"Thank you for the mail delivery. Have a wonderful day!"
"You're new here, right?"
"I'm Cozy Glow, Professor Sparkle's friendship assistant."
"...just down that hall."
"A seven-letter word for 'teamwork'."
"Have you tried 'synergy'?"
"That's it! Thanks, Cozy!"
"Good morning, Professor Sparkle."
"The mail's here already?"
"I'm late for my class' field trip to Cloudsdale!"
"I asked Professor Rainbow Dash to cover for you."
"I told her how busy you are..."
"...and how much her loyalty meant to you."
"I also color-coded your teaching schedule by friendship element, and catalogued all the magical artifacts in the school!"
"You're like my right-hoof pony!"
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
"It's like you taught me, helping is what friendship's all about!"
"And I hope my class is learning that on their field trip right now!"
"I heard they might do some sightseeing first."
"Ta-da! The Pegasus Weather Factory."
"Every drop of rain or flake of snow from Cloudsdale..."
"Hey, the cool stuff's over there!"
"Wow! I've never stood on a cloud before!"
"...but for our trip, I cast a spell..."
"...that lets us walk like Pegasi."
"Hey, Yona, come check out this view!"
"Unless you're too scared."
"Come on, we gotta catch 'em!"
"It's OK, Yona. You like flying, remember?"
"I don't understand. It's like my spell stopped working!"
"That's never happened before."
"The students dropped out of the sky!!"
"I cast a spell for our field trip to Cloudsdale..."
"...but my magic just..."
"We barely caught everypony in time!"
"I'm glad you're all OK. But I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, Starlight."
"Maybe you did your spell wrong."
"I didn't drop that book."
"Rarity ran into the door."
"I even had to use my hooves to coif my tail!"
"Still think there's nothing to worry about?"
"This doesn't make any sense! Magic can't just disappear!"
"Something has to be causing this!"
"Um, didn't we learn in class about a creature that eats magic?"
"Isn't he trapped in Tartarus?"
"Thanks. I've never had a letter get stuck before."
"It's from Princess Celestia."
"We've all been called to an emergency meeting in Canterlot!"
"Pretty sure I know what it's about."
"Throughout our city, ponies have been reporting tales of their magic failing."
"Spells going wrong, potions not working."
"Even raising the moon has become difficult. Are there similar troubles in Ponyville?"
"We experienced it firsthoof."
"It's the same in my kingdom! The Crystal Heart seems safe for now, but I worry if this continues."
"Letter for the princesses, from Star Swirl the Bearded."
"It is even more terrible than we feared! Magic is disappearing all across Equestria!"
"Star Swirl believes that the power will drain from our land..."
"First, unicorn magic and spells will fail."
"That's what's happening now!"
"On the second day, creatures will lose their magic abilities!"
"...magical artifacts will stop working!"
"When the sun sets on the third day, the magic in our world will be gone..."
"But why is this happening now?"
"That's the worst part. We have no idea!"
"Has anypony checked on Tirek?"
"You mean the big, red, scary centaur who eats magic? Why would we wanna...?"
"If he has found someway to escape his prison..."
"...or work from within it..."
"...he could be responsible for this!"
"That is the best explanation so far. Somepony should investigate."
"Wait, did you say 'we'?"
"I finally learned that it's OK to count on your friends for help!"
"Um, you do wanna come, right?"
"Thank you all. We will search for ways to protect Equestria in your absence."
"Be careful. Tartarus has changed since you were there."
"It now holds many dangerous creatures..."
"...and you won't be able to rely on your magic!"
"With her friends by her side, she won't have to."
"OK, I left you my lesson plan, all my student files and my annotated syllabus notes."
"If anything goes wrong, get Celestia."
"Maybe I should just close the school..."
"...and send my students home?"
"Would you go save Equestria already?"
"OK, Cozy packed us all up for a trip to bad guy central!"
"Don't forget the sandwiches!"
"I marked whose is whose just in case."
"Starlight can't stand mustard."
"That's so sweet of you, Cozy."
"But Twilight has asked me to stay here to run the school."
"Oh. I thought that after what happened last time..."
"Once she survived Discord, anything else is a piece of cake!"
"Plus, she'll have you to help her."
"I promise I'll be the..."
"...best assistant ever!"
"Come on! We can start working on your substitute headmare right now if you like."
"See? Nothing to worry about."
"Tell me there's nothing to worry about!"
"Good morning, friendship students!"
"I know we're all sad Professor Sparkle is away."
"...because she left me in charge..."
"...to do things just the way she would."
"I thought Starlight Glimmer was gonna be temporary headmare."
"...but she left me this note."
"I have to go. Twilight needs my help!"
"I know the school is in good hooves with you, Cozy!"
"We won't let Starlight down, will we?"
"It's just kinda weird, isn't it?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"Like, why did she change her mind?"
"Why did Starlight write a note instead of say goodbye to us herself? Doesn't make any sense."
"Oh, Smolder, you forget! We're not scheming dragons."
"Sounds like some creature needs to do..."
"...a little extra friendship homework."
"If Smolder get homework, Yona get homework!"
"Professor Rainbow Dash..."
"You are such good friends."
"You all are, and I'm grateful because it will be awfully hard running a whole school alone! Can I count on each of you to help me?"
"It's just like our professors taught us..."
"Together, we can get through..."
"I have had it with these horrible flies!"
"Have you tried using your tail to shoo them away?"
"It's for decorative purposes only!"
"I didn't know we packed green cupcakes!"
This cupcake technically has white mushrooms growing from it.
"Um, we didn't. They must've gone bad without magic to keep them cold."
"Magic this, magic that!"
"We don't need magic to go on a little hike!"
"You just need to think more like Earth Ponies, y'all."
"Granny's Apple Core, No Bite, No More."
"That'll keep the flies off."
"It smells just like it looks!"
"Even if our food's spoiled..."
"...these blueberries are still good to eat."
"Too bad we can't do anything about the rainstorm."
"I can't stop that storm by myself, but I can still help!"
"I think we have all the magic we need right here."
"Not that I don't want to get it back. Let's go!"