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Episode Family Trees Pt. 1
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Young Misty: [giggling] Aww! Hi there! Hey! Wait up! [giggling] Aah! [grunting, gasps] Wow! [gasps] Where'd that come from? Whoa.
Young Misty: Huh? [screams]
Misty: [screams, panting] What was that about? It felt so real. Like it's happened before. Or it's going to.
Misty: That's new. Something is definitely up. I've gotta tell my friends!
[theme song]
["Hooves Together" playing]
[bell dings]
Sunny Starscout: [giggles]
[squirrel squeaks]
[door opens]
Misty: I think we're in danger!
Mane 5: [gasp]
Sunny Starscout: Is it Opaline?!
Misty: That's not what I meant—
Hitch Trailblazer: Opaline's here?!
Misty: No, I'm trying to tell you that—
Zipp Storm: Look alive, ponies! And don't panic!
Pipp Petals: Okay! We're under attack! But don't be [singing] afraaaaaaid!
Pipp Petals: What? You said not to panic! Singing keeps me calm, okay?!
Misty: If you could just listen—
Izzy Moonbow: I, Izzy Moonbow of the Bridlewood Moonbows, call upon the Unity Crystals to protect this Brighthouse and everypony in it—!
Misty: LISTEN TO ME! I should clarify. I don't think we're in danger right now.
Mane 5: Phew!
Misty: But we absolutely could be soon.
Hitch Trailblazer: What?!
Izzy Moonbow: No!
Pipp Petals: What do you mean?!
Zipp Storm: Okay, back up. From the top. What's going on?
[phone beeps]
Misty: I had this scary dream, but it felt real. There was this tall creature.
Sunny Starscout: Do you usually have scary dreams?
Misty: I've been having a lot of them, actually. I'm exhausted!
Sunny Starscout: I wonder what they mean.
Pipp Petals: Ooh! I love dream analysis! Like, did you know that everypony in your dreams is actually you?
Izzy Moonbow: Oooh! So I'm actually a tap-dancing tube of paint and the queen of the hermit crabs?!
Pipp Petals: Yes.
Zipp Storm: Or... maybe it wasn't a dream at all. Maybe it was a vision!
Sunny Starscout: Of the future?
Zipp Storm: Exactly. You told us Opaline won't stop 'til she has all the power of Equestria, right? And she's kinda tall. So the dream creature must be her!
Misty: I don't know. I couldn't really see the creature. It was just a big shadow.
Zipp Storm: Hmmm... So it could be a new threat. Okay, describe it to me. Don't leave out any details. They could be crucial.
Misty: Uh, I-I can't really remember now. I just knew something very bad was about to happen.
Zipp Storm: Focus, Misty. If we don't decode your vision, we could be missing a vital clue to Opaline's next move.
Sunny Starscout: Go easy on her, Zipp. Misty's been through a lot. Maybe these bad dreams are because you're still sleeping at the lair?
Pipp Petals: Yeah! You don't have to do this whole "double agent" dance anymore, Misty!
Misty: No! I can't stop until I figure out how to beat Opaline! I don't know what I'd do if anything else happened to you ponies. Or Sparky.
Zipp Storm: Don't worry. I'm gonna help you crack this mystery wide open.
Sunny Starscout: We all will. Take a breath and think back. What else did you see?
Misty: [deep breath]
Misty: [voiceover] There was this big beautiful tree.
Misty: Kind of like the one you planted for me in Zephyr Heights. But this one was...
Misty: [voiceover] a forest, and it had a door.
Izzy Moonbow: Hmmm... [gasps] That sounds just like the Wishing Tree in Bridlewood! Other than the door part. Could that be the one?
Misty: I... I don't know. I don't think I've ever actually been to Bridlewood. I was just pretending to know about it during our unicorn sleepover.
Izzy Moonbow: [deep gasp]
Misty: I'm so sorry, Izzy! I just—!
Izzy Moonbow: A unicorn who's never been to Bridlewood?! What are we waiting for?! We have to take you there! Now! Now!
Misty: I have always wanted to see where the other unicorns live.
Izzy Moonbow: I'll show you the Crystal Tea Room, and then we'll trot through the plaza and go to my house, and then we'll go skipping!
Zipp Storm: [clears throat] And we'll see if Bridlewood helps Misty remember anything else about her vision.
Izzy Moonbow: Uh, yeah! That, too!
Hitch Trailblazer: Oh, no.
Sparky Sparkeroni: [weak gurgle]
Hitch Trailblazer: Come on, buddy. You still don't want to play?
Sunny Starscout: What's going on with Sparky? He seems so tired lately.
Hitch Trailblazer: I thought he would get his energy back after Opaline drained his dragonfire, but he's been sleeping for days. I'm getting worried.
Izzy Moonbow: Well, the Bridlewood forest is known to have many healing properties, especially the Wishing Tree. [hushed] I'm not sayin' that Bridlewood has it all, but... it has it all!
Hitch Trailblazer: It's worth a shot.
Sunny Starscout: To the Mare Stream!
[bright music]
Sparky Sparkeroni: [weak gurgle]
Zipp Storm: This is your pilot, Zipp Storm, speaking. I'm expecting clear skies and smooth conditions as we cruise into our destination – Bridlewood.
Misty: Thank moons for that!
Izzy Moonbow: Whoo! Listen to that unicorn speak! Soon you'll know Bridlewood like the back of your hoof!
Sunny Starscout: If there's time, I wanna forage for some exotic forest berries for my smoothies! Do you think Alphabittle will have recommendations?
Misty: Alpha-what-le?
Pipp Petals: Take a good look, Pippsqueaks! 'Cause this is the last you'll see of my muzzle for a bit! Today, I'm going to unplug and practice "mega-Pega-mindfulness". And I'll be scoping out supplies for my upcoming all-natural hoof and mane product line! Follow me for more details for when it drops. But, y'know, don't follow me today. Get off your screens and get outside! That's where I'll be! Pipp-Pipp! Bye-bye!
Hitch Trailblazer: I really hope Izzy's right about those magical healing powers. I'll try anything to help Sparky feel like himself again.
Sunny Starscout: I'm sure we'll find something to help cure him.
Zipp Storm: And find the answers to Misty's vision! Starting our descent!
Izzy Moonbow: Misty, welcome to Bridlewood.
[bright music]
Misty: It's so... beautiful.
Izzy Moonbow: Welcome to my home! Villa Izzy! Tree sweet tree!
Misty: This is all yours?
Izzy Moonbow: Oh, well, it doesn't so much belong to me as it's a living part of the forest.
["My Little Pony" theme]
Izzy Moonbow: It's sort of like I've been tasked with tending to it and leaving it more beautiful than I found it! Know what I mean?
Misty: I think so.
Izzy Moonbow: And now it's yours, too! All of Bridlewood is!
Misty: Wow!
Misty: These were all made by unicorns?
Izzy Moonbow: You bet your crystals! Every last one!
Sparky Sparkeroni: [groaning]
Zipp Storm: So, Misty, anything jogging your memory yet?
Misty: Actually, yes.
Zipp Storm: Really?! Another vision?!
Misty: Oh. No, sorry. I meant this art. I've never seen such beautiful images of ponies who look just like me before. Or... have I?
Zipp Storm: [sighs]
Sunny Starscout: Give her time.
Zipp Storm: I don't know how much time we have!
Izzy Moonbow: [scatting] These macarons are a Bridlewood delicacy made of edible fluffyflowers.
Pipp Petals: Ooh, cute! Oh, right. Mega-Pega-mindfulness. [chomps, gasps] Neigh way! When I don't record it, I can really taste it!
Sparky Sparkeroni: [weak gurgle]
Unicorn Filly: Awww! The little dragon wants a ride! So adorable!
Hitch Trailblazer: It is adorable. But this is so unlike the usual, off-the-walls-with-energy Sparky.
Misty: [chomps] That is... incredible! And strangely familiar.
Zipp Storm: Taste can unlock new pathways in the brain. Are these treats making you think of anything new?
Misty: It's making me think... I need more! [crunching]
Zipp Storm: [groans]
Zipp Storm: These crystals have got to spark something for you.
Misty: Actually, you're right. They are just like the ones in my dream.
Sunny Starscout: Here, Sparky. Try holding this bliss-quartz.
Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgling]
Izzy Moonbow: Ooh, good eye, Sunny! Bliss-quartz boosts up positive energy! And helps you see things clearly. [mimicking echo] Clearly... clearly... clearly...
Sunny Starscout: Here, Misty. You try.
Misty: It feels... nice?
Zipp Storm: Aaaaand?
Misty: And it's so... pretty?
Zipp Storm: Ugh! It doesn't seem like you're responding to anything here!
Sunny Starscout: Just go easy on her.
Zipp Storm: I am, but we're running out of time.
Misty: [gasps]
[eerie music]
Young Misty: [giggling]
Zipp Storm: [muffled] Misty!
Young Misty: Huh?
Zipp Storm: [muffled] Misty! Misty!
Zipp Storm: Misty! Are you okay?
Sunny Starscout: Look! Her cutie mark!
Zipp Storm: It worked! You had another vision, didn't you?
Misty: Uh... I don't think it was a vision. It felt like... a memory.
Izzy Moonbow: A memory? You mean... [gasps] Maybe you are from Bridlewood?
Misty: I don't... [sighs] It's too foggy. I can't remember.
Zipp Storm: We must be on the right track! What did you see?
Misty: I think I was a filly. In that playground.
Izzy Moonbow: [gasps] I played there when I was a filly!
Zipp Storm: Uh, who were you with?
Misty: I want to know, but I just don't—
Zipp Storm: You must remember something from your fillyhood! Before Opaline? Just think!
Misty: I don't want to anymore!
Sunny Starscout: It's okay, Misty. You don't have to have all the answers right now. I'm sure you'll remember eventually. Right, Zipp?
Zipp Storm: Right. Of course. It's okay, Misty. I'm sorry.
Izzy Moonbow: Wheeee! Whoa!
Izzy Moonbow: [giggles]
[bright music]
Izzy Moonbow: [humming]
Misty: What's that?
Pipp Petals: That's Alphabittle's shop, the Crystal Tea Room.
Izzy Moonbow: Oh, you'll probably meet him later. But first, we need to visit the Wishing Tree to see if it's the tree of your dreams!
Hitch Trailblazer: And to find something even more powerful than bliss-quartz to help Sparky.
Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgling]
Queen Haven: You know, Alphabittle, you should really consider opening a second Tea Room in Zephyr Heights. The Pegasi would go wild for a shop like this.
Alphabittle: Ya think?
Queen Haven: And then I could see you more often. [sighs] With my royal duties, it's hard for me to make it to Bridlewood as often as I'd like.
Alphabittle: Well, that would be nice. But I could never leave Bridlewood.
Queen Haven: Why ever not?
Alphabittle: I just... I need to be here in case.
Queen Haven: In case of what, Alphie?
Alphabittle: In case of all sorts of things! It takes a lot of work to run a tea shop. Anyway, what do you want? Your usual? With oat milk, I assume?
Queen Haven: Hmmm...
Misty: Izzy, you were right! This is the same tree from my vision! Let me see. The bunnycorn led me here, but then... there was a glowing door. Where is it?
Zipp Storm: Everypony, split up! Look for that door!
Izzy Moonbow: This is weird. I like it! [humming]
Pipp Petals: No door this way!
Hitch Trailblazer: I've got nothing either!
Misty: [gasps]
Young Misty: Hello?! Is anypony there?!
Mysterious Voice: Misty!
Young Misty: I'm right here!
Mysterious Voice: Misty, come back!
Young Misty: Why can't they hear me?!
Mysterious Voice: Misty, where are you?!
Young Misty: I'm here! [gasping] Help me! [crying]
Misty: [crying]
Sunny Starscout: Misty! Oh, what happened?
Izzy Moonbow: Hey, hey, you're safe now.
Misty: I remember more of it now. I did live here when I was small. But then one day, I went out collecting glowpaz crystals, and I got lost in the forest. And when I tried to make my way back, Bridlewood... was gone. Just... gone.
Sunny Starscout: [gasps] Misty, your cutie mark! It's glowing stronger!
Hitch Trailblazer: It's doing something to the tree. Look!
[bright music]
Izzy Moonbow: Your powers are changing the Wishing Tree?!
Pipp Petals: Be present, Pipp. I don't need to film this right now. It's way better to be mindful.
[epic music]
[sounds of awe]
Pipp Petals: Did anybody get that on video?!
Misty: I... I did that?
Zipp Storm: [chuckles] Whoa! I think so!
[flapping sounds]
Sunny Starscout: What's that sound? Is the tree vibrating?
Izzy Moonbow: No. It... it sounds like... [gasps] No, it couldn't be! I didn't think they were real!
Zipp Storm: You didn't think what was real?!
Izzy Moonbow: Ah! Oh! [laughs] Breezies!
[wings flapping]
Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgles softly]
Sunny Starscout: No way! My dad always told me bedtime ponytales about Breezies!
[phone beeps]
Pipp Petals: Wait! Wait! This is not content! This is a real moment! Experience it, Pipp! [sighs] Pleasure to meet you. I'm Princess Pipp Petals of Zephyr Heights. And you must be...
Breezies: [high-pitched gibberish]
Pipp Petals: Tiny pixie pony of... tree?
Zipp Storm: What in the hay are Breezies?! And most importantly, are they dangerous?!
Hitch Trailblazer: What? Of course not.
Breezie 1: [high-pitched gibberish]
Hitch Trailblazer: They're just excited to see us.
Breezie 2: [high-pitched gibberish]
Hitch Trailblazer: These two say they haven't seen other ponies for a long time.
Sunny Starscout: You know Breezie language, too?
Hitch Trailblazer: It's our pony language, but at too high of a speed for most to understand them.
Zipp Storm: I can help with that! Watch this. What were you saying again?
Breezie 1: [high-pitched gibberish]
Breezie 2: [high-pitched gibberish]
Zipp Storm: Now, I'll just slow it down.
Breezie 1: [playback] We haven't seen new friends for hundreds of moons! We have a special treat for you!
Breezie 2: [playback] Follow us, new friends! The Night Market awaits!
Misty: Night Market? What's that, Izzy?
Izzy Moonbow: [gasps] I have no idea! Something in Bridlewood I never knew about?! I've gotta see this! [giggling]
[epic music]
Sunny Starscout: Wow!
[bright music]
Breezie 1: [high-pitched gibberish]
Misty: Wow!
Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgling]
[sounds of awe]
Sunny Starscout: How'd they do this? It looks like it goes on forever! I can't believe this has all been hiding inside the Wishing Tree!
Breezie 3: [high-pitched gibberish]
Breezie 3: [playback] In these stalls, there are magical items and secrets that have been lost to your ponykind for generations!
Sunny Starscout: Really?!
Hitch Trailblazer: Hear that, Sparks? This wonderful place has gotta have something to get you feeling better in no time!
Misty: And maybe more answers to my past.
Zipp Storm: Only one way to find out!
Queen Haven: I understand if you're not ready to share everything about your life with me, but I feel like you're avoiding my questions.
Alphabittle: Breezies?!
Queen Haven: Please stop changing the subject. And that's nonsense. There's no such thing as... Aah! [gasps] Oh, my!
Cloudpuff: [barking]
Queen Haven: It's okay, Cloudpuff! These are... ponies!
Alphabittle: Uh, mm, uh... Welcome to my shop. May I offer you some... tea? Hmm. Well, okay, sure. Whatever you want.
Queen Haven: It seems like they're trying to tell us something.
Alphabittle: Wow. You don't see this every day. Or any day. Ever. Hmm.
Cloudpuff: [barking]
Alphabittle: Okay, everypony! I'm closing early! Let's go see what this is about!
Pipp Petals: Oh... I can't use my phone to look up which ingredients would work in my new beauty line. So I'll have to go on instinct.
Izzy Moonbow: Oh! How do you do that?
Pipp Petals: Like the Pegasi who came before me! I'll base it on touch and smell. [sniffing] Mmm. Safflower. That could be nice. [sniffing] Oh! Mm-mm. Not that one. [sniffing] Ooh! I'm getting notes of grapeseed, jasmine... [sniffing] ...and glitter essence? I'll take this one! How much?
Breezie: [high-pitched gibberish]
Pipp Petals: Wait, wait, wait! I can't trade my phone! I may be getting better at this "being present" thing, but that is too far!
Izzy Moonbow: [squeals] This fabric will be perfect for new curtains for the Crystal Brighthouse! Oh, thank you, unicorn ancestors, for guiding us to this secret trove of treasures!
Hitch Trailblazer: The Breezies said this oil has been used to revitalize pony energy since the earliest days of Equestria. Maybe it'll work on dragons? What do you think, Sparky?
Sparky Sparkeroni: [sniffing, gurgling]
Hitch Trailblazer: [groans]
[soft music]
Sunny Starscout: [gasps] This reminds me of something my dad used to have. Oh, if only he could see me now. Perusing precious objects thought to be lost to history.
Zipp Storm: He'd be so proud. Or jealous! [laughs] So, uh, how about you, Misty? Getting any clues about... Huh? Misty?
Young Misty: [breathing heavily, gasps, whimpering]
[indistinct chatter]
Young Misty: No!
Misty: [gasps]
Zipp Storm: What did you just see?
Misty: I... I was shopping at a place a little like this. It was definitely Bridlewood. Unicorns everywhere. But I couldn't see who I was with.
Zipp Storm: I wonder what it was around here that triggered the memory this time.
Zipp Storm: Aah!
Cloudpuff: [barking]
Zipp Storm: Cloudpuff?! [laughs] Where did you come from? Mom must be here.
Cloudpuff: [barking]
Queen Haven: [boisterous laugh]
Zipp Storm: I'll be right back!
Queen Haven: Darling! I didn't know you were here! How lovely! Can you believe this remarkable place? I've never seen anything like this in all my days.
Alphabittle: So you're saying if I can correctly guess what herbs you used in this tea, you'll give me the whole bag? You're on! I've never met a tea blend I can't name in three sips! [slurps] Hmm...
Pipp Petals: [grunting]
Zipp Storm: [laughs] Hey, sis. How's the mega-Pega-mindfulness going?
Pipp Petals: A-mazingly. I've never felt more clear. Can't say the same for these Breezies, though.
Breezie 1: [high-pitched gibberish]
Breezie 1: [playback] I've never seen magic like this before!
Breezies: [angry high-pitched gibberish]
Pipp Petals: I tried to take it away from them, but they just started crying. [hushed] I think they might have a real problem.
Sunny Starscout: Mind if I stop here? Those fruits look out of this world! Or should I say "inside this tree"! [laughs] Because inside the tree... [sighs] Okay.
Misty: Sure, I'll, uh, wait over here.
Breezie 3: [high-pitched gibberish]
Misty: Uh, what? Me?
Breezie 3: [high-pitched gibberish]
Misty: Hey, wait up!
Breezie 3: [high-pitched gibberish]
Misty: A key? But I-I don't understand. What is this for? [reading] "This enchanted key will take you to the place you most want to go. One-time use only"? Why is this so familiar?
[low hum]
Misty: It belongs to the door in my memory! But how did you know—? What? Where did you go? Hello? Sunny?! Wait! No!
Queen Haven: Alphie! Your cutie mark!
Alphabittle: Look at that! Must be the magical properties of this tea. Or the thrill of a new challenge! Saddles off to you! I haven't tasted oolong that smooth in... ooh, a long time!
Zipp Storm: Hmm. That's so strange. That's been happening to our unicorn friend all day, too.
Alphabittle: You mean Izzy?
Zipp Storm: No. A new friend. You haven't met her yet because she was living... You know, never mind. It's a long story. Oh, here they are. I'll introduce you right now. Uh, where's Misty?
Sunny Starscout: I last saw her at the berry booth. I thought she'd left to find you.
Sunny Starscout and Zipp Storm: [gasp]
Zipp Storm: We gotta find her!
Sunny Starscout: Misty, where are you?!
Pipp Petals: Come back!
Zipp Storm: Misty?!
Izzy Moonbow: Come back!
Hitch Trailblazer: Where'd she go?!
Zipp Storm: She's... gone!
[ominous music]