Opening towards the Apple family barnhouse.
How about schoolgirl clothes! Or is that a Sailor's outfit? (In Neighpon, it could be either)
Applejack opens the door.
"It's not like it's the harvest day parade."
We're just going to the train station.
Your cousin can't wait all day.
Seriously little sis, Babs won't care about you're wearing.
How does she even have all this clothing?
This surely won't get me my cutie mark.
No sister of mine is gonna wear sumthin like that.
I don't want to be dragged by a white cloth.
Maybe I can wear this pink hat.
Apple Bloom, where'd you go?
Applejack only enjoys one hat.
Applejack reassuring Apple Bloom that there's nothing to worry about.
Telling Apple Bloom, her and Babs have something in common.
Come on Apple Bloom, Babs isn't that fancy.
Apple Bloom in a mess of clothes.
Both of you have a flank as blank as a list of
Uwe Boll fans.
Apple Bloom's blank flank.
What?! How could you forget to tell me somethin' like that?
Watching Apple Bloom, desperately go through her clothes.
Come on Applejack, we gotta hurry!
Surprised by the mess that Apple Bloom had left behind.
... But, she is not amused.
You're supposed to welcome your cousin to town, not drive her away!
Applejack and the CMC patiently waiting for Babs at the train station.
Applejack doesn't look very pleased.
Cutie Mark Crusaders recruitment is go!
"I'm so happy, I could burst!"
Learn to control that magic, Sweetie Belle.
Wait, I think the train is here!
The train from Manehattan has arrived.
Is the cutesy design of the train necessary?
Since when do little fillies have beards?
Too old and masculine to be Babs Seed.
Apple Bloom, that's a cow.
That's a cow, Apple Bloom.
Applejack reassuring Apple Bloom that she's never met Babs.
Ooh Apple Bloom, one day you'll learn.
Hey you, I'm Apple Bloom and you're my new favorite cousin!
You shall adore me as I adore you!
We will hug you and pet you and call you George!
Erase your past! Your life begins here!
Absolutely no sense of personal space.
Ever hear of personal space? Sweetie Belle? Never mind.
We're going to be the best of friends, you and I
Scootaloo hitches a ride.
Scootaloo, kidnap Babs and take her to the clubhouse!
Welcome to the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse!
Is that a bird looking at my flank?
Babs having a look around.
So, you going to join the fun side?
Both of you get to your positions.
Apple Bloom putting on a big smile.
Sweetie Belle thinking hard.
Sweetie Belle has an idea.
Our think-of-great ideas spot!
The worried look of being surrounded by crazy ponies.
Babs has piggy eyes to go with her bacon mane.
A pumpkin-based vehicle. Where have we heard of that before?
"Comes with a lifetime warranty and front and side airbags!"
Heh thanks for showing me girls.
Hey there. I can help you with that.
Equestria to the Dork Patrol: Your dorkiness levels are critical.
Ahahaha! That was so clever!
Apple Bloom doesn't look very amused.
Silver laughing at Diamond's joke.
Look at those nice eyes behind those glasses.
Blank flank?! I thought I could avoid that here!
So, how about you two and I ditch the Three Stooges here and go somewhere cooler.
Babs Seed and Diamond Tiara
When I smile like this, everypony understands who I really am.
The CMC watching something.
And the pumpkin rolled away.
Being cornered by Babs Seed.
We have to tell Applejack.
"Then...why do I feel like crying?"
"She'll probably just ruin that one, too."
"We could always tell Applejack."
Cutie Mark Crusaders Visual Spacial Learners...Yay?
I don't want no stitches.
"yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..."
"First we thought that Babs was so really really sweet..."
"A new friend to have and it seemed like such a treat..."
"But then we found the truth; she's just a bully from the east..."
"She went from Babs, yeah, to a bully and a beast."
I'm here to steal the show from you clowns.
"she's just a step ahead!"
"Got a bully on our tail..."
"gotta hide we gotta bail!"
"Babs Seed, Babs Seed, what we gonna do?"
"Babs Seed, Babs Seed, if she's after you, gotta run, we gotta flee, gotta hurry, don't you see?"
"She's just a bad, bad seed!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..."
"See? I told you we could sneak into an R-rated movie!"
Lyra's been rubbing off on Cherry Berry, it seems...
That's it! I know that you cheated on Derpy, you petty Dr. Hooves!
"Hiding from a bully, we know it isn't right, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we aren't looking for a fight..."
"Oh, she'll go home soon, and then we'll have some peace again..."
"Let's all go to the lobby..."
Seems the film is short lived
"But for now, we're staying out of her way, 'til then!"
Babs Seed has succeeded where Pinkie Pie has failed.
"Everywhere we turn, she's just a step ahead!"
"Why so angry, why so rude?"
Who's afraid of the big Babs Wolf?
Hey, that's Scootaloo's costume!
"Can't you be nice? Can't we be friends?"
"Isn't it sad, is this how it all ends?"
Scootaloo looks good in a mustache.
"Babs Seed, Babs Seed..."
"Babs Seed, Babs Seed..."
"Babs Seed, Babs Seed..."
The CMC running to the barn.
"She's just a bad, bad seed!"
"Our Control Point has been captured!"
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Gabagabagabagabagaba OUTRAGE OVERLOAD!
Listening to Scootaloo's protest
Tough economy. You've been repossessed.
Yay! Now we've got ourselves the clubhouse we never actually wanted!
C'mon, cuz! What have we ever done to you?!
You exits. Oh, and Sweetie Belle? More like Sweetie Bot. With that annoying voice of yours, you sound like a freaking robot.
Sweetie Belle? Are you okay?
Sweetie Belle's house. (middle)
My cousin has gone way too far, now.
Awwh, Apple Bloom looks cute.
We should talk to somepony.
"How are we gonna do that?"
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle liking this idea.
You sleep with your bow on?
Apple Bloom plays Amnesia.
"Crush them..." *snores* "See them driven before me..." *snores* "And hear the lamentations of their coltfriends..."
...Girls, be honest: Does this make me look like a robot?
That cute Sweetie Belle pose.
"Emergency Edible Boots?!"
Scootaloo doesn't seem to be lying.
Evil Apple Bloom and Evil Scootaloo.
Putting some planks into place.
Scootaloo thinks she has a cutie mark.
Oh this is just plain great...just great.
Making some final adjustments.
All done and tired from the looks of it.
Cheerilee is there with some of her students.
Rarity and Spike enjoying the smell of the food.
Celestia, it feels good to be a gangsta
"No, I didn't mean smashing!"
What's Apple Bloom doing with that matress?
Happy for the plan is set into motion.
"To fool with the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"
How can Applejack not figure out through the way Apple Bloom's voice sound that the trio were up to no good.
Wonder for how long they can stay standing.
"So that's why she jumped in..."
"...when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon started giving us a hard time."
"So she decided to be a bully instead!"
During the parade, Dr. Hooves is dressed as a pear.
And Royal Riff is dressed as a carrot.
Look how happy Silver Spoon looks.
Hey! Mules are cool, too!
Everypony enjoying the parade.