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Episode | The Point of No Return |
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- Spike: Whoa!
- [thud!]
- Spike: Twilight, mail's here!
- [doors opening]
- Twilight Sparkle: [gasps]
- [squeak]
- Twilight Sparkle: Are you all right?
- Derpy: We just had a really heavy delivery today.
- Spike: Is it a deluxe set of special edition Ogres & Oubliettes figurines that I'm totally surprised by and have been hinting that I need forever?
- Derpy: Well, it's for Twilight.
- Spike: Awww...
- Twilight Sparkle: Thank you.
- Derpy: You're welcome!
- Twilight Sparkle: Huh. It's from Princess Celestia.
- Spike: [belches] So is this. Really? She couldn't have put it into the box?
- Twilight Sparkle: [reading] "My dearest Twilight, I have been conducting a thorough cleaning of the castle, and I came across a few items of yours in your old room. I thought you might want them back." I didn't even know I'd left anything! Awww, look! Remember this? It's the macaroni picture frame Cadance helped me make when I was a filly!
- Spike: [quietly, sarcastic] Who could forget a masterpiece like that?
- Twilight Sparkle: My G1 Star Swirl figure! And some of my favorite school scrolls! And here's my extra extra credit report on "The Impediments of Using Magic in Everyday Chores"! Ha! Still so true!
- Spike: Is my Smash Fortune comic in there? I've been looking for that for years. Whoa, whoa!
- [thud]
- Spike: [muffled] Or this.
- Twilight Sparkle: Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!
- Spike: What's wrong? It just looks like an old library book.
- Twilight Sparkle: Exactly! It belongs to the Canterlot Library! That means it's... overdue!
- Twilight Sparkle: You don't understand, Spike! I have a perfect library book return record!
- Spike: [clears throat] Had a perfect record.
- Twilight Sparkle: [groans] I've never turned in a book even a minute late! And this one has been overdue since I left for Ponyville!
- [stamping]
- Dusty Pages: Make sure you bring this one back on time. We've got a long waiting list of ponies who can't wait to read it.
- Twilight Sparkle: I promise I won't let you down!
- Dusty Pages: Oh, of course, you won't, dear. If there's anypony I can trust to take care of a book, it's you, Twilight Sparkle. After all, you still hold the "Best Book Borrower" title.
- Twilight Sparkle: Oooh! I hope I do forever!
- Twilight Sparkle: Spi-ike! Quick, find me that old copy of Predictions and Prophecies. What's that for?
- Spike: Well, it was a gift for Moon Dancer, but...
- Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Spike, you know we don't have time for that sort of thing.
- Twilight Sparkle: And then Celestia sent me to Ponyville, and I forgot all about this! Dusty Pages prided herself that no books were damaged or lost on her watch, and I failed her! I failed myself!
- Spike: I take it we're going to Canterlot?
- [zip!]
- Spike: [groans] The sooner, the better, I guess.
- Twilight Sparkle: [gasps]
- [leaves rustling]
- Spike: Uh, why are we hiding? Don't you wanna return your book?
- Twilight Sparkle: Yes. But what if somepony sees me in there? I'm the Princess of Friendship. Everywhere I go, ponies recognize me. I'll stick out like a sore hoof.
- Spike: [incredulously] Princess Twilight Sparkle in a library? Stop the presses!
- Twilight Sparkle: A late book is a big deal, Spike. What if Dusty Pages revokes my library card? Or bans me from ever entering the building again?!
- Spike: Don't you already have most of those books in your collection at home?
- Twilight Sparkle: Yes, but the ones in there have a special Canterlot Library-y smell!
- Spike: You sniff books?
- Twilight Sparkle: You don't? I used to live in a library. If I'm not a good example of proper book borrowing behavior, then what kind of princess am I?
- Spike: One that makes mistakes like everypony else. Trust me. Once you return that book, you'll feel way better.
- Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, Spike. Let's go! [screams, giggles nervously]
- Spike: [groans]
- [teleportation zaps]
- Twilight Sparkle: [gasps, clears throat, deep voice] I have a book to return.
- Librarian Pony: Princess Twilight! So good to see you!
- Twilight Sparkle: [groans]
- Librarian Pony: Need some recommendations from the new release section?
- Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] Is that the new edition of Mooncurve's Seven Theories on Bending Time? I have been waiting for the release sinā Uh, I mean, uh, no books today! [chuckles] Thanks!
- [ponies gasp]
- Twilight Sparkle: But I do need to speak with Dusty Pages about a... [clears throat] sensitive matter.
- Librarian Pony: Dusty who?
- Twilight Sparkle: [nervous laugh] Dusty Pages? The head librarian? She's worked here forever.
- Librarian Pony: I'm sorry, princess. I don't know her. Now, was there some other way I can help the library's Best Book Borrower?
- Twilight Sparkle: [nervous giggle]
- Spike: [hushed] Just ask where to return an overdue book! It's no big deal! It happens all the time!
- Twilight Sparkle: [hushed] Not to me it doesn't! [sighs] Fine. Fine! Oh, no! I didn't even think about the late fine! A book out this long will probably cost a thousand bits!
- Spike: Sheā I mean, we have an overdue book.
- Librarian Pony: [laughs] Well, that's no problem at all. In fact, it happens all the time.
- Spike: See?
- Librarian Pony: I'll just find it in the card catalog. Uh, number one-eight-nine-oh-five, got it! [laughs] Oh, wow. Yeesh. I haven't seen a book this late in... well, ever. [clears throat] You need to go and see First Folio in the Grossly Overdue Book Return Office for Ponies Who Should Know Better.
- Twilight Sparkle: Don't pull any punches with those names, do you?
- Spike: And that office would be...?
- Librarian Pony: In the basement. [whispering] Because of the shame.
- [thud]
- Spike: Whoa. [strains] Looks like nopony ever goes down here.
- Twilight Sparkle: Nopony except undependable rule-breakers who deserve all the horrors this hallway holds!
- Spike: And faithful dragon companions. Uh... hey! It looks like First Folio left a note on the door!
- Twilight Sparkle: "Abandon hope, all ye who enter"?
- Spike: [reading] "Out to lunch on Restaurant Row." Guess we'll have to try back later!
- Twilight Sparkle: No! I can't wait another minute to return this book! In the time it took us to get there, I racked up another... seventeen bits in late fees! We're going to lunch!
- Spike: Good, 'cause I'm starving! [licks lips]
- [beat]
- Spike: Oh. You mean to find First Folio. Can we at least get takeout?!
- Twilight Sparkle: Tell me if you see any librarian-type ponies.
- Spike: Twilight, we tried this at three other restaurants already!
- Twilight Sparkle: And my late fines are already up another twenty-six more bits!
- Spike: [mock-sobbing]
- Pretzel: Waiter, we're ready to order.
- Spike: Oh, uh, I'm not actuallyā
- Pretzel: Three samosas, two curry specials... Do you think that's enough for the two of us?
- Spike: Hm. Well, I would probably order some naan as well. For the table?
- Pretzel: Sounds great.
- Moon Dancer: Twilight? Is that you?
- Twilight Sparkle: Moon Dancer! How've you been? I'm just visiting. No real reason. Heh.
- Moon Dancer: Well, it's good to see you! I'm just meeting my friend, First Folio, for lunch. Do you want to join us?
- Twilight Sparkle: First Folio?! Yes! I mean, thank you.
- First Folio: Princess Twilight, good to meet you! Did you know your picture is still up in our library as the Best Book Borrower?
- Twilight Sparkle: Yeah... I was hoping I could talk to Dusty Pages about that.
- Moon Dancer: Oh, Dusty Pages left the library moons ago. Didn't you know?
- Twilight Sparkle: Mm-mm.
- First Folio: Oh, I heard she was forced to leave. It's so sad. She loved the library.
- Twilight Sparkle: Wait. Forced to leave?
- First Folio: Yuh-huh, uh-huh, yeah. She had a perfect librarian record. Until one careless pony didn't return a book, ruined it all.
- Moon Dancer: Are you okay, Twilight?
- Twilight Sparkle: [nervously] Uh-huh. Would, uh, you excuse me?
- [whoosh]
- [spinning]
- Spike: That's why you only order spicy if you can take it. Twilight, what's wrong?
- Twilight Sparkle: Dusty Pages isn't working at the library any more because I didn't return this book! Spike, I think I got her fired!
- [brake skids]
- Spike: Twilight, the library is that way!
- Twilight Sparkle: Change of plans. We're going to Dusty's house. She used to invite me over for tea all the time.
- Spike: But what about your late fees?
- Twilight Sparkle: They're not as important as making things right.
- Spike: Wait. So you're not going to return the book?
- Twilight Sparkle: No. Dusty Pages is. It's my fault she lost her job. So if I give her the book, she can get her old job back. It'll fix everything! [sighs]
- [knocking]
- [door opens]
- Meathead Pony: Didn't you see the sign? No salesponies!
- Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I'm not selling anything.
- Meathead Pony: No carolers either. No surveys, no petitions, no free literature...
- [thud]
- Twilight Sparkle: No problem. I'm just looking for somepony who used to live here. I'm pretty sure this was her house.
- Meathead Pony: Dusty Pages?
- Twilight Sparkle: Yes!
- Meathead Pony: Hold on. She moved to... Silver somethin'. Shoals, Seas, Surfer, whatever. When you find her, give her this.
- [thud]
- Meathead Pony: It's been stackin' up for years! And tell her to change her address!
- [door slams]
- [montage music]
- [knocking]
- [squeaking]
- Twilight Sparkle: [reading] "Silver Stable Community: For the best golden years." This has to be it!
- Spike: I hope so. It's the last "Silver" spot on the map we haven't looked.
- [door opens]
- Spike: [straining] [gasps] Whoa! This place isā
- Twilight Sparkle: Terrible, I know! There's not a single bookshelf in sight!
- Sand Trap: [snoring]
- Twilight Sparkle: Poor Dusty... [to receptionist] Excuse me!
- "Teddie Safari": Yes, how may I help you?
- Twilight Sparkle: Do you have a resident named Dusty Pages?
- "Teddie Safari": Oh, yes. Her apartment is in the next complex, ground floor.
- Twilight Sparkle: Thank you!
- Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe that my carelessness sent her here, when she could be happily surrounded by millions of wonderful-smelling books!
- Spike: You realize that might just be a you thing, right?
- Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] There she is! Here we go. [exhales]
- [knocking]
- [long pause]
- [watch ticking]
- Twilight Sparkle: [groans]
- Spike: She's bound to be back soon. Maybe we should just wait here.
- Twilight Sparkle: No. We are fixing this now. This place isn't that big. We can find her.
- Twilight Sparkle: Sorry to interrupt your plein air painting, but we're looking for Dusty Pages. Have you seen her?
- Apple Rose: Sure have!
- [beat]
- Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] And...?
- Apple Rose: She had to leave early to get to her fengbi de ti session.
- Old Stallion: Which is right before she leads the woodworking class with me. Then she's on to windsurfing.
- Apple Rose: Ooh, and don't forget theatre rehearsal! Dusty's playing the lead role. Again.
- Old Stallion: Then there's her band practice later.
- Twilight Sparkle: Thank you!
- Spike: Wow. Dusty sounds like one busy pony.
- Twilight Sparkle: Oh, she's just filling her days with distractions to cover the pain of losing the best job ever! But not for long!
- [montage music]
- [gate swinging]
- [teleportation zap]
- [hammer tapping]
- [door shuts and opens]
- [splash]
- [more splashes]
- [door opens]
- [door opens]
- [band playing music]
- Twilight Sparkle: Dusty Pages, finally! Come on, Spike!
- Spike: Wait. She looks pretty happy up there.
- Twilight Sparkle: Trust me, it's all an act. She'll be a lot happier when I deliver the news that she can go back to working at the library!
- [music abruptly stops]
- Twilight Sparkle: Care to take five, everypony?
- Dusty Pages: Ah! Twilight Sparkle?! My stars! It's so wonderful to see you! What are you doing here?
- Twilight Sparkle: I've been looking all over Equestria for you!
- [thud]
- Twilight Sparkle: I need to tell you something.
- Dusty Pages: Well, you brought my mail! Oh, thank you! [chuckles]
- Twilight Sparkle: No. I mean, yes, we did, but that's not why we're here. I let you down, and I can't forgive myself until I set things right.
- Dusty Pages: I don't remember you doing anything wrong.
- Twilight Sparkle: You told me to take care of a special book I checked out from the Canterlot Library, and I never brought it back!
- Dusty Pages: [gasps] It was you that had that book out? The one that broke my perfect record?
- Twilight Sparkle: But now you can bring it to Canterlot Library and get your job back!
- Dusty Pages: No, thank you! I don't ever need to see that library again! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.
- [band playing music]
- Spike: [snapping fingers]
- Twilight Sparkle: Do you mind?
- [music pauses, continues softly]
- Spike: [slurping]
- Twilight Sparkle: I don't understand. If Dusty Pages won't go back to Canterlot Library and explain everything, then she won't be able to get her job back. Even worse, her record will remain imperfect!
- Spike: And yours will, too?
- Twilight Sparkle: Well, yeah! But that doesn't matter any more!
- Spike: [dryly] Really?
- Twilight Sparkle: Well, maybe a little bit. Oh, no, bits! The late fines! How much do I owe now?!
- [abacus clicking]
- Spike: Uhhh... you don't wanna know.
- Twilight Sparkle: [groans] It would've been worth all the bits in Equestria if I had made things right with Dusty! I wish I knew why she won't go back!
- Spike: Why don't you ask her?
- Twilight Sparkle: She didn't seem to want to talk.
- Spike: You surprised her, and she probably had something else on her schedule. That thing is packed! Come on. What have you got to lose?
- Twilight Sparkle: Now that I've messed up this much? Nothing. You're right, Spike. It's worth a try. Where do you think she went? Crochet? Bingo?
- [splat]
- Twilight Sparkle: A squishy fruit food-fight tournament?!
- [splats]
- Spike: Hey, everypony! We come inā
- [splat]
- Spike: Eh, pieces.
- [splats]
- [teleportation zap]
- [splats]
- Twilight Sparkle: Stop! We just want to talk to Dusty Pages for a moment! Please?
- Dusty Pages: Time out! [to Twilight] Next time, you should rent gear.
- Spike: We're not actually here for the game.
- Twilight Sparkle: I was hoping you'd give me another chance to talk to you about the library book.
- Dusty Pages: [sighs] This really means a lot to you, doesn't it?
- Twilight Sparkle: Mm-hmm. I know I ruined your life by not returning my book on time, and I will do anything I can to make it up to you. Even promise to never take a book out of a library again, if that's what it takes.
- [ponies gasp]
- Dusty Pages: [laughs]
- Spike: That is not the reaction we expected.
- Dusty Pages: Twilight, dear, you've got it all backwards! I'm not upset with you!
- Twilight Sparkle: You're not?
- Dusty Pages: No! If I'm mad at anypony, it's me.
- [tapping]
- Dusty Pages: All those years I spent hiding away in that library, trying to be perfect. When your book never came in, I felt something exhilarating!
- Twilight Sparkle: What was it?
- Dusty Pages: Freedom.
- Spike: From books?
- Dusty Pages: From perfection! I was too stubborn to know when to call it quits! It took your mistake to make me realize that I wasn't living the life I wanted!
- Twilight Sparkle: You mean you weren't fired? You left the library because you wanted to?
- Dusty Pages: Twilight, your late book was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now I'm not afraid to try things I might fail at. In fact, sometimes messing up teaches me more than getting it right!
- Twilight Sparkle: You're sure you don't want to return it and get that perfect record back?
- [splat]
- Twilight Sparkle: [strangled scream]
- Dusty Pages: Ah, good. It was a yellow one. You can still see the words.
- Twilight Sparkle: But it'll have a stain!
- Dusty Pages: That doesn't change the truth inside it. Wait. Did you even read that thing?
- Twilight Sparkle: Actually, uh, no, I guess I didn't.
- [splat]
- Twilight Sparkle: [reading] "Perfection".
- Dusty Pages: And the next part?
- Twilight Sparkle: [reading] "The Impossible Pursuit".
- Spike and Dusty Pages: [laughing]
- Twilight Sparkle: Oh. That might've been useful to look at earlier.
- First Folio: Uh-huh... Your total late fees come to...
- Twilight Sparkle: However much it is, I'll cover it. Uh, do you have a monthly payment plan?
- First Folio: Twenty-eight bits.
- Twilight Sparkle and Spike: [gasps]
- Spike: That's it?!
- First Folio: Yah-huh. Most ponies don't know that it caps at a month. Probably 'cause we don't tell them. [snorts]
- [bits clinking]
- First Folio: Thank you. Your account is back to normal. Although we will be taking down your Best Book Borrower picture.
- Twilight Sparkle: Um, is that really necessary? Heh. It just seems so permanent. Heh. I mean, I did return the book, after all.
- Spike: [clears throat]
- Twilight Sparkle: Okay. Letting the perfection go. [sighs] You want me to reshelve this for you?
- First Folio: No, it's an old edition. We've already replaced it with a new copy.
- Spike: In that case, can we keep it? It might be a good reminder to have around.
- First Folio: You sure? It's got a stain.
- Twilight Sparkle: That's what makes it perfect.
- [credits]