"The best elements within us..."
"...can spread light and virtue..."
"...and I know ponies who represent them all..."
"Strength, bravery, healing, beauty, hope, and sorcery."
"Myself and these Pillars of Equestria were gathered together..."
"...by another to maintain and share the light of these powerful ideals."
"But we soon came to believe the pony who brought us together..."
"...only wanted that power for himself."
"Cast out and alone, this power-mad pony..."
"...turned to darkness to satisfy his thirst."
"Transformed into a Pony of Shadows, he returned for revenge..."
"...to extinguish the Pillars' light and rob the world of hope."
"To stop him, the Pillars and I must make a grave sacrifice."
"But we shall leave behind a seed..."
"...in hopes that one day it will grow into a force..."
"...to stand against the darkness for all time."
"We must now face the fiend with the only plan we have..."
"...I only hope it will be enough."
"And maybe Star Swirl's final words before he vanished!"
"So it's genuine? You can verify that this journal..."
"...really belonged to Star Swirl the Bearded?!"
"Indeed. From the looks of it, the last thing he wrote before facing the Pony of Shadows."
"Uh... So, the Pony of Shadows was really real?"
Sugarcube, please. Time and place.
Come on, Spike, don't leave a pony hanging.
Did Pinkie break a Pinkie Promise or something?
"Hearg sylfum se Ponhenge..."
"The Temple of Ponhenge?!"
"The hornwriting's pretty sloppy..."
"...but it's nowhere near as bad as mine."
"...of Fola Firgenbeorg..."
"At the base of Foal Mountain..."
"Is that Cheese Sandwich, singing an Old Ponish version of 'Word Crimes'"?
"It's amazing to think one of the greatest mysteries of Equestria was solved with a musty old book from an antique shop."
"But I wouldn't say the mystery's solved."
"Star Swirl's spell was one of the most powerful feats of magic in all of history."
"It'll take years of study before we fully understand it."
"I think I understand Star Swirl's spell!"
Correction: Hours of study.
Twilight, that's a little too close for comfort.
Congratulations, Twilight, you made Starlight feel bad. I hope you’re happy.
"And the blindfold Somnambula wore..."
"...when she faced that nasty sphinx!"
How to get your flank/tail kicked in one easy step: Claim you're faster than Dashie.
Rainbow Dash Vs. Garble! Fight
Uhm, Garble's a might outclassed in this contest...
"Finders keepers, remember?"
"See, because that's what you said to them when they first showed up—"
"I can't believe I'm gonna meet Star Swirl the Bearded!"
"You know, outside of my dreams." T.M.I., Twilight.
"And you did get your wings from finishing one of Star Swirl's spells."
"But then I messed with one......"
"....and nearly destroyed the universe, so..."
We know you nearly did, Starlight.