Twilight, as seen for the first time.
Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts, ask Twilight to join them.
Trying to come up with an good excuse.
It's like, she doesn't have room for friends.
Running as fast as she can.
Twilight: "There you are. Quick, find me that old copy of Predictions and Prophecies."
Why is this book on the ground?
"'Elements of Harmony'..."
"...See: 'Mare in the Moon'?"
Twilight reads the myth of the Mare in the Moon.
"Spike! Do you know what this means?"
"Take a note please, to the Princess."
"... We are on the precipice of disaster!"
"Ugh, that something really bad is about to happen!"
"For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon..."
"Nightmare Moon! And she's about to return and bring with her eternal night!"
"Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true."
"I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."
"It's imperative that the Princess is told right away!"
"The Princess trusts me completely."
"In all the years she's been my mentor she's never once doubted me."
"See? I knew she would want to take immediate action."
" ...but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books!"
"My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying."
"So, I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location... Ponyville."
"And I have an even more essential task for you to complete:"
"Yes, yes it does. You know why? Because I'm right!"
"I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon's return."
"Then... when will you make friends, like the Princess said?"
"She said to check on preparations. I am her student, and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends."
Big McIntosh's first appearance.
Spike: "Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about."
"Come on, Twilight, just try!"
"Well, that was interesting all right."
Number one, Banquet Preparations: Sweet Apple Acres!
Let's get this over with
My name is Twilight Sparkle, and...
Well, howdy-do Miss Twilight, pleasure making your acquaintance.
"Frieeeeeeeeeeendss? Actuallyyyyyyyyyyyy, I..."
Twilight you can stopping shaking your hoof now.
Spike,stopping Twilight's shaky hoof.
What are you laughing at?
Well, I'm here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you're in charge of the food?
We sure are, would you care to sample some?
Applejack's large family overwhelms poor, introverted Twilight.
Why don't I introduce you to the Apple Family?
Thanks, but I really need to hurry...
This here's Apple Fritter
Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp....
I'd say you're already part of the family!
Hehe...I see that you have the food under control, I'll be on my way...
Sad, disappointed Apple Bloom.
"Ughh, I ate too much pie."
Standing there all innocently.
Twilight's first contact with Rainbow Dash.
Wait, are those ripples in the mud supposed to be...
Twilight dazed in the mud.
Twilight all wet from Rainbow's rain cloud.
Twilight's messed up mane from the Rain-blow dry.
Wait, you're Rainbow Dash?
The most awesome flier ever.
I'm checking on the preparations.
You're going to join the Wonderbolts?
I bet, they wouldn't want to accept somepony like you.
Admiring the decorations that Rarity has put up.
I think someone's hooked.
"Just a moment, please! I'm 'in the zone', as it were."
I'm just here to check on the decor.
Come on, lets get you spruced up.
The work of Claude Monet.
Sporting a powdered wig look.
Um... Where are Twi's eyes?
Rarity torturing Twilight.
"Oh, we're gonna be the best of friends."
"Emeralds?! What was I thinking?"
"Let me get you some rubies!"
"Quick, let's get the heck outta here before she dyes my coat a new color!"
Twilight pointing at Fluttershy
"Didn't quite catch that."
...... well this is an awkward moment...
...... okaaaay... nice talking with you...
*Bump!* Twilight goes flying.
She opens up to Spike, much to Twilight's dismay.
This is gonna be a long walk.
... and that's the story of my life!
I arrived at my residence
Making up an excuse to get away from Fluttershy.
That's all right, but you can go now
Twilight derping in the darkness
Twilight sees a bunch of ponies.
Twilight, seems unsure about a hyper Pinkie.
What kind of party would this be
School in one word: BOOOORRR-IIIIINNGG!
Pinkie, is one talkative pony.
I just had to throw a party, ya know?
I saw you before,and you had no friends.
Confound this social interaction, it drives me to drink
"And now you have lots and lots of friends!"
Mmf... Did you just say... FRIENDS?
Twilight with red puffy cheeks.
Twilight, much like her flaming self in Feeling Pinkie Keen.
Spike, just leave Twi alone, she's not feeling so good.
I mean really, is it just an old pony's tale?
"...I'd have time to learn about the Elements of Harmony."
"All this ridiculous friend-making..."
"...has kept me from it!"
Twilight doesn't exactly feel well after the pegasus flight-cart thing and the hot-sauce incident. *Oolp!*
And now, she might as well throw up right now, her facial expression says it all.
Twilight in the vision of the moon in her eyes.
Twilight looks pensive when the Summer Sun Celebration begins.
Twilight knows what will happen.
Taking a glance outside, full of worries.
Ugh, now I'm gonna throw up for real. Spike, get off me.
Oh no, everypony is watching me!
Twilight causing ruckus while searching for answers.
"How can I stop Nightmare Moon?"
Twilight never saw it coming.
"And what are the Elements of Harmony?"
"And how did you know about Nightmare Moon?"
Applejack shows up and pulls back Rainbow Dash, telling her to "simmer down".
"I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon."
"Are the only things that can stop her."
"I don't even know what they do!"
Twilight pushes Pinkie away.
"How did you find that?!"
"There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery."
"It is said, the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters."
"It is located in what is now--"
Ponies vs. the Everfree Forest
Well, what are you waiting for?
"I appreciate the offer."
"I'd really rather do this on my own."
Did Applejack just call me a friend?
Twilight and the others walk through the forest.
Applejack tells her to "quit it".
Twilight and Applejack begin to fall.
The ponies start to fall.
Twilight falling near the edge.
Twilight, trusts Applejack.
Twilight's leap of faith.
Twilight thinking- " I could care less Rainbow."
Charging against the manticore
Twilight, with a confused look.
The friends are astonished to hear Fluttershy saying, "Shh... it's okay."
"How did you know about the thorn?"
Twilight thinking of Fluttershy's words.
Something scary is bound to happen.
Twilight isn't the only one screaming her head off.
"Pinkie what are you doing? Run!"
How did Pinkie get up there?
I'm only laughing because of peer pressure.
Twilight enjoying a good laugh.
Their path is impeded by a river.
Ok, the map says... What the Heck River
"I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me..."
"...and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off."
"And now I look simply horrid!"
The ponies, all soggy and wet
*Slice* So I'm thinking... "SHE KILLED HIM?!"
Oh, never mind. She killed her tail.
"Oh. It's fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it'll grow back."
Twilight thinking of Rarity's action.
Rainbow Dash breaking Twilight's train of thought.
"We can cross now! Lets go!"
"What is it with you and falling off cliffs today?"
Twilight thinking of Rainbow Dash's loyal act.
Look closely at the elements on the stone rack. 1 2 3 4 5 6
"No! Only 5 elements!" (Look at the previous picture!)
Pinkie: There are 6 elements on the stone rack. Go back to kindergarten, Twilight.
"I'm not sure but I have an idea."
"Stand back! I don't know what will happen."
Twilight Sparkle using her trademark scream.
Twilight Sparkle laying her eyes on Night Mare Moon.
You don't scare me Night Mare.
Twilight Sparkle never backs down.
Twilight feeling a minor side affect of teleportation.
But not the spark Twilight expected.
"Where's the six element!" Duh, on the stone rack.
Until she hears the elements.
"You think you can destroy the elements of harmony!"
"Because the spirits of the elements of harmony..."
"A different kind of spark!"
Twilight with tears in her eyes.
Oh, there's the sixth element.
Revealing the sixth Element.
Twilight's crown, the Element of Magic.
Time to defeat Nightmare Moon.
Twilight's Big Crown Thingy.
"You told me it was all an old pony tale."
Twilight getting a big hug from Spike.
Twilight listening to Princess Celestia.
Giving Twilight a new task.
Twilight's friends are glad, she's staying.
Twilight with her, best friends forever!