My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki

Season 1

Princess Probz
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Tout pour la télé, premiére partie
Tout pour la télé, deuxième partie
Anything for TV, Part one
Anything for TV, Part two
Polish Księżniczkowe kłopoty Princess Problems
The Best of the Worst
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] La meilleure des pires, premiére partie
La meilleure des pires, deuxième partie
The Best of the Worst, Part one
The Best of the Worst, Part two
Polish Najlepszy z najgorszych The Best of the Worst
Cute-pocalypse Meow
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Chat-pocalypse miaou, premiére partie
Chat-pocalypse miaou, deuxième partie
Cat-pocalypse Meow, Part one
Cat-pocalypse Meow, Part two
Polish Słodkie Zmiautwienia Sweet Worries
How Applejack Got Her Hat Back
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Comment Applejack a retrouvé son chapeau, premiére partie
Comment Applejack a retrouvé son chapeau, deuxième partie
How Applejack Got Her Hat Back, Part one
How Applejack Got Her Hat Back, Part two
Polish Jak Applejack odzyskała swój kapelusz How Applejack Got Her Hat Back
Bad Thing No. 3
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Catastrophe numéro trois, premiére partie
Catastrophe numéro trois, deuxième partie
Disaster number three, Part one
Disaster number three, Part two
Polish Nieszczęścia chodzą trójkami Misfortune Comes in Threes
Pinkie Pie: Hyper-Helper
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Pinkie Pie: toujours prête ! - Premiére partie
Pinkie Pie: toujours prête ! - Deuxième partie
Pinkie Pie: always ready! - Part one
Pinkie Pie always ready! - Part two
Polish Pinkie Pie: Pomagaczka Pinkie Pie: The Helper
The Trail Less Trotten; Death of a Sales-Pony
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Le Rallye sans Trotteuses / Vendre à tout prix The Rally without Second Hand / Sell at all Costs
Polish Szlak szalonej skautki; Sprzedaż rusza z kopyta Crazy Girl Scout Trail; The Sale is Kicking Off
Bighoof Walking; The Fluttershy Effect
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Gros Sabot / La Fête de Fluttershy Big Hoof / The Fluttershy Party
Polish Wielkie Kopyto; Efekt motyla Bighoof; Butterfly Effect
The Fast and the Furriest; Disappearing Act
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] A toute vitesse / Disparition At full speed / Disappearance
Polish Słodcy i wściekli; Znikające kuce The Sweet and the Furious; Disappearing Ponies
Badge of Shame; Discord's Peak
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Le badge de la honte / Discord solitaire Badge of Shame / Lonely Discord
Polish Mistrzyni instrukcji; Wulkanie Master of Instructions; Volcanope
A Camping We Will Go; Campfire Stories
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Camping sans luxe / Histoires de feu de camp Camping without luxury / Campfire stories
Polish Strefa końfortu; Krąg opowieści Horsefort Zone; The Circle of Stories
Friendship Gems; Dol-FIN-ale
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Bracelet d'amitié / Enfin le dauphin ! Friendship bracelet / The dolphin finale!
Polish Bransoletki przyjaźni; DelFINAŁ Friendship Bracelets; DolFINALE
Potion Mystery; Sick Day
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Le mystère des potions / Malades The mystery of potions; Sick
Polish Tajemnica napoju; Zakichany dzień The Secret of the Potion; Sneeze Day
Meet Potion Nova!; Pony Surfin' Safari
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Rencontre avec Potion Nova ! / Safari en surf Meet Potion Nova!; Safari surfing
Polish Oto Potion Nova; Tajemnica Trójkąta Słodziutkiego This is Potion Nova; The Secret of the Cute Triangle
All Bottled Up; All That Jitters
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Embouteillages / Première potion Traffic jams; First potion
Polish Zabutelkowane; Emocje aż kipią Bottled Up; Emotions Are Overflowing
I, Cookie; Keynote Pie
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Mes amis les cookies / On investit ! My friend's cookies; We are investing!
Polish Frankenciastka; E-Pinkie Frankencookies; E-Pinkie
Ponies of the Moment; One Click Wonder
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Le buzz du Sugarcube Corner ! / Adieu la gloire... The Sugarcube Corner buzz!; Farewell glory...
Polish Kucykowe gwiazdy; Sława za jedno kliknięcie Pony Stars; Fame For One Click
Zound Off; Unboxing Day
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Onomatopoeia / Le grand déballage Onomatopoeia; The great unpacking
Polish Dźwięki udręki; Cel? Pudło! Sounds of Anguish; Aim? Box!
Don't Look a GIF Horse in the Mouth; The Root of It
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] Un petit rien / Une coupe qui change tout A little nothing; A cut that changes everything
Polish Obdarowanemu kucykowi zagląda się w głowę; Nowa grzywa, nowa ja Look a Gift-Receiver Pony in the Head; New Mane, New Me
The Mysterious Voice; The 5 Habits of Highly Effective Ponies
Language Foreign title Translation
French[1] La voix mystérieuse / Une éclosion tardive The Mysterious Voice; A Late Hatching
Polish Tajemniczy głos; Pięć nawyków najbardziej wpływowych kucyków Mysterious Voice; The Five Habits of the Most Influential Ponies
Game Knight; Director Spike's Mockumentary
Language Foreign title Translation
Polish Wieczór gier; Mokument Spike'a Game Night; Spike's Mockumentary
Whoof-dunnit; Dear Tabby
Language Foreign title Translation
Polish Szlaki i poszlaki; Droga Tabby Trails and Clues; Dear Tabby
Pie vs. Pie; Superb Six
Language Foreign title Translation
Polish Pie kontra Pie; Superbrygada Pie versus Pie; Super Brigade
The Debut Taunt; Flutterdash
Language Foreign title Translation
Polish Wycięte marzenia; Flutter - Dash Dreams cut out; Flutter - Dash
The Rarity Report; The Great Divide
Language Foreign title Translation
Polish Raport Rarity; Wielkie podziały Rarity's Report; The Great Divide
The Great Collide; Sportacular Spectacular Musical
Language Foreign title Translation
Polish Wielkie starcie; Spektakularny, muzyczno-muskularny show The Big Showdown; Spectacular, Musical-Muscular Show

