Rainbow: "Uh, I thought we were rehearsing."
"Back when I was Princess Celestia's student, I learned best by going out into the field and actually doing something."
"Studying ancient books is fine for some people, but..."
"...I like to solve magical mysteries by..."
"...rolling up my sleeves..."
"...and getting my hooves--"
"Ah can related to workin' hard outdoors, but what the hay does that have to do with us playin' music?"
"I'm trying to figure out how magic works here..."
"...why you grow ears, wings and tails when you pony up, and what your instruments have to do with it."
"Um... are you sure we need to figure it out?"
"It'll be fun. Just start playing."
"You won't even know I'm here."
How can she even eat virtual food?! It's absolutely impossible!
Well, at least she wasn't hit with a ton of diamonds.
No, that can't be good at all.
Sunset: "Finally, after all this testing..."
"...I've come to a definitive conclusion!"
Whoa! You're not hurt, are you, Sunset?
"I have no idea how magic works in this world."
I'm gonna pass out right now, OK? Good night, girls.
"Dog burglar!" (Hey, Spike is making a cameo appearance! Sort of...)
"Tree." (How did she even bring this suit here?)
"Bunny suit!" (Sort of Angel's cameo, too.)
"Camouflage!" (Bright pink camo, huh?)
It's a pretty good camouflage for Candyland, though.
"We need to get a better view."
Guys, you are missing all the comedy here!
O'Donnell's law #1 in action.
"You smell like vanilla!"
"Do you even know what the word "spy" means?"
"It means being sneaky, it means not being seen!"
What the heck were they doing?
At least Pinkie got herself a bush.
Lyra, how did you dim the sun?
Face it, Lyra. Disco is dead.
Wait, is Bon Bon trying out for the Friendship Games or the school musical?
With an act like that, you definitely won't make it to Bridleway!
「ボンボン」対「ライラオレのことスキでしょ」!戦いを開始しましょう!(Lyra Heartstrings versus Sweetie Drops! Let the battle begin!)
Does anyone even use phone books anymore?
She's a lumberjack and she's okay!
Joey "Jaws" Chestnut, eat your heart out!
"Is it just me or did things take a turn towards Weirdsville?"
Wait! We BOTH made the team? That makes us equal!
More like "Birdst Friends Forever"!
Yeah, sure. "Best friends." #notthattheresanythingwrongwiththat
It's time to make ze MAGICKS!
Photo Finish, I am very disappointed in you.
Vice Principal Luna is already regretting this.
Luna can tell this won't be fun.
Okay, Flash Sentry, Micro Chips, and Sandalwood, you three need to paint a banner for the arrival of the Crystal Prep students.
I'm a Rocker, so I suggest we do a music-themed banner.
I'm a Techie, so I suggest we do a science-themed banner.
I'm an Eco-Kid, so I suggest we do a peace-themed banner.
Um, Sandalwood? You forgot that you have paint on your hands, right?
Thank goodness I got the paint off my glasses. I couldn't see a thing with that stuff on 'em.
"My friendship algorithm!"
"Hey! You just projectile-scienced all over my chorus!"
"Well, you guys painted all over my molecular structures"
"And how am I supposed to paint my spirit guide when there's DNA and a treble clef in the way?"
"Oh, I don't know! Ask your spirit guide!"
"You're ruining my design!"
Whew! We're glad it's all over.