witch
Issue 23 Unnamed Mare - Peppermint Patty pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(122, 39%, 63%)¤ hsl(025, 28%, 44%)¤ hsl(026, 28%, 35%)¤ 23
Appears under Cassie's spell. Appears as a filly on Friends Forever Issue #11 page 6 panel 7. She resembles Peppermint Patty of Peanuts. Comic issue 23 Peppermint Patty
Issue 26 Unnamed Mare - Telegram Pony pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(031, 50%, 44%)¤ hsl(039, 59%, 64%)¤ hsl(348, 85%, 52%)¤ 26
A telegram pony who delivers telegrams to King Longhorn on three occasions. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Comic issue 26 UPM1
Loyalist Reenactor Pony
Issue 52 Unnamed Stallion - Reenactor
pegasuspegasus stallionstallion 52
Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #52 as a reenactor. He is a character named "Loyalist Reenactor Pony" in Gameloft's mobile game. His bio states "A living testament to the fact that early modern Equestrian politics were complex and multifaceted."
Corsaged Gangster Pony
Issue 52 Unnamed Stallion - Gangster 1
pegasuspegasus stallionstallion 52
Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #52 as a gangster summoned from a newspaper by Shadow Lock's magic. He is a playable character named "Corsaged Gangster Pony" in Gameloft's mobile game. His bio states "The head of one of the legendary Five Flying Families, this gangster poured his ill-gotten gain into founding Las Pegasus resorts."
Tracksuited Gangster Pony
Issue 52 Unnamed Stallion - Gangster 2
pegasuspegasus stallionstallion 52
Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #52 as a gangster summoned from a newspaper by Shadow Lock's magic. He is a playable character named "Tracksuited Gangster Pony" in Gameloft's mobile game. His in-game bio states "Back when Twilight Sparkle was still a filly, this underworld boss ruled over Bronclyn's Bridle Beach neighborhood with an iron hoof."
Masked Pony Gangster
Issue 52 Unnamed Mare - Gangster
pegasuspegasus maremare 52
Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #52 as a gangster summoned from a newspaper by Shadow Lock's magic. She is a playable character named "Masked Pony Gangster" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "Back when Cadance and Shining Armor were teenagers, this criminal was said to be responsible for a rash of dastardly thefts from Applewood Mansions."
Issue 61 Unnamed Bat Pony Mare pegasuspegasus maremare 61
A bat pony mare who appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #61. Comic issue 61 pages 4-5
Issue 61 Unnamed Bat Pony Stallion pegasuspegasus stallionstallion 61
A bat pony stallion who appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #61. Comic issue 61 pages 4-5
Anti-Sugar Pamphleteer
Issue 63 Unnamed Mare - Pamphleteer
pegasuspegasus maremare 63
Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #63 as a pamphleteer for the Anti-Sugar League. She is a character named "Anti-Sugar Pamphleteer" in Gameloft's mobile game. Comic issue 63 page 2
Rebel Rock Star Pony
Issue 95 Unnamed Mare - Eyepatch Pegasus
pegasuspegasus maremare 95 Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #95. She is a character named "Rebel Rock Star Pony" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "Little known fact: This rock star once interned with the Yakyakistan Throat Singers!" Comic issue 95 Eyepatch Pegasus
Micro 04 Unnamed Mare - Pegasus Artist pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(179, 42%, 79%)¤ hsl(168, 72%, 41%)¤ black¤ M04
One of the artists critiqued by Praiser Pan for her art installation of farmyard equipment and barbed wire. She has a similar color scheme to Sprinkle Medley, S02E03 Unnamed Earth Mare #2, "Powder Blue", "Larissa", Friends Forever 11 Unnamed Filly - Medley, and "Cold Forecast". Comic issue M4 UPM1
Micro 05 Unnamed Stallion - Sonic pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(49, 67%, 80%)¤ hsl(210, 45%, 45%)¤ hsl(163, 100%, 24%)¤ M06
Resembles (G4)/represents (G5) Sonic the Hedgehog, whose trail appears on IDW Endless Summer—My Little Pony cover B. Comic issue M5 SonicMy Little Pony Camp Bighoof issue 2-3 covers B combined Sonic
Poised Catering Pony
Micro 08 Unnamed Mare - Flowers
unicornunicorn maremare M08
Seen preparing for the royal high tea. She is a character named "Poised Catering Pony" in Gameloft's mobile game, and acts as a helper during the "Welcome Back Twilight" event. Her bio states "She can balance a stack of seven whole teacups on top of each other!...Briefly!" Her cutie mark is two flowers. Micro-Series issue 8 page 1
Friends Forever 07 Unnamed Mare - Mountains 2 pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(198, 84%, 78%)¤ hsl(200, 88%, 86%)¤ ¤ FF7
Attends Chuckle-Lot. Her cutie mark is a pair of mountain peaks. Friends Forever issue 7 UPM1
Friends Forever 07 Unnamed Mare - Arrowed Heart pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(338, 73%, 58%)¤ hsl(339, 58%, 38%)¤ hsl(339, 55%, 39%)¤ FF7
Attends Chuckle-Lot. Shares her cutie mark with Issue 51 Unnamed Stallion - Lovestruck Cowpony and Issue 66 Unnamed Mare - Arrowed Heart and has a similar cutie mark to Issue 13 Unnamed Stallion - Arrowed Heart. Her cutie mark is a heart with an arrow through it. Friends Forever issue 7 UPM2
Friends Forever 09 Unnamed Mare - Pine Tree pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(148, 35%, 56%)¤ hsl(100, 43%, 84%)¤ hsl(334, 65%, 75%)¤ FF9
Seen in line in front of a Cloud Chaser-mane-styled pony. A resident of Canterlot during Nightmare Moon's banishment. She shares her design with Flitter. Her cutie mark is a pine tree. FIENDship is Magic issue 4 UPM4
Friends Forever 09 Unnamed Mare - Tornadoes pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(201, 12%, 45%)¤ hsl(203, 14%, 32%)¤ hsl(198, 15%, 32%)¤ FF9
Seen as an attendant of Apple Con 45. Her cutie mark is three tornadoes. Friends Forever issue 9 UPM1
Friends Forever 09 Unnamed Mare - Heart and Pickle pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(286, 36%, 46%)¤ hsl(323, 55%, 61%)¤ ¤ FF9
Seen as an attendant of Apple Con 45. Shares her cutie mark with FIENDship is Magic 04 Unnamed Mare - Heart and Pickle and MLP/Transformers 01 Unnamed Mare - Heart and Pickle. Her cutie mark is a pink heart and pickle. Friends Forever issue 9 UPM2
Friends Forever 09 Unnamed Mare - Raincloud pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(193, 23%, 37%)¤ hsl(189, 51%, 72%)¤ hsl(036, 99%, 62%)¤ FF9
Seen as an attendant of Apple Con 45. Her cutie mark is a raincloud. Friends Forever issue 9 UPM3
Friends Forever 09 Unnamed Mare - Ringed Planet and Stars pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(206, 70%, 78%)¤ hsl(035, 98%, 76%)¤ ¤ FF9
Seen as an attendant of Apple Con 45. Shares her cutie mark with FIENDship is Magic 02 Unnamed Stallion - Ringed Planet and Stars and Cauldron Bubbles. Her cutie mark is a ringed planet and four five-pointed stars. Friends Forever issue 9 UPM4
Friends Forever 09 Unnamed Mare - Hamburger pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(318, 51%, 50%)¤ hsl(330, 68%, 77%)¤ ¤ FF9
Seen as an attendant of Apple Con 45. Her cutie mark is a hamburger. Friends Forever issue 9 UPM5
Friends Forever 11 Unnamed Mare - Whiskered Cat pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(038, 91%, 71%)¤ hsl(038, 90%, 89%)¤ hsl(201, 64%, 65%)¤ FF11
The Junior Flyers Summer Camp instructor. Her cutie mark is a whiskered cat. Friends Forever issue 10 UPM1
Friends Forever 15 Unnamed Mare - Pad and Pencil pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(306, 36%, 69%)¤ hsl(041, 83%, 77%)¤ hsl(338, 70%, 62%)¤ FF15
A Ponyville city official who issues a citation to Applejack. Her cutie mark is a pad and pencil. Friends Forever issue 15 UPM1
Friends Forever 15 Unnamed Mare - Pencil pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(193, 41%, 70%)¤ hsl(195, 65%, 85%)¤ hsl(195, 65%, 85%)¤ FF15
A photographer who takes a photo of Mayor Mare and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Her cutie mark is a pencil and flourish. Friends Forever issue 15 UPM2
Friends Forever 15 Unnamed Mare - Heart and Moon pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(190, 57%, 78%)¤ hsl(187, 41%, 55%)¤ ¤ FF15
A resident of Ponyville. Her cutie mark is a heart and crescent moon. Friends Forever issue 15 UPM3
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Mare - Dice pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(210, 28%, 37%)¤ hsl(210, 46%, 67%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. Her cutie mark is a six-sided die. Friends Forever issue 18 UPM1
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Mare - Question Mark pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(291, 35%, 44%)¤ hsl(305, 32%, 70%)¤ hsl(309, 38%, 69%)¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. Her cutie mark is a question mark. Friends Forever issue 18 UPM2
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Mare - Yo-Yo pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(211, 63%, 35%)¤ hsl(209, 61%, 72%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. Her cutie mark is a yo-yo. Friends Forever issue 18 UPM3
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Mare - Bell pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(23, 56%, 34%)¤ hsl(41, 61%, 64%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. Her cutie mark is a bell. Friends Forever issue 18 UPM4
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Mare - Blue Fish pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(164, 45%, 64%)¤ hsl(165, 41%, 77%)¤ hsl(162, 49%, 78%)¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. Her cutie mark is a blue fish. Friends Forever issue 18 UPM5
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Mare - Math Sign pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(44, 96%, 55%)¤ hsl(127, 50%, 47%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. Her cutie mark is either a plus sign or multiplication sign. Friends Forever issue 18 UPM6
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Mare - Chainsaw pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(196, 48%, 55%)¤ hsl(195, 60%, 80%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. Her cutie mark is a chainsaw. Friends Forever issue 18 UPM7
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Mare - Pencil Sharpener pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(189, 26%, 69%)¤ hsl(189, 56%, 42%)¤ hsl(187, 58%, 44%)¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. Her cutie mark is a pencil sharpener. Friends Forever issue 18 UPM8
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Stallion - Banana pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(38, 69%, 69%)¤ hsl(39, 65%, 50%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. His cutie mark is a banana. Friends Forever issue 18 UPS1
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Stallion - Obelus pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(200, 90%, 84%)¤ hsl(198, 36%, 58%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. His cutie mark is an obelus (division sign). Friends Forever issue 18 UPS2
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Stallion - NES Controller pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(319, 45%, 68%)¤ hsl(318, 42%, 44%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. His cutie mark is an NES game controller. Friends Forever issue 18 UPS3
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Stallion - Tic-Tac-Toe pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(28, 41%, 68%)¤ hsl(28, 31%, 48%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. His cutie mark is an unfinished game of tic-tac-toe. Friends Forever issue 18 UPS4
Friends Forever 18 Unnamed Stallion - Mayonnaise pegasuspegasus stallionstallion hsl(188, 75%, 30%)¤ hsl(200, 47%, 56%)¤ black¤ FF18
One of the attendees at the Cloudsdale flight camp reunion. His cutie mark is a jar of mayonnaise. Friends Forever issue 18 UPS5
FIENDship is Magic 04 Unnamed Mare - Heart and Pickle pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(342, 82%, 87%)¤ hsl(347, 82%, 69%)¤ hsl(127, 41%, 56%)¤ F4
A resident of Canterlot during Nightmare Moon's banishment and the first pony to be subject to her nightmares. Shares her cutie mark with Friends Forever 09 Unnamed Mare - Heart and Pickle and MLP/Transformers 01 Unnamed Mare - Heart and Pickle. Her cutie mark is a pink heart and pickle. FIENDship is Magic issue 4 UPM1
Granite Expert Pony
Friends Forever 24 Unnamed Mare - Octahedron
pegasuspegasus maremare FF29
Appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #29 as an attendee of the Equestrian Geological and Gemological Society convention. She is a character named "Granite Expert Pony" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "Everypony has a hobby! Don't take her expertise for granite." Her cutie mark is an octahedron. Friends Forever issue 29 page 2
Friends Forever 33 Unnamed Mare - Wild West Rodeo Pony pegasuspegasus maremare FF33 A member of Buffalo Bull's Amazing Wild West Show in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #33. She is a character named "Wild West Rodeo Pony" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "Point her at a dogie, and she'll have 'em gettin' along in no time!" Friends Forever issue 33 Wild West Rodeo Pony
FIENDship is Magic 04 Unnamed Mare - Ghost pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(270, 30%, 58%)¤ hsl(218, 53%, 81%)¤ hsl(216, 46%, 82%)¤ F4
A resident of Canterlot during Nightmare Moon's banishment. Her cutie mark is a ghost. FIENDship is Magic issue 4 UPM2
FIENDship is Magic 04 Unnamed Mare - Pepperoni Pizza pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(022, 71%, 51%)¤ hsl(057, 17%, 75%)¤ hsl(058, 38%, 84%)¤ F4
A resident of Canterlot during Nightmare Moon's banishment. Her cutie mark is a pepperoni pizza. FIENDship is Magic issue 4 UPM3
Classy Timbucktu Resident
FIENDship is Magic 05 Unnamed Mare - Masquerade
pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(33, 95%, 55%)¤ hsl(167, 51%, 34%)¤ hsl(163, 52%, 33%)¤ F5
A resident of the ancient cloud city of Timbucktu. She is a character named "Classy Timbucktu Resident" in Gameloft's mobile game, and serves as an event heper during the "Rarity's Retro Redux" event. Her bio states "Her sparkly eyes reflected the glittering wealth and trade of Timbucktu in its heyday. (Also, they're pretty!)" She resembles G1 Masquerade. FIENDship is Magic issue 5 UPM1
Friendly Timbucktu Resident
FIENDship is Magic 05 Unnamed Mare - Shooting Cloud
pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(299, 35%, 37%)¤ hsl(292, 28%, 70%)¤ hsl(295, 30%, 70%)¤ F5
A resident of the ancient cloud city of Timbucktu. She is a character named "Friendly Timbucktu Resident" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "One thousand years ago, she lived in a magnificent Pegasus metropolis in the clouds... until Chrysalis came." Her cutie mark is a shooting cloud and star. FIENDship is Magic issue 5 UPM2
2022 comics 15 Unnamed Mare - Honoka Kosaka pegasuspegasus maremare hsl(334, 78%, 95%)¤ hsl(28, 59%, 55%)¤ hsl(210, 58%, 79%)¤ G5-15
Appears walking on a Maretime Bay street in My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #15. Resembles Love Live! character Honoka Kosaka, the favorite of My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue 15 artist Abigail Starling.
Paramedic Pony
Holiday Special 2019 Unnamed Stallion - Paramedic
pegasuspegasus stallionstallion HS19
One of several paramedic ponies who come to the aid of Rarity and Spike's stranded train. He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game.