My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Episode gallery
Previous What Lies Beneath
Episode Sounds of Silence
Next Father Knows Beast
Episode transcript

Prologue: Applejack and Fluttershy, part 2[]

The Friendship Express's last stop[]

Up and down the Peaks of Peril[]

Village of the Kirin[]

The silence of the Kirin[]

Applejack meets Autumn Blaze[]

Autumn Blaze the chatty Kirin[]

Autumn's song / A Kirin Tale[]

Applejack finds her friendship mission[]

The Kirin and the Nirik[]

Applejack and Fluttershy argue[]

Autumn Blaze to the rescue![]

You can't give up your laughter[]

A game of Kirin charades[]

Search for the foal's-breath[]