My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki

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/***** CSS placed here will be applied to all skins on the entire site. *****/

/* After making changes, refresh your cache of the CSS


/* Mark redirects in Special:Allpages and Special:Watchlist */
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h4 {
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h5 {

/* Making header 3 and 4 edit links hidden until hovered over */

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   showing ==headings== and ===headings=== but no further
   (as long as there are no =headings= on the page, which
   there shouldn't be according to the MoS). */

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/* Forum formatting (by -Algorithm & -Splaka) */
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/* Default skin for navigation boxes */
table.navbox {            /* Navbox container style */
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/* For template documentation */
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    padding: 1em;

/* Article message box styles */
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table.ambox + table.ambox {   /* Single border between stacked boxes. */
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table.ambox + #title-meta + table.ambox {
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table.ambox-protection {
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th.mbox-text, td.mbox-text {   /* The message body cell(s) */
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/* Other pages message box styles */
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table.ombox-notice {
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table.ombox-style {
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table.ombox-move {
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table.ombox-protection {
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/* Talk page message box styles */
table.tmbox {
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.mediawiki .mbox-inside .tmbox { /* For tmboxes inside other templates. The "mediawiki" class ensures that */
    margin: 2px 0;               /* this declaration overrides other styles (including mbox-small above)   */
    width: 100%;                 /* For Safari and Opera */
.mbox-inside .tmbox.mbox-small { /* "small" tmboxes should not be small when  */
    line-height: 1.5em;          /* also "nested", so reset styles that are   */   
    font-size: 100%;             /* set in "mbox-small" above.                */
table.tmbox-speedy {
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table.tmbox-delete {
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table.tmbox-style {
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table.tmbox-move {
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table.tmbox-notice {
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/* Footer and header message box styles */
table.fmbox {
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table.fmbox-warning {
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table.fmbox-editnotice {
    background: transparent;
/* Div based "warning" style fmbox messages. */,,,
div#mw-protect-cascadeon {
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/* Div based "system" style fmbox messages. 
   Used in [[MediaWiki:Readonly lag]]. */,
div.fmbox-system {
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/* Remove double headers from help pages */
mw\:editsection { display: none; }

/* Make page background white as soon as possible */
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/* Dotted bottom borders for white, minimal tables */

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/* Background */
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/* List of backgrounds:
    Fluttershy #91BA36
    Winter #D8EFF5
    WWU #E1E8F2
    Fall Weather Friends #FFFFFF or #FCB8D9

/* List of ponies */

/* Left-align the second-to-last column (Description) */
.listofponies td:nth-last-child(2)
    text-align: left;

.listofponies .thumb
    display: none;

.listofponies img
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.listofponies th.headerSort
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/* Link Colors */ 
#WikiaMainContent :link.interwiki, #bodyContent :link.interwiki { color: #000066; } 
#WikiaMainContent :link.external, #bodyContent :link.external { color: #336699; }

/* Wikipedia Link Color */
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#WikiaArticle a[href*=""] {
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/* For external image resizer */
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/* Style for tables on [[Characters]] */ .wikitable {border:1px solid darkgray; text-align:center; background:white; margin:auto;}

/* Messagebox templates */
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    margin: 4px auto;

/* Fixes for wikiactivity tag */
ul.activityfeed-inserted-media { 
    list-style-type: none !important

/** Display headers in tabbers **/
.tabberlive .tabbertab h2, .tabberlive .tabbertab h3 { 
    display:block !important; 

/* Limit width of profile images in character infobox to avoid stretching it */
#ci-profile > .profile-image {
    max-width: 250px;
    overflow: hidden;
#ci-profile .tabbertab .profile-image {
    max-width: 240px;
    overflow: hidden;
#ci-profile .tabbertab .tabbertab .profile-image {
    max-width: 225px !important;
    overflow: hidden;

/* Allows smaller text in tabs when there are too many */
.smalltabs > .tabberlive > .tabbernav > li {
    font-size: smaller;

/* Even smaller */
.smallertabs > .tabberlive > .tabbernav > li {
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/* Fix WikiaArticle overflow */
.WikiaArticle {

/* Styling for [[Project:ParentPage]] */
table.parentfilter h2 {
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/* Chat module cleanup */
.chat-name {

/* Fix for fluid width, no more manual breaking in navbox templates */
.navbox a {
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/* Bottom anchor background image */
body.background-dynamic:before {
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    top: inherit !important;
/* Overriding faded color caption text back to black */
.WikiaArticle .article-thumb .caption,
.wikia-gallery-item .lightbox-caption {
    color: #000 !important;

/* Better video formatting (for international song version pages) */
.wikitable .article-thumb { 
    margin:0 !important; 

.wikitable figcaption { 

/* Video Module */
#VideoEmbedDescriptionRow .hint:after {
    content: " Please do not add descriptions to videos unless it is necessary such as for citing or sourcing purposes.";

/* For Songs page */
.lyrics-toggle {
    color: #006CB0;
    cursor: pointer;

/* YouTube Music Player */
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	width: inherit;
	height: 25px;
	overflow: hidden;
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/* Omit "Home" */
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/* Styles for [[Template:H:title]] */
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    border-bottom: 1px dotted;

.htitlenodot {
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/* Styles for appearances tables on [[Character appearances]] and character pages */
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    text-align: center;
    width: 100%;

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.appearances td:first-child {
    text-align: right;

.appearances th:not(:first-child) {
    width: 1em;

/* class "app-char" must be added to tables for character pages - overwrite first col styles */ th:first-child, td:first-child {
    text-align: center;
} th:first-child {
    width: 1em;

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.appearances .appear-n span {
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