"Congratulations, Silverstream!"
"You're officially the first..."
"I don't know how to thank you, Professor Dash!"
"You're kicking off our show right now!"
"I don't have my uniform!"
It's not what it looks like!
"I am merely the messenger."
"You all must hurry. The Tree of Harmony needs you."
Twilight: Young Six, say the name.
You know that won't work on me, Cell.
"There you are! The hive has been worried sick!"
"Why did you leave without telling us?"
"The last time you and your friends did that, it almost brought our kingdoms to war!"
"Sorry, Thorax. It was an emergency!"
"But she's not a dragon."
Breathing into a paper bag.
"Headmare Twilight is gonna be so mad..."
"...when she sees what you guys did to the Cave of Harmony!"
"Yeah, like some rainbow art project was better?"
Well, that was uncalled for.