"That's just it. Nothing's wrong! Everything's perfect!"
"So, after much consideration..."
"...my sister and I have decided..."
"...it is time for us..."
"What!" - Everyone's reaction.
Looks like Discord took a job at The Daily Bugle.
"Breaking news! The royal princesses retiring! I have so many questions!"
"Who'll take over? Who will run Equestria?"
"Will it be someone tall, dark, and handsome? Or will it be the Lord of Chaos?"
Sorry Discord, but they will be running Equestria.
"Oh, fine. Go with the obvious choice."
"Okay, but there's gotta be a guide or a rulebook!"
Don't worry Twilight, here is a copy of 'How to Rule Equestria' by D. Cord.
The new level of Twilight-ing: Level 6.
"We have the utmost confidence in you."
"And we hope you have the same in yourself."
Congrats, princesses, you made it worse.
It's a code red inside Twilight's mind: A Twilight-ing of level 8!
Anymore Twilight-ing and that bag will eventually explode.
Here, have some water, Twilight.
WARNING: Twilight-ing level has returned and is at 10. Please stabilise immediately.
"And we still always win!"
"Like when Sombra almost took back the Crystal Empire..."
"...or when Chrysalis pretended to be Cadance..."
"...or when Tirek came back and absorbed all the magic..."
"...or the other time Chrysalis tried to take over..."
"...or with Cozy Glow and the school!"
"Starlight when she was evil."
"Discord when he was evil." Discord: "Hey!"
"Do Flim and Flam count?"
Yes."And it worked! I mean, if you think about it, there hasn't been a single villain that we couldn't defeat."
That face, the loss of her kingdom did not affect her sanity, right?
Talking to animated objects
again, huh?
"I just wanted to make sure..."
"...you saw my best friends rock sculpture from there."
"I thought you freed us from Tartarus!"
"Whoever pulled you from there must have been somepony very powerful indeed."
"King Sombra! You have returned?"
"Why did you bring us here?"
"You may call me... Grogar."
"I thought that you were a legend!"
It is good to have these babies back to me.
"Until Gusty the Great rose up..."
"No offense, you look great."
"But if he knew about you when he was younger..."
"...we have different ideas of what 'temporarily' means."
"I've spent millennia gathering power..."
"...waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize control of Equestria!"
"And watching all of you."
"I've seen each of your humiliating defeats at the hooves of six puny ponies."
"Do you know why they always bested you?"
"Because they are annoyingly lucky!"
"It is because they work together."
"But we shall use their own strategy to defeat them."
"What are you suggesting?"
"I demand that you join me."
"And Equestria will be ours!"
"I will retake the Crystal Empire on my own!"
"And I will destroy anypony who gets in my way!"
"Well, working together sounds an awful lot like make friends."
"...because I know all about that!"
The darkness approaches....
Did you miss me, you pathetic crystals?
You are all mine now, like old times.
Put her down, King Sombra.
Lemme at him! I'll DESTROY him!
Tartarus hath no fury like a mother with a threatened child.
Shining Armor: It's not worth it, Cadance
Don't touch me, you creep
Flurry Heart tries to be brutal.
Well, she gets an A for effort at least....
If you sink so low as to chain and muzzle a BABY for neighing out loud, Sombra, you truly are as heartless (no pun intended) as the black spikes you create.