Previously on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Flurry Heart destroyed the Crystal Heart! Will the ponies fix the problem? Watch on to find out! (now time to stop being a narrator)
"Without the Crystal Heart's magical protection..."
"...the entire city's about to become a winter wasteland!"
"But what about when King Sombra ruled the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Heart was missin'?"
"The city wasn't covered in snow then!"
"The Heart wasn't missing. It was still in the castle. King Sombra had just hidden it."
"I'm afraid Twilight is correct, and the storm clouds are already forming."
"I can totally fly up there and bust those puppies!"
"I wouldn't advise it, Rainbow Dash." (Trollestia strikes again)
"Those storm clouds are not like the ones you know."
"This far north, the weather has a will of its own, and now it will only grow stronger, enveloping everything in its path."
"Including the Crystal Empire!"
This looks adorable! Who needs to worry about a snowstorm when you can hang on to a pony like Twilight?
"I know Princess Twilight is keen on the two of us rekindling our friendship, but..."
"I don't see how anything on that list is going to help."
"It's not like there's some spell..."
"...that would magically compel us..."
" pick up where we left off."
"Well, actually, there's several."
"Mistmane's Material Amity..."
"...Rockhoof's Rapport..."
"...Flash Prance's Fellow... ship..."
"But I-I get the feeling the princess isn't looking for a spell."
"'And if all else fails...'"
"'...ask them to share an embarrassing moment from their past...'"
"'...maybe even something they regret!'"
You'd think they'd each wonder why the other looks so freaked out...
"...I don't see how that would help."
"We should just get out of your mane."
"It's pretty obvious this isn't going how Twilight hoped..."
"...and I'm sure you have plenty of important work to do..."
"Oh! Right, yes, heh-heh!"
"Uh, no rest for the wizardly."
Do you not notice the weather?
"There must be a spell that can restore the Crystal Heart!"
"But it isn't something that either of us know."
"The library here at the castle is nearly as extensive as the one in Canterlot."
"There's a good chance we can find something there!"
"Can you hold off the storm?"
"Yes, for a time, but even our magic will eventually succumb to the power of the Frozen North."
"We will do what we can..."
Wait... Celestia and Luna are doing something than not rendered useless for the sake of the plot? Gasp!
"I don't know how long it will take to find the right spell..."
"...but you should probably tell the crowd outside to get somewhere warm!"
"And try not to mention the Crystal Heart."
"We don't want to start a panic."
"I'm gonna need all of your help."
"The crystal library is enormous!"
"You can count on us, Twily!"
So, she was fine with this before, but now it's somehow different?
Pinkie, we do NOT throw highly-magical babies in this household!
Of course she was gonna do that!
My spidey-senses are tingling.
Well my intuition tells me...
"Well, Spike, looks like my biggest fears..."
"...if Twilight decides to give up on me entirely."
"Aw, it's not your fault."
"I'm the one who said all we needed was to follow the checklist."
"I'm the one Sunburst doesn't want to be friends with."
"I don't remember him saying he didn't want to be friends."
"He didn't have to say it."
"Well, Twilight obviously thinks you're worth being friends with!"
"At least I have two friends..."
"...even if one of them has dragon breath."
"That's not dragon breath."
"It's freezing!" (You're just now noticing the snow?)
"But I thought the Crystal Heart..."
"...was supposed to keep the cold weather out."
"...unless something's happened!"
Great. A HYPERACTIVE alicorn filly with uncontrollable magic.
And a massive severe snowstorm that's fixing to turn The Crystal Empire into a frozen wasteland!
"Shining Armor! I thought you were taking care of the baby?" (what does it look like he's doing?!)
Come back here, Flurry Heart.
Is everypony playing tag?
At least she's too distracted to realize that the baby's already a better flier than she is.
Yikes! That was a little too close!
"Do you want the long or the short story?"
"The baby's an Alicorn..."
"...and she accidentally destroyed the Crystal Heart..."
" Twilight and Cadance are looking for a spell..."
" put it back together..."
"...and save the Crystal Empire..."
"...from turning into a giant wasteland..."
"Without this, I don't know..."
"...what we'd do!" You're tempting fate by saying that, Twilight.
...deflecting the beam...
...should try Finite Incantatem ...
Wait, what about the book that got hit behind you?
Pinkie: "Oops..." (How can this day get any worse?)
It's like Chicago outside!
"Haven't you looked outside?"
"Snow?" (You're just now noticing this?)
"Shining Armor and Cadance's baby –"
"And her magic is a little berserk..."
"...and well, I guess she destroyed the Heart!"
"But Twilight thinks she can fix it..."
"...and Princess Cadance thought you could help!"
"You're an important wizard in the Crystal Empire!"
"You know, I'd like to help, I-I really would."
"I-I just have so much, um, important wizard work to do around here."
"Come on, it's freezing out here!"
The shivering says it all, it's beyond freezing!
"We don't have time to argue!"
"Princess Cadance has decided to evacuate the city!"
"But the Crystalling...!"
Well, it's about time you woke up!
"That's what we've been tryin' to tell you!"
I repeat, evacuation order!
"Sunburst, I know you're busy..."
"...but did you hear what I said?"
"...but-but like I said, when you're an important wizard..."
"...the work just piles up."
"Look, Starlight, I want to help. I do."
"Fixing an ancient relic?"
"I-I can't even come close to doing something like that!"
"But I thought you were an important wizard!"
"Well, you were wrong, okay?!"
"I'm not an important wizard!"
"I'm not even a wizard at all!"
"I know it's hard for you to understand..."
"...but not all of us end up achieving greatness."
"Why wouldn't I understand that?"
"Really? You're the protégé of the Princess of Friendship!"
"I don't think she picks just anypony for that!"
"Technically, she's more of a student than a protégé."
"I'm sorry I'm not the..."
"...big important wizard..."
"Sunburst, I don't care if you're a wizard or not."
"You always knew so much about magic."
"I mean, look at all these books!"
"Yeah, well, reading about magic is one thing..."
"...but you don't know what it was like at magic school!"
"...and not be able to do any of it!"
"Well, you don't know what it was like to be left behind!"
"...bitter that you steal the cutie marks..."
"...Twilight and her friends..."
"...but they beat you again..."
"...and teach you about..."
"...but you're so terrified..."
"...ponies will find out what you did..."
"...that you can't make any..."
*Cue audience clapping slowly*
"Did you really travel through time?" (At least he's on the bright side...)
"See? I told you he'd be impressed."
"I'm sorry we lost touch."
"Maybe if I had reached out, you could have helped me at magic school..."
"...and I could have helped you..."
"Not become totally evil?"
"Let's just say I know what it's like to have something..."
"'re not exactly proud of."
"When you showed up thinking..."
"...I was some big wizard..."
"I should have told you the truth."
"It's fine. At least we worked it all out."
"I think Twilight would be proud of us."
"...if you ever want to tell her about it..."
"...we should probably leave now!"
"They're evacuating the city!"
"You need to get to the train station, unless you've got a spell here that will drive back the Frozen North and fix the Crystal Heart so the baby can have her Crystalling?"