Considering Ponyville's population, shouldn't the school be larger?
He just had to get his before us!
"Featherweight, before us!"
Featherweight got his explanatory cutie mark.
Showing off his own namesake.
The pride and joy of every young foal!
Not even Equestria can escape the recession.
Close up on the Fool Free Press Logo
"How are we gonna get our cutie marks in newspaper?"
"Uh oh, that's Granny Smith."
We can always give this idea a chance.
Sweetie Belle is pretty skeptical about Scootaloo's idea.
That's one way to recycle.
At least four kinds of adorable.
Looking and hoping while being adorable in the process.
Not a very sturdy boat material.
Sweetie Belle doesn't look too thrilled with the idea.
Apple Bloom enjoys her friends' misunderstood circumstance.
Why is she laughing at us?
Happy fillies leave the school.
We can get our cutie marks in journalism.
Apple for the teacher? Who still does that?
Not everyday you see Sweetie Belle deep in thought.
Sweetie Belle feels so smart!
Students listening as they should be.
Cheerilee foolishly leaving Diamond Tiara in charge even though she is supposed to supervise the club
This filly can easily get away with murder!
The property of Diamond Tiara! (Seriously, when did she put up that banner of herself?)
Astute Literary Conossieur: Truffle Shuffle.
Not everypony is as excited as Diamond Tiara is.
This young guy is ready for anything.
I mean really, imagine all the glory I could bring.
I think its better we get out of here!
"If we're really supposed to be journalists...
"...isn't it worth a little grief?"
"C'mon! Let's go get these marks!"
Busy sewing at the moment.
Rarity noticing Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie Belle is unknowingly giving Rarity some great ideas.
He-he I know Sweetie Belle won't like this.
Sweetie Belle embarrassed.
Attempting to write a story of birds.
Silly Scootaloo, chickens can't fly!
Poor thing. Scoots got laughed at by the same birds she helped earlier...
How about this book, Granny.
Baby Apple Bloom with a bow and a diaper on her head.
Don't worry, Apple Bloom. We all know that feeling.
The reporters have arrived.
J. Jonah Jamareson!
Citizen Mane.
Diamond Tiara obviously doesn't like something.
You three are going to ruin my reputation with these so-called news!
We meant well, Diamond Tiara honest.
"...and it better be juicy!"
Hey, that's Derpy's shtick!
Get outta town! And stay out!
"You don't even wanna know what I had to sit through."
Oh, I know we should help them out, but this is too funny.
"Take a few pictures of this..."
"Then meet me during lunch."
Oh, just me taking this picture.
"Girls, I have our story!"
"Snips and Snails in Bubble Gum Fails!"
Two fillies enjoy reading the Foal Free Press.
"The Foal Free Press is usually just boring news and stuff."
"Look, we finally got the gum out!"
...Thanks to the electric razor!
"Your new column is a sensation!"
"Columns about ponies and their private lives."
"And I loved the way you signed it!"
"Gabby Gums! That was a stroke of genius!"
"Well I want more Gabby Gums!"
Brainstorming and boredom.
There has to be something juicy.
Snips and Snails are old news.
Talk about beating a dead horse...
It was funny the first time, boys...
Rarity just getting some fabrics.
Aren't ladies supposed to watch where they step?
Rarity magically picking up the saddlebag.
"Oh, Sweetie Belle... Was she raised..."
Curiosity is getting the best of Rarity.
I know what Rarity is thinking.
I shouldn't do it, it's unladylike
She just can never manage to fight temptation, can she?
"Oh, you really shouldn't be snooping, Rarity."
"Oh, but it's so much fun, Rarity!"
Oh hey look! The Indianapolis Colts won their last game!
Since she's that desperate for gossip, she finds something to be fascinated about by the latest news in the Foal Free Press.
Giggling at what she's reading.
Sweetie Belle, coming downstairs to see what Rarity's laughing about.
Saddlebag? No, there's no saddlebag behind my back.
I'm smarter than that, Rarity!
So, they can be flicked off like light switches.
Did you really have to do that?
Aha! Snooping as usual, I see!
But come on Sweetie, lighten up.
"This Gabby Gums column is so funny!"
"You wouldn't mind if I showed this to my friends, would you?"
"Tell you what, I'll get you ice cream!"
Where is Sweetie Belle going?
"We gave up too quickly, girls."
A shot of the Ponyville market.
She sure has a scary look on her face.
Flattery gets you places.
Truffle Shuffle helping out.
Sweetie Drops, taking a newspaper..
Lyra, taking a newspaper as well.
Ponies reading the newspaper.
Relaxation soon to be spied upon.
This actually helps to moisturize and heal dry puffy eyes...
...Which can occur from frequent flying.
The great and awesome Rainbow Dash!
Fainting Rarity Syndrome.
"The day I get a hooficure is the day I turn in my daredevil license!"
Rainbow with a newspaper.
A great way to get Pink Eye.
It's official: Spike is totally gross!
Putting curlers in Twilight's tail.
Getting her highlights touched up
It's amazing how they get a full CMYK sheet from just one trip through that dinky little press.
What could Applejack be lying about.
Not even her majesty Princess Celestia is safe from Gabby-Gums.
Girls, you gotta read this.
This has to be the greatest issue yet.
Mayor hair?
Spa treatments! (And apparently waterproof newsprint.)
"How awesome it is to get your name in the paper?"
Hooficures are a necessary part of proper standards of beauty.
Rainbow Dash does not know why she's doing this.
Hooves have no nerve endings, so why would Dash be so squeamish?
A great way to get kicked.
Rarity and Lotus not expecting to fly off like that without paying.
Gabby Gums interviewed you!?
A true literary conossieur.
"We think it's our best article yet!"
Angry journalistic bossing at its best.
"Maybe we could be hurting other ponies' feelings?"
Big McIntosh discovered with Smarty Pants.
"Who the hay does this Gabby Gums think she is?"
"I was a Canterlot snob?!"
Twilight has moved on from Gabby Gums to stocks and the science section.
All hail the floating green flame!
Pinkie and Rarity reading some newspapers.
Pinkie expresses her new blank stare
"Gabby Gums prints whatever she want!"
"Fluttershy has tail extensions!"
"Pinkie Pie is an out-of-control party animal!"
Never seen Pinkie concentrate so much...
"The Cakes are breaking up!"
Rainbow Dash and a pile of newspapers
Equestria's Finest News Source.
"Rainbow Dash: Speed Demon or Super Softie?"
"I'm a laughing stock!" Says the one who wanted to be in the headlines a while back...
Headline: The Drama Queen Diaries!?
How did they get my private diary!?
"We've got to put a stop to this once and for all!"
Are both of them looking at the camera?
"My sister would never associate with someone as beastly as Gabby-Gums!"
Rarity, has full faith in Sweetie Belle's innocence.
I didn't say it like that.
"She's the most innocent,..."
Oh, I guess Rarity found her diary in the most unexpected place.
"How can my own sister be..."
I'm coming for you, Sweetie Belle.
"Gasp! You know!? How did you find out!?"
"The gilded pages of your betrayal!"
"For all the world to read!"
Gossip can be a hurtful thing, Sweetie Belle
You didn't like it when Rarity went through your saddlebag twice, did you?
"No." In a sad Sweetie Belle tone.
We're only doing this because we want our cutie marks so badly.
Ask yourself Sweetie Belle: Do you think that trying to earn your cutie marks is worth the pain and misery you're causing to other ponies by not respecting their privacy?
"Well, when you put it that way..."
"I don't care about feelings!"
Exactly what I wanted to hear. may not want to quit after all!"
Gasp! We're being black mailed!
Sweetie Belle with a peacock like outfit on.
If anypony sees this picture of me..
Journalistic integrity at its finest.
What if Rainbow Dash sees this..
Something tells me Granny Apple provided that photo...
I sure hope nopony saw me..
"Sorry, girls. Just doing my job!"
" I'll need something to fill that empty column space."
It's your choice girls: Find more stories to write about or I'll show Ponyville your embarrassing pictures
The CMC is more than shocked.
Noticing a familiar friend.
Dash just doing the usual.
Well, if it isn't Gabby Gums!
You run anything more on me and I'll shred both dictionaries and give the chicken to
Gustave le Grand!
Rainbow Dash, how could you?! You just blew their covers!
That didn't work out too well.
Fluttershy crying...
There's some kind of force field.
Twilight surrounded our place with a force field!
"Oh, come on, Applejack! You're not mad at us, too, are you?"
"You're not even gonna talk to us?!"
"You should be ashamed of yourself..
...humiliatin' your sister...
We don't wanna talk to any y'all right now... take your little gossip column...
...and your embarrassing photographs...
They get shunned by the Pony villagers, despite the latter being the reason why Gabby Gums so darn popular in the first place.
"They haven't started yet."
D.T. about to publish the paper without reading it first.
"You're lucky that I'm nice." (No, you're mean)
Foals reading the latest edition of the Foal Free Press.
"Well done, Diamond Tiara. You've averted yet another crisis with your amazing diplomatic skills."
Derpy's gonna be mad at you, Diamond Tiara.
"Ooh, they're not gonna get away with this!"
"They messed with the wrong pony!"
The mayor got the well-deserved journalistic integrity.
Rainbow Dash, you monster!
Rainbow Dash hears a voice that makes her stop to take a look at the CMC.
These three little fillies: Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.
Even the one literate Lagomorph deserves journalistic integrity
You almost want to feel sorry for her? Well guess what?
"I'm sorry, Diamond Tiara, I have to strip you of your title!" Where have you been, Cheerilee?
It's temper tantrum time!
Meet our new Editor-in-chief!
Meet your new editor-in-chief, Featherweight!
Yay! Featherweight is the new editor!
"Him!" Yeah! He arguably did as much damage as "Gabby Gums" by photographing everyone in Ponyville without their permission.
Who's laughing now? And oh, is Diamond Tiara laughing...with them? More importlany, does the "who" have a brother or a close grandmother?