My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
(removing title replacement; this is an old way of doing things that even the author no longer recommends. You can use native MW DISPLAYTITLE instead)
m (Reverted edits by CzechOut (talk) to last version by Bobogoobo)
Line 86: Line 86:
// Support for [[Template:Title]]
$(function() {
if ($('#title-meta').length) {
var newTitle = mw.html.escape($("#title-meta").html());
// Allow italics
newTitle = newTitle.replace(/&lt;(\/?i)&gt;/g, '<$1>');
var edits = $("#user_masthead_since").text();
$(".firstHeading,#WikiaUserPagesHeader h1,#WikiaPageHeader h1").html(newTitle);
$("#user_masthead_head h2").html(newTitle + "<small id='user_masthead_since'>" + edits + "</small>");
// Support for [[Template:USERNAME]]
// Support for [[Template:USERNAME]]

Revision as of 19:27, 13 July 2020

// NOTE: support for NavFrames has been removed. Please use mw-collapsible instead.
//   For details see
// Please contact an administrator if you are still using NavFrame on this wiki.


window.deadVideosCategories = [
  '', 'Fanmade', 'Non-MLP', 'Other MLP', 'Promotional', 'Show', 'Quote', 'Scene', 'Song', 'International song',
  'Equestria Girls international song', 'Season 1 international song', 'Season 2 international song',
  'Season 3 international song', 'Season 4 international song'

// Shortcut for importArticle
function impart(article) {
    importArticle({ type: 'script', article: article });



if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === "My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic_Wiki:Duplicate_images") {

if ($('.rightsrecord').length) {

// Custom user rights icons on userpages
if (
  {'User':1, 'User_blog':1, 'User_talk':1}[mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace')] ||
  mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('Special:Contributions') !== -1

// Special:BlankPage-based scripts
//   PonyStats by Bobogoobo -
//   All transcript lister by Bobogoobo -
//   Non-720p image lister by Bobogoobo -
//   Dead video lister by Bobogoobo -
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'Special:BlankPage' && mw.util.getParamValue('blankspecial')) {
    impart('MediaWiki:Common.js/' + {
            'ponystats': 'PonyStats.js',
            'transcripts': 'Transcripts.js',
            'non720': 'Non720.js',
            'deadvideos': 'DeadVideos.js'

// Imports LinkImagePopup by Bobogoobo
// Shows a popup image of a character/episode/location when hovering over a link to it
// Lists of categories in the script need to be updated manually
// To delete stored data: window.sessionStorage.removeItem('linkPopupStorage');
// To disable the script: in your Special:MyPage/wikia.js add: window.linkImagePopupDisabled = true;
// To disable sessionStorage caching: window.linkImagePopupCachingDisabled = true;
if (
  !mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') &&
  !window.linkImagePopupDisabled &&
) {

// Imports PonyDesigns by Bobogoobo
// Used on [[Project:Pony Designs]] to aid in finding design matches among characters
if (
  mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'User:Bobogoobo/sandbox/PonyDesign' &&
  !mw.util.getParamValue('action') &&
) {


// Support for [[Template:Title]]
$(function() {
    if ($('#title-meta').length) {
        var newTitle = mw.html.escape($("#title-meta").html());
        // Allow italics
        newTitle = newTitle.replace(/&lt;(\/?i)&gt;/g, '<$1>');
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        $(".firstHeading,#WikiaUserPagesHeader h1,#WikiaPageHeader h1").html(newTitle);
        $("#user_masthead_head h2").html(newTitle + "<small id='user_masthead_since'>" + edits + "</small>");

// Support for [[Template:USERNAME]]
$(function() {
    if (window.disableUsernameReplace || mw.config.get('wgUserName') === null) return;

// Support for [[Template:Emote]] by Bobogoobo
if ($('.emote-template').length || $('#WikiaArticleComments').length) {
    $(function() {
        function emotify($this) {
            var emote = $this.text();
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              new RegExp('\\n\\*\\s*(.*)\\n(?:\\*\\*.*\\n)*(?=.*' + 
              emote.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1') + //escape specials, from MDN
              ')', 'i'));
            if (url) {
                url = url[1];
                $this.html($('<img />', {'src':url, 'alt':emote, 'height':19, 'width':19 }));

        var emotes = '';
        $.getJSON('/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=MediaWiki:Emoticons' + 
          '&rvprop=content&format=json', function(data) {
            emotes = data.query.pages['28113'].revisions[0]['*'];
            // 28113 is the wgArticleId of MediaWiki:Emoticons

            $('.emote-template').each(function() {

        $('#WikiaArticleFooter').on('DOMNodeInserted', function() {
            if ($('.emote-template').length === $('.emote-template img').length) {

            $('#WikiaArticleFooter .emote-template').each(function() {
                if (!($(this).children('img').length)) {

// Automatically expand relevant section in [[Template:Character galleries]]
    if ($('table.character-galleries').length) {
        $('.character-galleries .selflink').closest('.mw-collapsible').find('.mw-collapsible-toggle a').click();

// Support for multicolumn TOCs
// Usage: <div class="toc-multicol">__TOC__</div>
// TODO: needs fixing
  if ($(".toc-multicol #toc").size() !== 0) {
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// Fix lazy-loaded tabbified profile images
if ($("div.profile-image img.lzyPlcHld").length > 0){
    $("div.profile-image img.lzyPlcHld").each(function(){
        $(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("data-src"));

// Change links pointing to specific list of ponies entries to go to /full.
// Please do not link there manually.
$('a[href^="/wiki/List_of_ponies#"]').each(function() {
    $(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href').replace('#', '/full#'));

// Automatically uncheck "Leave a redirect behind" on files
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf('Special:MovePage/File:') !== -1) {

// Automatically uncheck "Unlock further protect options" when protecting a page
if (mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'protect') {

// Auto-insert link from anchor on [[Help:Red links]]
// Please report anything that still doesn't work right, it may need more exceptions
    var redlink = window.location.hash;
    if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'Help:Red_links' && redlink !== '') {
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// Add a "view source" button when the Edit button goes to Special:SignUp
$(function() {
    var $a = $('a[data-id="edit"]');
    if ($a.length && $a.attr('href').indexOf('Special:SignUp') !== -1) {
            '<li><a href="/wiki/' + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + 
            '?action=edit">View source</a></li>'

// File name validation for possible FANMADE images by Ozuzanna
    if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "Upload" || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "MultipleUpload") {
        var uploadStage = -1;
        $('.mw-htmlform-submit').click(function(e) {
            var wordRegex = new RegExp (/((_| )oc(_| )|author|fanmade|(_| )by(_| ))/gi);
            if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "Upload") {
                var filename = $('#wpDestFile').val(),
                nameStart = filename.substring(0,7);
                if (nameStart != "FANMADE" && wordRegex.test(filename) && uploadStage !== 0) {
                    alert('The filename you have chosen may require "FANMADE" at the front. Please check before uploading with the current name.');
            } else { 
                var filenames = [],
                nameStarts = [],
                fileNo = $('.mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTextField').length;
                for (var i = 0; i < fileNo; i++) {
                if (nameStarts.indexOf("FANMADE") == -1 && wordRegex.test(filenames) && uploadStage !== 0) {
                    alert('One or more of the filenames you have chosen may require "FANMADE" at the front. Please check before uploading with the current names.');

// Removes trailing hidden characters on Special:WantedFiles
$(function() {
    if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') === 'Wantedfiles') {
        $('.mw-spcontent li').each(function() {
            $(this).html($(this).html().replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]+/g, ''));

// IRC and CVNIRC login
$(function() {
    if ($('#IRClogin').length || $('#CVNIRClogin').length) {
        var nick = '';
        if (mw.config.get('wgUserName') === null) {
            nick = 'Wikian' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
        } else {
            nick = mw.config.get('wgUserName').replace(/ /g, "_");

        $('#IRClogin').html('<iframe src="' + nick + '&channels=reddit-mlp&prompt=true" width="660" height="400" style="border:0;"></iframe>');

        $('#CVNIRClogin').html('<iframe src="' + nick + '&channels=cvn-wikia-mlp&prompt=true" width="660" height="400" style="border:0;"></iframe>');


// Alert contributors when they are editing with their bot flag set
if ((mediaWiki.config.get("wgAction") === "edit" || mediaWiki.config.get("wgAction") === "submit") && mediaWiki.config.get("wgUserGroups").indexOf("bot") !== -1){
   $("#EditPageHeader").after('<div id="botWarning" style="background-color: red; display:block; padding: 5px 0px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%;">NOTE: You are currently editing with your bot flag set.</div>');

// Notice not to add video descriptions when editing the file page
if (
  (mw.config.get("wgAction") === "edit" || mw.config.get("wgAction") === "submit") &&
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) {
    $("#EditPageHeader").after('<div style="background-color: red; color:white; display:block; padding: 5px 0px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%;">Please do not add descriptions to videos unless it is necessary such as for citing or sourcing purposes.</div>');

// Notice not to make one-use user templates
if (
  mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') === "Template" &&
  !$('#wpTextbox1').val() &&
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) {
    $("#EditPageHeader").after('<div style="background-color: red; color:white; display:block; padding: 5px 0px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%;">Please do not create user templates in the Template namespace. If this is going to be a user or signature template, <a href="/wiki/User:'+mw.config.get('wgUserName')+'/'+mw.config.get('wgPageName').slice(9)+'?action=edit">please create it here instead</a>.</div>');

// Video Module [[FW:DN]] notice when uploading
$('#VideoEmbedUrlSubmit').click(function() {
    setTimeout(function() { 
        if ($('#VideoEmbedThumb').length) {
            $('#VideoEmbedNameRow').before('Please ensure the name adheres to the <a href="/wiki/Help:Descriptive_name">descriptive names policy</a> before uploading.'); 
    }, 1000);


// Auto-redirect on Special:Search for SXXEXX by Bobogoobo
$(function() {
    var search = mw.util.getParamValue('query');
    if (
      mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'Special:Search' &&
      search.length <= 6 &&
    ) {
        $('.results-wrapper p').html('Redirecting to episode...');

        var s, e;
        s = search.toLowerCase().split('e')[0].substr(1);
        e = search.toLowerCase().split('e')[1];
        $.getJSON('/api.php?action=edit&action=parse&text={{nameconvert|' + 
          s + '|' + e + '}}&format=json', function(data) {
            var episode = (data.parse.text['*'].match(/\>(.*)\n\</) || [0, 0])[1];
            if (episode && episode !== 'TBA' && episode.indexOf('<span class="error">') === -1) {
                $('.results-wrapper p').append($('<a />', {
                    'href':'/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(episode),

                window.location.href = window.location.href.substring(0, 
                  window.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + episode;
            } else {
                $('.results-wrapper p').html('Episode not found.');

// Automatically add categories on Special:Upload, by Bobogoobo
// To delete stored data: window.sessionStorage.removeItem('characterCategories')
$(function() {
    if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') !== 'Upload' ||
      mw.util.getParamValue('wpForReUpload')) {

    var $summary = $('#wpUploadDescription'), $filename = $('#wpDestFile'), eptest = /S\d+E\d+/i,
      charCats = [], charCatsEG = [], shortcuts = {'EG':{}}, pending = 0,
      nicknames = {'Lyra Heartstrings':'Lyra', 'Princess Luna':'Nightmare Moon'}, //be careful
      ccStorage = window.sessionStorage.characterCategories;

    function nameCat(input) {
        return input.substring(9).replace(' images', '');
        //return 'Mr. Fluffykins';

    function cat(str) {
        if ($summary.val().indexOf('[[' + 'Category:' + str + ']]') === -1) {
            $summary.val($summary.val() + ($summary.val() ? '\n' : '') + 
              '[[' + 'Category:' + str + ']]');

    function profile() { //profile images
        if (/\sID(?:\s|\.png|\.jpg)/i.test($filename.val().replace(/_/g, ' '))) {
            cat('Profile images');

    function findCats(filename, isEG) {
        var arr = isEG ? charCatsEG : charCats;

        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            if (filename.indexOf(nameCat(arr[i])) !== -1) {
                cat(arr[i].substring(9) + (isEG ? '/EG' : '')); //meow
        if (isEG) {
            $.each(shortcuts.EG, function(key, value) {
                if (filename.indexOf(nameCat(key)) !== -1) {
                    cat(value.substring(9) + '/EG');
        } else {
            $.each(shortcuts, function(key, value) {
                if (filename.indexOf(nameCat(key)) !== -1 && key !== 'EG') {

      '<tr><td></td><td id="char-cat-warning"><p><strong>Note:</strong> ' +
      'the character category script will only add characters fully named in the file name.<br />' +
      'Please correct any erroneous categories and add missing ones. Report any issues ' +
      '<a href="/wiki/User_talk:Bobogoobo" title="User talk:Bobogoobo">here</a>.<br />' +
      'Character category database loading...</p></td></tr>'

    if (typeof ccStorage !== 'undefined') {
        charCats = JSON.parse(ccStorage).charCats;
        charCatsEG = JSON.parse(ccStorage).charCatsEG;
        shortcuts = JSON.parse(ccStorage).shortcuts;
        $('#char-cat-warning p').append('retrieved from storage.');

    if (typeof window.sessionStorage !== 'undefined' && !window.sessionStorage.characterCategories) {
    $.getJSON('/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Character images' +
      '&cmprop=title&cmlimit=max&format=json', function(data) { //will need update if we get over 500 of these
        pending += 1;

        function checkComplete() {
            if (pending === 0 && charCats.length > 0) {
                $('#char-cat-warning p').append('done!');
                if (typeof window.sessionStorage !== 'undefined') {
                    window.sessionStorage.characterCategories = JSON.stringify({
                        'charCats': charCats,
                        'charCatsEG': charCatsEG,
                        'shortcuts': shortcuts
                    $('#char-cat-warning p').append(' Saved to browser session storage.');

        function fEach(response) {
            pending += response.query.categorymembers.length;
            $.each(response.query.categorymembers, function(index, value) {
                if (value.title === 'Category:Cutie Mark Crusaders images' ||
                  value.title === 'Category:Equestria Girls character images') {
                    pending -= 1;
                    return; //saw the EG category after doing everything else :P This is probably easier anyway

                if (value.title.substring(value.title.length - 3) === '/EG') {
                    charCatsEG.push(value.title.replace('/EG', ''));
                    if (value.title.indexOf('Princess') !== -1) {
                        shortcuts.EG[value.title.replace('Princess ',
                          '').replace('/EG', '')] = value.title.replace('/EG', '');
                } else {
                    if (value.title.indexOf('Princess') !== -1) {
                        shortcuts[value.title.replace('Princess ', '')] = value.title;
                    if (nicknames[nameCat(value.title)]) {
                        shortcuts['Category:' + nicknames[nameCat(value.title)] + ' images'] = value.title;

        function fGet(title) {
            $.getJSON('/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=' + title +
              '&cmprop=title&cmtype=subcat&cmlimit=max&format=json', function(response) {
                if (response.query.categorymembers.length) {
                pending -= 1;

        pending -= 1;

    $filename.change(function() {
        var name = $filename.val().replace(/_/g, ' ');

        if ($summary.val().indexOf('[[Category:') !== -1) {
        } else if (name.substring(0, 6) === 'SLIDER') { //front page sliders
            cat('Front page sliders');
        } else if (eptest.test(name)) { //episodes
            var match = name.match(eptest)[0].split(/e/i);

            $.getJSON('/api.php?action=parse&text={{nameconvert|' + 
              match[0].substr(1) + '|' + match[1] + '}}&format=json', function(data) {
                var episode = (data.parse.text['*'].match(/>(.*)\n</) || [0, 0])[1];
                if (episode &&
                    episode !== 'TBA' && 
                    episode.indexOf('<span class="error">') === -1
                ) {
                    cat(episode + ' images');
                    findCats(name, false);
        } else if (/\sEG(?:\s|\.png)/i.test(name)) { //Equestria Girls
            cat('Equestria Girls images');
            findCats(name, true);
        } else if ({'Comic ':1, 'Comics':1}[name.substring(0, 6)]) {
            cat('Comics images');
        } else if (name.substring(0, 7) === 'FANMADE') { //fanmade images
            cat('Fanmade images');

    $('#mw-upload-form').on('DOMNodeInserted', '#mw-upload-thumbnail', function(ev) {
        if ( === 'mw-upload-thumbnail') {

// List of ponies stripping script for [[list of ponies/fast]] by Bobogoobo
//   AKA Ultra Fast Pony (wacarb don't sue me pls)
// TODO: when fixing this for the full list of ponies, hardcode whatever I want in the lead section
//   (old text: )
$(function() {
    if (
      mw.config.get('wgPageName') !== 'List_of_ponies/fast' ||
      mw.util.getParamValue('action') ||
    ) {

    var page = mw.util.getParamValue('loppage') || 'List_of_ponies',
      fastpony = window.fastpony || [1, 9],
      ponycols = window.fastcolumns || ($.inArray(8, fastpony) > -1 ? 1 : 1);
        //change last 1 to 2 to enable multi-columns by default. Currently very slow.

    if (page !== 'List_of_ponies') {
        $('#lop-backlink').html('Back to the ').append($('<a />', {
            'href': '/wiki/List_of_ponies/fast',
            'title': 'List of ponies/fast',
            'text': 'full fast list'

        $('#lop-thislink').html('See the ').append($('<a />', {
            'href': '/wiki/' + page + (window.location.hash ? window.location.hash : ''),
            'title': page.replace(/_/g, ' '),
            'text': 'full version of this page'

    $('#mw-content-text').after($('<img />', {
        'id': 'lopspinner',
        'style': 'margin:auto;',
        'src': ''

    $.getJSON('/api.php?action=parse&page=' + page + '&prop=text&format=json', function(data) {
        if (data.error) {
            $('#mw-content-text').append($('<span />', {
                'class': 'error',

        var $html = $('<div>' + data.parse.text['*'] + '</div>'),
          charpage = /See <a.*>(.*)<\/a>\./, newTitle,
          $thead, $tbody, $newTable, newRows = '<tr>';

        newTitle = ($('#title-meta', $html).html() || page.replace(/_/g, ' ')) + ' (fast)';
        $('#WikiaPageHeader h1:first').html(newTitle);
        document.title = newTitle + ' - ' + mw.config.get('wgSitename');

        if (page === 'List_of_ponies') {
            $('#toc', $html).parent().remove();
            $('.listofponies', $html).nextUntil('noscript').remove();

            $('a[href^="/wiki/List_of_"]', $html).each(function() {
                $(this).attr('href', '/wiki/List_of_ponies/fast?loppage=' + 
                  $(this).attr('href').replace('/wiki/', ''));

        $('.wikitable:first', $html).prev().remove();
        $('.wikitable:first', $html).remove();
        $('.listofponies', $html).css('width', 'auto');

        $('.listofponies tr', $html).each(function() {
            var $first = $(this).children('td:nth-child(1)'),
              $desc = $(this).children('td:nth-child(8)'),
              match, link, toRemove;

            if (
              $.inArray(8, fastpony) === -1 &&
              charpage.test($desc.html()) &&
              $desc.children('a:first').attr('title') !== 'List of ponies' //maybe duplicates should be marked somehow?
            ) {
                match = $desc.html().match(charpage)[1];
                link = $('<a />', {
                    'href': '/wiki/' + encodeURIComponent(match.replace(/ /g, '_')),
                    'title': match,
                    'text': $first.text()

                if ($first.children('b').length) {
                } else if ($first.children('a').length) {
                    $first.html(link + ' ' + $first.html());
                } else {

            toRemove = $(this).children();
            for (var i = 0; i < fastpony.length; i++) {
                toRemove = toRemove.not(':nth-child(' + fastpony[i] + ')');

        if (ponycols > 1) {
            $newTable = $('.listofponies', $html).clone().empty();

            $thead = $('tr:first', $html);
            for (var i = 1; i < ponycols; i++) {
                $thead.append('<th class="unsortable" style="width:1em;"></th>');
                for (var j = 0; j < fastpony.length; j++) {

            $tbody = $('tr:not(:first) td', $html);
            for (var k = 1; k < $tbody.length + 1; k++) {
                if (k % (fastpony.length * ponycols) === 0) {
                    newRows += $tbody[k-1].outerHTML + '</tr><tr>';
                } else if (k % fastpony.length === 0) {
                    newRows += $tbody[k-1].outerHTML + '<td></td>';
                } else {
                    newRows += $tbody[k-1].outerHTML;
            $newTable.append(newRows + '</tr>');

            $('.listofponies', $html).replaceWith($newTable);


        // Load sortability, from Wikia/app/resources/
        mw.loader.using('jquery.tablesorter', function() {

        if (window.location.hash) { window.location.hash = window.location.hash; } // go to anchor if present
    }).fail(function() {
        $('#mw-content-text').append($('<span />', {
            'class': 'error',
            'html': 'An error occurred. Try refreshing the page.'
    }).always(function() {

// Recreate the list of ponies on a subpage so that the full list can be displayed;
//   template include size limit is exceeded. By Bobogoobo
$(function() {
    if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') !== 'List_of_ponies/full' || mw.util.getParamValue('action')) {

    var code, templates = [], $html;

        '<p>This text will be replaced when the list is done loading. For smaller, categorized pages, please ' +
        'refer to the <a href="/wiki/List_of_ponies" title="List of ponies">regular list of ponies page</a>.</p>'

    $.getJSON('/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=List of ponies&rvprop=content&rvlimit=1&format=json',
      function(data) {
        var match, search = /#lst/g, headings;

        code = data.query.pages['3151'].revisions[0]['*'];
        code = code.substring(code.indexOf('{|'), code.indexOf('\n|}') + 3);

        headings = code.substring(0, code.indexOf('|-', code.indexOf('|-') + 1));
        code = code.substring(headings.length - 1);

        $.getJSON('/api.php?action=parse&prop=text&disablepp=true&format=json&text=' + encodeURIComponent(headings),
          function(result) {
            headings = result.parse.text['*'];

            $('#mw-content-text').append(headings + '</th></tr></table>');

            while ((match = search.exec(code)) !== null) {
                templates.push(code.substring(match.index - 2, code.indexOf('}', match.index) + 2).replace('#', '%23'));

            $html = $('#mw-content-text table.listofponies');

            $.getJSON('/api.php?action=parse&text={{lop legend}}&format=json&prop=text&disablepp=true', function(stuff) {
                $html.before($('<div>' + stuff.parse.text['*'] + '</div>').children('table'));

            insertLists(0, finalize);

        function insertLists(index, callback) {
            $.getJSON('/api.php?action=parse&prop=text&disablepp=true&format=json&text=' + templates[index],
              function(result) {
                var replace = {'||style':'</td><td style', '||align':'</td><td align', '||':'</td><td>',
                  '|-':'</tr><tr>', '|id':'<td id', '|data-':'<td data-', '|<':'<td><', '\\n|(\\w)':'<td>$1', 
                  '|':'>', '^(\\w*</td><td>)':'<td>$1'};

                result = result.parse.text['*'].substring(3, result.parse.text['*'].length - 4);
                $.each(replace, function(key, value) {
                    result = result.replace(new RegExp(key.replace(/([|-])/g, '\\$1'), 'g'), value);
                });// remove p tag added by parse, parse the parse

                if (index === templates.length - 1) {
                    $html.append('</td></tr><tr><td ' + result + '</td></tr>');
                } else if (index === 0) {
                    $html.append('<tr><td ' + result);
                    insertLists(index + 1, callback);
                } else {
                    $html.append('</td></tr><tr><td ' + result);
                    insertLists(index + 1, callback);

        function finalize() {
            // Load sortability, from Wikia/app/resources/
            mw.loader.using('jquery.tablesorter', function() {

            $('#mw-content-text > p').remove();
            $('#mw-content-text').prepend('<p>This is the full list of ponies so that every pony can be viewed ' +
              'and sorted at once. Please report any bugs <a href="/wiki/User_talk:Bobogoobo" ' +
              'title="User talk:Bobogoobo">here</a>. See the <a href="/wiki/List_of_ponies" title="List of ponies">' +
              'regular list page</a> for links to the sublists and related pages.' +
              '<br /></p>');

            if (window.location.hash) { window.location.hash = window.location.hash; } // go to anchor if present

// Support for showing/hiding of lyrics on [[Songs]] by Bobogoobo
// To specify a custom section name, use the data-lyric-section property.
//   The property should only be used for tables that are
//   without the usual number of columns and without rowspans.
// To specify which column (zero-indexed) the song name is in, use data-lyric-linkcol.
//   Only needed if nearly none of the toggles work.
// Multi-section songs are detected automatically by commas in the length column.
$(function() {
    if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') !== 'Songs') {
    $('.lyrics-toggle').click(function() {
        var $this = $(this), action = $this.text(), parseText = '',
            hasSection = !!$this.attr('data-lyric-section'),
            $row = $this.closest('tr'), $spanCell = $row,
            colspan = $this.closest('table').find('tr').eq(0).children('th').length,
            hasRowspan = (colspan !== $row.find('td').length),
            linkCol = $this.closest('table').attr('data-lyric-linkcol'),
            $link = $this.closest('tr').find('td').eq(
                    (hasRowspan ? 0 : (linkCol ? linkCol : (colspan !== 7 ? 0 : 1)))
            title = $link.attr('title'),
            display = $link.text(),
            safeTitle = title.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]/g, '').replace(/ /g, '-') + 
                (hasSection ? $('.lyrics-toggle').index($this) : ''),
            section = $this.attr('data-lyric-section') || 'song',
            numParts = (hasSection ?
                section.split('|').length :
                $this.parent().prev().prev().text().split(',').length// "Length" column

        if (action === 'Show') {
            while ($spanCell.children('td').length !== colspan) {
                $spanCell = $spanCell.prev();
            $spanCell = $spanCell.children('td').eq(0);
            if ($spanCell.attr('rowspan')) {
                $spanCell.attr('rowspan', +$spanCell.attr('rowspan') + 1);
            $row.after($('<tr />', {
                'id': 'lyrics-row-' + safeTitle,
                'html': '<td colspan="' + ($spanCell.attr('rowspan') ? colspan - 1 : colspan) + '"></td>'
            for (var i = 0; i < numParts; i++) {
                if (numParts === 1) {
                    parseText = '{{%23lst:' + title + '|' + section + '}}';
                } else {
                    if (i > 0) {
                        parseText += '<br /><br /><hr style="margin-left:-24px;" /><br />';
                    parseText += '{{%23lst:' + title + '|';
                    if (numParts === 2 && !hasSection) {
                        parseText += (i ? 'reprise' : 'song') + '}}';
                    } else if (hasSection) {
                        parseText += section.split('|')[i] + '}}';
                    } else {
                        parseText += 'song' + (i + 1) + '}}';
            $.getJSON('/api.php?action=parse&format=json&prop=text&disablepp=true&text=' +
                parseText.replace(/&/g, '%26'),
              function(data) {
                var $newRow = $('#lyrics-row-' + safeTitle);
                if ($newRow.length) {
                    data = data.parse.text['*'];
                    $newRow.children('td').html('<h4 style="padding-left:0;">' +
                      display + '</h4>' + data);
        } else if (action === 'Hide') {
            var $removeRow = $('#lyrics-row-' + safeTitle);
            if (+$removeRow.find('td').eq(0).attr('colspan') !== colspan) {
                while ($spanCell.children('td').length !== colspan) {
                    $spanCell = $spanCell.prev();
                $spanCell = $spanCell.children('td').eq(0);
                $spanCell.attr('rowspan', +$spanCell.attr('rowspan') - 1);

// Combines all of the tables on [[Friendship is Magic animated media]]
//   into a single table for easy sorting.
// Adds a button in the header to show the table.
// Script by Bobogoobo
$(function () {
    if (
        mw.config.get('wgPageName') !== 'Friendship_is_Magic_animated_media' ||
        mw.util.getParamValue('diff') ||
    ) {
    // Wait a little bit, because apparently the headings don't exist at the beginning.
    function doStuff () {
        var headerMap = {
            'Season one': 'S1',
            'Season two': 'S2',
            'Season three': 'S3',
            'Equestria Girls': 'EG01',
            'Season four': 'S4',
            'Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks': 'EG02',
            'Prequel Shorts': 'PS',
            'Film': '',
            'Encore Shorts': 'SS',
            'Season five': 'S5',
            'Equestria Girls: Friendship Games': 'EG03',
            'Animated shorts': 'PS',
            'Season six': 'S6',
            'Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree': 'EG04',
            'The Movie': 'M1',
        var $table = $('#WikiaArticle table').not('.toc').eq(0).clone();
        var $headers = $('#WikiaArticle table').not('.toc').eq(0).find('thead').clone();
            '<th style="width:4.5em;"><span title="Episode number as they appear on ' +
            'DVD, Blu-ray, iTunes, Google Play, Netflix and the international releases" ' +
            'style="cursor:help; border-bottom:1px dotted">P№</span></th>'
        $('#WikiaArticle table').not('.toc').not('.ambox').each(function () {
            var $this = $(this);
            var $heading = $this.prev(), $parentHeading;
            while (['H2', 'H3'].indexOf($heading.prop('tagName')) === -1) {
                $heading = $heading.prev();
            if ($heading.prop('tagName') === 'H3') {
                $parentHeading = $heading.prev();
                while ($parentHeading.prop('tagName') !== 'H2') {
                    $parentHeading = $parentHeading.prev();
            $heading = $heading.find('.mw-headline');
            if ($parentHeading) {
                $parentHeading = $parentHeading.find('.mw-headline');
            $this.find('tbody tr').each(function () {
                if (!$(this).find('th').length) {
                    var $row = $(this).clone();
                    if ($row.find('td').length === 5) {
                    var $fc = $row.find('td').eq(0), prod;
                    if ($fc.find('i').length) {
                        prod = $fc.find('span').attr('title').match(/\d\d/);
                        if (prod) { prod = prod[0]; }
                            '<span class="prorder">' + $fc.find('span').text() + '</span>'
                    if ($parentHeading) {
                    // Sort EG films in between PS and SS
                    if (
                        $heading.text().indexOf('Equestria Girls') !== -1 ||
                        $heading.text().trim() === 'Film'
                    ) {
                        $fc.attr('data-sort-value', $fc.text() + 'Q');
                    var $sc = $row.find('td').eq(1);
                    $sc.html($fc.html().replace(/ \(\d{1,3}\)/, ''));
                    if ($sc.find('.prorder')) {
        $table.attr('id', 'full-table');
        mw.loader.using('jquery.tablesorter', function() {
        // Default sort by airdate
        $('#full-table').find('thead th').eq(4).click();
            '<a id="view-full-table" class="wikia-button primary">View full sortable table</a>'
        $('#view-full-table').click(function () {
            if ($('#full-table').is(':visible')) {
                $('#view-full-table').text('Hide full sortable table');
            } else {
                $('#view-full-table').text('Show full sortable table');
    var to = window.setTimeout(doStuff, 3000);

* YouTube Music Player
* Created by Ozank Cx
* Some code taken from
* Playlist support added by Soap Shadow
* Reference:
$(function() {
    // Make it work only in User, User_talk and User_blog namespaces
	if ($('.YTMP').length && [2,3,500].indexOf(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')) !== -1) {
		$('.YTMP').each(function() {
			var esc = mw.html.escape,
			obj = $(this),
			id = esc('id') || ''),
			autoplay = esc('' +'autoplay')),
			loop = esc('' +'loop')),
			playlist = esc('' +'playlist') || ''),
			start = esc('' +'start')),
			// Playlist support
			listtype = esc('' +'listtype')),
			list = esc('' +'list'));

			// If playlist type and playlist id aren't blank 
			// then create the playlist embed object.
			if (listtype !== '' && list !== '') {
                obj.html('<div class="YTMP-outer"><div class="YTMP-inner"><iframe width="300" height="300" src="//' + listtype + '&list=' + list + '&autoplay=' + autoplay + '&loop=' + loop + '&start=' + start + '"></iframe></div></div>');   
			} else {
                // Else create the original video id embed object.
                if (id === '') return;
                obj.html('<div class="YTMP-outer"><div class="YTMP-inner"><iframe width="300" height="300" src="//' + id + '?feature=player_embedded&autoplay=' + autoplay + '&loop=' + loop + '&playlist=' + playlist + '&start=' + start + '"></iframe></div></div>');