My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Rainbow Swoop
(Purple Waters)

Rainbow Swoop S01E16

Rainbow Swoop in Sonic Rainboom

Rainbow Swoop ID S2E15

Rainbow Swoop as an Earth pony in The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

Kind Pegasus
Sex Male
Occupation Musician
Other links
More info
Eyes Moderate sea green
Mane Dark gray
Coat Very pale blue violet (show)
Dark magenta (merchandise)
Cutie mark
Purple, orange, and yellow-striped rainbow

Rainbow Swoop, or Purple Waters, is a background Pegasus pony with a light bluish-purple coat, dark gray mane, sea green eyes, and a cutie mark of a purple, orange, and yellow-striped rainbow. He is not named on the show, but he is named "Rainbow Swoop" with a trademark symbol and "Purple Waters" in different merchandise.


Rainbow Swoop shares his design, eye color, and cutie mark with Prism Glider, his design with Whitewash, Cerulean Skies, Rainbow Blaze, and sometimes "Thorn", his mane and tail style with Red Delicious, Crusoe Palm, "Welch / Cloudy Haze", Goldengrape, "Blue Bonnet", Noteworthy, "Baritone", Felix, "Cherry Strudel", "Harry Trotter", Apple Cinnamon, "Grape Crush", Neigh Sayer, S04E08 Unnamed Earth Stallion #8, Don Neigh, S04E22 Unnamed Earth Stallion #8, "Adante", "Pink Drink", M2 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1, "Log Jam", S05E06 Unnamed Earth Stallion #16, S05E09 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1, S05E26 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1, S06E09 Unnamed Earth Stallion #3, S06E18 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1, S06E22 Unnamed Earth Stallion #5, S06E22 Unnamed Earth Stallion #9, S07E13 Unnamed Earth Stallion #6, S07E13 Unnamed Earth Stallion #7, S08E08 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1, and S08E21 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1, his mane style with S01E16 Unnamed Pegasus Stallion #1, S04E08 Unnamed Earth Stallion #2, Aries, and sometimes S04E20 Unnamed Earth Stallion #4, S04E20 Unnamed Earth Stallion #5, S04E20 Unnamed Earth Stallion #6, and S04E20 Unnamed Earth Stallion #7, his tail style with "Chocolate Haze", "Klein", Emerald Green, "Written Script", Comet Tail, Rare Find, Stormfeather, "Silver Script", Bright Bulb, Roger Silvermane, S04E22 Unnamed Unicorn Stallion #3, and "Cool Beans", and his cutie mark with S02E22 Unnamed Pegasus Mare #8, S04E26 Unnamed Earth Mare #1, S05E05 Unnamed Pegasus Stallion #1, and sometimes "Mjölna" and Mane Moon.

Depiction in the series[]

Rainbow Swoop and Compass Star flying S1E16

Rainbow Swoop's first appearance in Sonic Rainboom.

Rainbow Swoop makes several appearances throughout the series, usually in episodes in which other Pegasus ponies are also featured.

Season one[]

He first appears in Sonic Rainboom, flying through Cloudsdale alongside Compass Star as Rainbow Dash introduces her friends to the city of clouds.

Season two[]

Improvised food S2E11

Rainbow Swoop as a famished Pegasus in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant.

He later appears as a participant in the pageant in Hearth's Warming Eve; he helps Pinkie Pie with her costume before the pageant begins, and he appears among other Pegasi during.

A wingless version of Rainbow Swoop appears in The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. In Hearts and Hooves Day, he appears briefly in Apple Bloom's vision of a future Ponyville, flying through a house wall. In Hurricane Fluttershy, Rainbow Swoop is one of the Pegasi enlisted by Rainbow Dash to help transport water to Cloudsdale.

Season three[]

In Wonderbolts Academy, Rainbow Swoop appears in multiple shots as a Wonderbolts cadet, running drills with Warm Front, "Thorn", and Whitewash.

Season four[]

Bulk Biceps trailing behind S4E24

Rainbow Swoop flew his team's leadoff leg of the aerial relay at the Equestria Games.

Rainbow Swoop appears in numerous shots in Rainbow Falls, flying in the background with Orange Swirl, Prism Glider, and/or "Bon Voyage", and he is also on a qualifying Equestria Games aerial relay team with Orange Swirl and Rainbowshine. He is also seen in Pinkie Pride, watching the Goof Off between Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich and later at Rainbow Dash's birth-iversary party. In Equestria Games, Rainbow Swoop takes part in the titular sporting event with his teammates.

Season five[]

Rainbow Swoop is among the pegasus ponies bringing winter to Ponyville in Tanks for the Memories, and among the spectators at the finish line in Brotherhooves Social.

Season six[]

In The Cart Before the Ponies, Swoop is seen watching the Applewood Derby. In The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, he is seen in the stands of a baseball game. In Top Bolt, Rainbow Swoop is seen twice: once in the establishing shot of the Wonderbolt Academy, and again catching Sky Stinger in a net.

Season seven[]

In A Flurry of Emotions, Rainbow Swoop is seen entering an art exhibit with Parasol. In Fame and Misfortune, he is seen flying with Sunshower Raindrops. Swoop is also seen approaching a flower stand in It Isn't the Mane Thing About You.

Season eight[]

In School Daze - Part 1, a panicked Rainbow Swoop makes a background appearance flying away from the School of Friendship as Ocellus crashes into the school while transformed into an insect monster.

Season nine[]

In Common Ground, Rainbow Swoop makes a cameo appearance cheering in the crowd during the exhibition buckball game during a tournament in Appleloosa. In The Last Problem, he makes a background appearance flying outside future Canterlot, despite not looking visibly older.


Times are approximate.

Season one
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 9:20 - flying through Cloudsdale with Compass Star
17 None
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season two
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 2:24, 2:31 - helping Pinkie Pie with her Hearth's Warming Eve pageant costume; 2:51, 3:12 - talking with "Amaranthine"; 5:10 ~ 6:17 - taking part in the pageant; 20:55 - talking with Cherry Berry backstage
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 21:08 - sharing a mug of cider with Emerald Green (no wings)
16 None
17 13:35 - flying through a panic-stricken Ponyville in Apple Bloom's fantasy
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 0:30 - approaching the Golden Oak Library; 2:21 - inside the library; 8:25 - cheering for Rainbow Dash; 10:02 - looking at Fluttershy; 16:00 ~ 16:17, 17:57, 19:07 ~ 19:22, 20:15 - flying at the Ponyville reservoir (with several duplicates)
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season three
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 2:29 ~ 2:45 - running drills at the Wonderbolt Academy
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
Season four
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 4:49 - on the Equestria Games qualification training grounds; 5:51, 5:56, 6:09, 10:45, 10:51, 11:19, 11:52, 12:24, 18:37 - flying with Orange Swirl and Prism Glider (no cutie mark); 10:56 - flying with Prism Glider (no cutie mark); 11:46 - flying solo (no cutie mark); 13:44 - flying with Orange Swirl and "Bon Voyage"; 20:37 - on a qualifying air relay team with Orange Swirl and Rainbowshine; 20:45 ~ 21:08 - watching the award ceremony from the crowd
11 None
12 13:29 - watching Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's goof-off; 19:47 - at Rainbow Dash's birth-iversary party
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 6:10 - awaiting the lighting of the Equestria Games torch; 8:20 - listening to Shining Armor; 11:36, 12:08, 12:14 - participating in the aerial relay
25 None
26 None
Season five
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 10:58, 11:17 - pushing clouds with other Pegasi
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 16:55, 16:57 - standing next to Lyra and Sweetie Drops at the finish line; 17:07 - staring at "Orchard Blossom"
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season six
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 16:48 - watching the Applewood Derby; 21:02 - watching the do-over of the Derby
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 12:48 - in the stands of the baseball game
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 1:46 - in establishing shot of Wonderbolt Academy; 16:22 - catching Sky Stinger in a net
25 None
26 None
Season seven
1 None
2 None
3 6:29 - walking into the art exhibit with Parasol
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 4:50 - flying with Sunshower Raindrops
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 0:20 - approaching the flower stand
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season eight
1 19:19 - flying away in panic
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 None
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 None
Season nine
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
6 Yes
7 None
8 None
9 None
10 None
11 None
12 None
13 None
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None
19 None
20 None
21 None
22 None
23 None
24 None
25 None
26 Yes

Other depictions[]

Wave 10 Blind Bag Rainbow Swoop

A translucent mini-figure toy of Rainbow Swoop was released as part of the tenth wave of mystery pack toys and collector cards and named with a trademark symbol. The collector card depicts him with Soarin's design and states that he "loves to fly over rainbows as fast as he can!"

In the Canterlot Nights expansion set of Enterplay's collectible card game, Rainbow Swoop is named "Purple Waters" on his own card #41 C, which gives him the description "Purple's albums such as 'The Fence' have made him legendary in Equestria. Singing evocative lyrics like: '...and when DJ-Pon 3[sic] starts spinning different tunes, I'll see the Dark Mare of the moon.' leaves everypony hoof-stomping for more!" Enterplay's May 13, 2014 Canterlot Nights card list lists card #41 C as "Full Spectrum, Prismatic Pony" instead of "Purple Waters, Prismatic Poet/Musician".


"...and when DJ-Pon 3 starts spinning different tunes, I'll see the Dark Mare of the moon."
— Enterplay collectible card game Canterlot Nights expansion set card #41 C of Purple Waters


Angry pegasus pony S2E11

Rainbow Swoop image gallery

See also[]
