My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki

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Name K G C M E F Description and appearances Image
Anne of Green Stables earthearth fillyfilly hsl(109, 41%, 68%)¤ hsl(40, 79%, 69%)¤ hsl(314, 49%, 54%)¤ FF19
A pony character cameo based on Anne Shirley. Friends Forever issue 19 Anne of Green Stables
Grayson Wilcox pegasuspegasus fillyfilly ¤ ¤ ¤ 17
Represents Katie Cook's daughter Grayson. Comic issue 17 Grayson Wilcox
Harper Wilcox unicornunicorn fillyfilly ¤ ¤ ¤ 17
Represents Katie Cook's daughter Harper. Comic issue 17 Harper Wilcox
Julia unicornunicorn fillyfilly hsl(169, 31%, 90%)¤ hsl(251, 32%, 64%)¤ hsl(206, 59%, 59%)¤ FF3
A representation of Agnes Garbowska's niece Julia. Modern relative of FIENDship is Magic 03 Unnamed Filly - Julia. In My Little Pony: Friends Forever, appears onIssue #3 page 22, Issue #6 page 1, Issue #10 page 1, and Issue #13 pages 11 and 21. In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, appears on Issue #21 page 5, Issue #22 page 22, Issue #30 page 14, Issue #31 page 3, Issue #38 pages 1 and 3, Issue #46 page 10, and Issue #47 page 15. Also in others.​[​specify​]​ Her cutie mark is three blue eighth notes. One of some drawings by Agnes Garbowska and her niece in Poland shows this pony thinking about something and also includes text, with an arrow pointing from one word to this pony. Comic issue FF6 UUM1
Pickle Barrel earthearth coltcolt hsl(90, 54%, 58%)¤ hsl(76, 54%, 40%)¤ hsl(89, 70%, 84%)¤ See Barley Barrel and Pickle Barrel. Pickle Barrel ID
Acacia Pie earthearth fillyfilly hsl(40, 32%, 51%)¤ hsl(142, 15%, 35%)¤ hsl(65, 55%, 59%)¤ 99
One of Pinkie Pie's cousins from a tree-farming family in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #99. Has a body design similar to young Fluttershy, "Pearly Whites", Plaid Stripes, Crystal Hoof, young Applejack, young Derpy, "Thunderstruck", young Pear Butter, and S09E14 Unnamed Earth Filly #1. Her cutie mark is a twig and curved cutting tool. Comic issue 99 Acacia Pie
Aurora Muffin earthearth fillyfilly hsl(231, 57%, 41%)¤ hsl(223, 68%, 35%)¤ hsl(160, 24%, 65%)¤ FF34
Appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #34 trapped in a living house while celebrating Pumpkin Twizzle's birthday with Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie Pie, and Java Bolt. Her cutie mark is a multicolored muffin. Friends Forever issue 34 Aurora Muffin
Birch Pie earthearth coltcolt hsl(59, 32%, 65%)¤ hsl(213, 16%, 26%)¤ hsl(42, 63%, 59%)¤ 99
One of Pinkie Pie's cousins from a tree-farming family and Oak Pie's twin in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #99. Comic issue 99 Birch Pie
Buttercup earthearth fillyfilly hsl(204, 63%, 76%)¤ hsl(307, 27%, 82%)¤ hsl(310, 28%, 83%)¤ FF28
Appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #28 as one of Thestra's bullies. Named the same as a nickname for Pear Butter, as a G2 Earth pony, as a G1 cow, and as the basis of Friends Forever 16 Unnamed Filly - Buttercup. Friends Forever issue 28 Buttercup
Ember earthearth fillyfilly Manga
Vol. 3
Ember ​[​specify​]​. Named the same as Ember.
Gilded Lily unicornunicorn fillyfilly hsl(45, 99%, 55%)¤ hsl(33, 94%, 56%)¤ hsl(359, 79%, 64%)¤ 60
Fancy Pants' niece who gets her cutie mark in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #60. Has a similar name to Princess Gold Lily and coincidentally resembles Sunset Shimmer. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game; her bio states, "Gilded Lily's family may want her to follow in their upper-crust hoofsteps... but all SHE really wants to do is study the night skies!" Comic issue 60 Gilded Lily
Gusty unicornunicorn fillyfilly hsl(20, 89%, 55%)¤ hsl(32, 91%, 74%)¤ hsl(45, 55%, 58%)¤ 40
Appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #40 as a new student of the School for Gifted Unicorns. Named the same as Gusty the Great. Shares her name with a G1 unicorn pony. Comic issue 40 Gusty
Harriet Pinto unicornunicorn fillyfilly hsl(38, 57%, 63%)¤ hsl(26, 52%, 33%)¤ hsl(203, 51%, 50%)¤ FF28
A fictional book character in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #28. Resembles Harry Potter; see also Micro 08 Unnamed Colt - Harry Potter and "Harry Trotter". Friends Forever issue 28 Harriet Pinto
Honey Sweet unicornunicorn fillyfilly hsl(053, 100%, 88%)¤ hsl(056, 99%, 65%)¤ hsl(207, 54%, 58%)¤ M08
Floribunda and Chance's daughter, and student of Princess Celestia's school. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game, and acts as a helper during the "Welcome Back Twilight" event. Her bio states "A rising star in drama class...purportedly. She's a special little snowflake!" Her cutie mark is a honey jar and dipper. Resembles Honey Boo Boo. Comic issue M8 Honey Sweet
data-sort-value="Humdrum" Humdrum[sic] earthearth coltcolt hsl(157, 20%, 45%)¤ hsl(062, 15%, 41%)¤ hsl(062, 15%, 41%)¤ A14
See Hum Drum. Hum Drum ID A2014
Java Bolt pegasuspegasus fillyfilly hsl(14, 58%, 46%)¤ hsl(31, 84%, 80%)¤ hsl(10, 45%, 27%)¤ FF34
Appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #34 trapped in a living house while celebrating Pumpkin Twizzle's birthday with Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie Pie, and Aurora Muffin. Her cutie mark is a cup of java. Friends Forever issue 34 Java Bolt
Loop de Loop pegasuspegasus fillyfilly hsl(279, 27%, 35%)¤ hsl(210, 65%, 80%)¤ hsl(210, 70%, 81%)¤ FF11
A shy filly in Spitfire's class at Junior Flyers Summer Camp. Also appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #18. Friends Forever issue 10 Loop de Loop
Oak Pie earthearth coltcolt hsl(59, 32%, 65%)¤ hsl(213, 16%, 26%)¤ hsl(42, 63%, 59%)¤ 99
One of Pinkie Pie's cousins from a tree-farming family and Birch Pie's twin in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #99. His cutie mark is an acorn. Comic issue 99 Oak Pie
Prancy Drew unicornunicorn fillyfilly hsl(39, 100%, 74%)¤ hsl(1, 74%, 54%)¤ hsl(198, 99%, 38%)¤ FF16
A famous filly investigator who joins Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's team for the Ponyville scavenger hunt. Also appears on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #52 page 12. Her cutie mark is a magnifying glass. Her name is similar to Nancy Drew, she physically resembles the Scooby-Doo character Velma Dinkley, and her accessorization was inspired by Ichabod Crane as portrayed by Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow. Friends Forever issue 16 Prancy Drew
Pumpkin Twizzle earthearth fillyfilly hsl(26, 46%, 72%)¤ hsl(18, 87%, 54%)¤ hsl(126, 30%, 58%)¤ FF34
Appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #34 trapped in a living house while celebrating her birthday with Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie Pie, Aurora Muffin, and Java Bolt. Her cutie mark is a pumpkin. Friends Forever issue 34 Pumpkin Twizzle
Rhoda Ruby earthearth fillyfilly hsl(215, 51%, 66%)¤ hsl(287, 29%, 66%)¤ hsl(352, 80%, 88%)¤ FF28
Appears in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #28 as one of Thestra's bullies. Friends Forever issue 28 Rhoda Ruby
Spruce Pie earthearth coltcolt hsl(103, 26%, 86%)¤ hsl(90, 12%, 56%)¤ hsl(56, 45%, 32%)¤ 99
One of Pinkie Pie's cousins from a tree-farming family in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #99. Comic issue 99 Spruce Pie
Thestra unicornunicorn fillyfilly hsl(11, 87%, 68%)¤ black¤ black¤ FF28
A shy filly in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #28 with transparency magic who faces ridicule because of her cutie mark. Her cutie mark is a skull and bone. Friends Forever issue 28 Thestra
Violette Rainbow unicornunicorn fillyfilly hsl(322, 25%, 31%)¤ hsl(271, 33%, 45%)¤ hsl(282, 23%, 67%)¤ G5-14
Appears in My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #14 as a crafting student of Izzy Moonbow's. Has a physical condition similar to vitiligo. Her cutie mark is a heart-shaped painting palette and two crossed paintbrushes. Violette Rainbow ID G5 comics
Winter Comet earthearth coltcolt hsl(189, 55%, 79%)¤ white¤ hsl(144, 27%, 71%)¤ 65
Scarlet Petal's younger brother in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #65. He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. His bio states, "A former foal pickpocket since rescued by Celestia, along with his sister SCarlet Petal." Comic issue 65 Winter Comet