*Venom alike voice* "Your pitiful attempt to imprison me has failed, Star Swirl!"
Well, that's making things worse.
"You must return us to limbo. It's the only way to stop him."
"I only figured out how to bring you back."
'Working on it! No table of contents!"
Here come the black tentacles!
I wouldn't be too happy if my personal journal got destroyed like that.
ok, new rule: Important books must have a Shield bubble around them when brought to a site!
Don't worry, Twilight! I got your back!
It's only all of us, and one of you.
"Your days of glory are through, Star Swirl."
"Now my dark power will reign,..."
"...and you six will bow to me!"
"How long have we been gone?"
"Then my spell worked..."
"-before it was meddled with-"
It was at this moment that Twilight knew she messed up.
(You know, a meme loses its effect when you remove the swear words.)
"and the realm has been at peace for a millennia!"
Are you sure about that, Star Swirl?
"Well, we did save it time and again from five evil tyrants (while reforming two of them)....."
"and there was that one time when Starlight traveled through time and almost destroyed life as we know it!"
Hi, Star Swirl. We're both cool with it, right?
"But that's all in the past."
"Did you know he can do that?"
"He's Star Swirl! He can do anything!"
(Still waiting for that out of context scene, and...)
(Yup, yup, there it is.)
"And Magic!" (Uh, is Pinkie channeling someone's ritual in particular?)
"They are reflections of our own elements of..."
"What are we waiting for?"
"Uh, Twilight? Are you okay?"
"I just unleashed ultimate evil and doomed Equestria....."
"because I was obsessed....."
"why wouldn't I be okay?!"
Twilight, don't do that! You'll get a concussion!
"And I get how this part of Equestria used to be cast in eternal night where the Pony of Shadows...."
"...could draw power and wreak havoc...."
".....while ponies were powerless to stop him."
"It kinda made a comeback!"
"Did I mention it's very bright!?"
"I don't think you'll have to!"
"My spell isn't finished yet, but I think we can send the Pony of Shadows to limbo without all of you having to go as well!"
Come on, senpai! Please accept!
"While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Twilight..."
"This is hardly the time to take risks on half-baked spells."
Sad Twily is one of the worst things imaginable to this fandom.
"Beggin' your pardon, Mr. the Bearded!"
"But Twilight doesn't do anythin' halfway!"
"Seriously! She got her wings..."
"I think you'll find her work is worth reading before you dismiss it out of hoof!"
Click this photo to see Fluttershy give a determined STARE to Starswirl the Bearded.
Uh, girls? I don't think he's listening.
"I suppose there is a chance."
"Oh, you bet your bearded patootie there is."
"Hmm, that's odd. The only time the map's called all of us to one place was Starlight's village."
was...your... village,... Starlight.... (awkwardness intensifies)
"So it's like a super-villain tracker!"
Too late, Rainbow! I'm already offended.
"Hmm... The Tree of Harmony acting to protect the light of the realm..."
"Yes, a good thought Twilight."
I don't think banishing is a good idea!
Maybe we could speak to him instead?
"I doubt we can save our homeland with a conversation."
"Starlight, I'm sure Star Swirl and the others did try."
"The Pony of Shadows was not interested in reconciliation."
"Once a villain, always a villain." (Luna, Discord, and Sunset would beg to differ.)
"We don't know anything about him."
"That's not entirely true."
"You all knew the Pony of Shadows before he became what he is now."
"You must've been friends. So what happened?"
"The tale of our rift is a sad one."
Hallow Shades, a thousand years prior.
Wait, they look incredibly familiar.....
This just in:
Rainbow Rocks is canon. Wubcake must be dying right now because of this. (dying as in really shocked, not taken literally.)
...time for us to 'shine'.
You didn't know that you fell...
...Now that you're under their spell.
It is not difficult to recognize this reference. If, for some reason, you don't get this, then please consult the Dazzlings within 24 hours.
Ask not from whom the bell tolls...
Magical mirror portal, open sesame!
See you in the human world, Dazzlings! (Also Sunset and your friends, make sure they don't get new gems after what happened in 2014.)
I see...wait..nothing in your eyes? Help?
Seems family-friendly to me....
"We are poison to you, Pillars. We are Shadows..."
"It would be best if we were not disturbed."
"Envy. He wanted more power than he had,...
and that desire led him down a path....."
"....from which there is no return!"
"Stygian wants to destroy...."
"....all that is good in this world."
"There's no way to befriend a pony like that."
Wow, he REALLY doesn't care about reforming.
Star Swirl, cut Starlight some slack, what did she ever do to you? (Aside from using your time travel spell)
"I guess I'm lucky your idol wasn't around..."
"...when you decided to be my friend."
"I might've been banished to limbo, too."
Let that sink in, Twilight.
It's been long, Tree of Harmony.
(Wait, how does the necklace appear around their necks? Is that just the gems' secret ability or something?)
Oh yeah. Just like old times.
"I hope Twilight knows what she's doing."
"....Generosity and Beauty with Honesty and Strength..."
"....Kindness and Healing....
By our elements combined....
Yup, this is absolutely fine.
"Huh? There's... a pony in there."
Where you going, Twilight?
Into the belly of the beast....
Hmm... this darkness looks familiar...like another season finale's second part?
"I was, once. Until my friends betrayed me."
"But Star Swirl says you betrayed them. You wanted their magic..."
"No! I wanted their respect."
"I brought them together. I planned strategy, and I read all I could about the beasts we faced."
"But I didn't have magic or strength, so nopony ever noticed me."
"I went to Ponhenge to make my own copies of the artifacts."
"With them, I thought I could be a Pillar, too, and stand by their side in battle. I never wanted to steal their power."
"But instead of sharing and letting me help, my friends threw me out."
"So I became stronger than any of them! The darkness welcomed me when no pony would, and I will do what I must to protect it!"
Herobrine as a MLP character be like: